• Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs


    The soldiers are being dunked into the soft boiled egg!

    One of my daughters has a new favorite breakfast treat – Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs!  My husband was the one who introduced her to this new breakfast dish and it was a hit!  Our family tries to have a sit down Saturday morning breakfast or brunch.  We try to have at least one meal a day where we all sit down and eat together as a family.  During the week that meal is in the evenings for dinner, but on Saturday we try to do it in the morning since many Saturday afternoons and evenings are taken up with other activities.

    My husband is an amazing cook and will often introduce the kids to new recipes or come up with his on completely new recipe.  Which always turns out delicious!  I don’t think he has ever made anything that didn’t taste yummy!   Myself on the other hand….well….let’s just say there have been a few dishes or recipes I have made that we can laugh about now as a family, ha!

    The best part about Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs is that they are pretty easy to make.  The “soldiers” are just bread that is toasted, buttered, and cut into strips.  The soldiers are perfect for dunking into the delicious thick and runny egg yolk!

    A soft boiled egg is a perfect combination between poached and hard boiled egg.  To make soft boiled eggs you bring a pot of salted water to a boil.  Gently add your eggs to the boiling water and cover the top of the pan.  Reduce the heat to low and let them cook for 5 minutes.  (While your eggs are boiling make your soldiers.)  Remove the eggs from the boiling water and rinse the eggs with cold water.

    Once your soft boiled egg is done cut off the top and serve immediately with your toast soldiers!  After you are done dunking all your soldiers and your egg yolk is gone you can peel and eat the rest of your egg.

    My daughter loves this breakfast.  I think dunking the soldiers in the egg yolks has a certain appeal, but she enjoys the taste too.  Always love it when we come up with fun and healthy recipes!


    Dunking her soldiers into the soft boiled egg yolk.

    Soft Boiled Eggs & Toast Soldiers

    Typically we do one piece of toast per two eggs, but it really depends on how much you want to dunk or the amount of yolk you want on each soldier.

  • Living on a Budget: Groceries $40 for 4

    Jake was traveling for work most of the week and I had a lot of appointments for myself and the girls but I was able to squeeze in a quick trip to the grocery store.  Here is my weekly update on our Groceries $40 for 4.

    Groceries from Ingles, Walgreens, and Save A Lot | RiteAid

    Ingles Groceries:

    • $37.14 at Ingles for 6 containers Fresh Strawberries (marked down to $0.99 on clearance), 3 bags Fresh Oranges (4 pounds each marked down to $0.99 each), 3 limes, 1 box Roarin Twirling Berry Drinks (10 count), 1 box Roarin Twirling Fruit Punch (10 count), 1 box Laura Lynn Oatmeal, 5 packs Kool Aide, 2 packs Wylers, 4 cartons Minute Maid Cherry Limeades, 2 boxes Go-Gurt Strawberry and Blueberry (10 count each), 1 pack Laura Lynn Sliced Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 1 pack English Muffins, 1 large bag Pepperoni, 1 pack Potatoes, 1 small pack Pepperoni and 1 fresh Pineapple.  (All the items were on clearance, marked down or on sale.  I was able to use a couple coupons as well.)

    Walgreen Groceries:

    • $0.00 at Walgreens for 2 cartons of Eggs, a dozen each.  (Used Register Rewards to pay for the eggs).

    Save A Lot | RiteAid Groceries:

    • 20.49 at Save A Lot | RiteAid for 1 bag Granny Smith Apples (3 pounds), 1 bag Red Delicious Apples (3 pounds), 2 bags Carrots, 2 packs KoolAid Drinks (6 count each), 2 bags Cheddar Chex Mix, 1 bag Fresh Spinach (marked down on clearance), 1 fresh Green Pepper, 1 box Frosted Flakes, 1 stalk fresh Celery, 1 can Cinnamon Rolls, 1 box Little Hugs Reduced Sugar Drinks (20 count), and 1 fresh Cucumber


    Groceries from Walgreens

    Walgreens Groceries:

    • $0.00 at Walgreens for 1 gallon Milk and 2 cartons of Eggs (They had their eggs marked down to $0.99 each this week and they are still the best price I can find on milk in our area. I used Register Rewards to pay for the milk and eggs today.  We should be stocked up on eggs for a few days.)

    We were able to stock up on some great items this week.  Although we were a  little over we have two celebrations going on this weekend.  The girls Birthday party and Valentine’s Day!

    This week I spent $57.63 on groceries.  I was over on my budgeted amount for the week because of the busy week with traveling, appointments, and upcoming celebrations so thankfully I have a little extra to cover the groceries this week.  I was happy to find fresh eggs and great produce on sale that we can use for several meals.  I hope that next week is better week, back to normal, and we can come under budget!

    It is my goal to give you regular updates on this budget section so you can celebrate the good weeks with me and thump me on the bad weeks!  As always you are welcomed to join the journey with me.  I would love to hear your story and how you are doing too.  The purpose of our family doing this it to watch our grocery spending while allowing us to feed our family, enjoy life, share with others, and yet stay on track with our budget.

    Living on a Budget is a series of ways our family uses a budget to help keep us accountable with our finances.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  We have used some of the ideas I will be sharing for years while others are ones we are just starting to implement as we continue finding ways to be creative and have fun with what we have been given.  Having a plan in place allows us the freedom to be smart with what we have been given, get more creative when it is a tight (week, month, year or a season) and when necessary live a much more simplified life.  A budget helps us stay on track so we have more opportunities to enjoy the many blessings we have been given as well as share what we have with others.  There is so much more to life than having all the stuff.  We may not have the newest or greatest items in our house, we drive used cars, and wear hand-me-down clothing…..however, if our family is taken care of and have love for each other and others we have more than all the riches in the world.

  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 10)

    We enjoyed our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.   We are now done with the Fall Harvest.  The Fall harvest was 10 weeks long through our farm and we received a lot of wonderful produce as well as fresh eggs!

    Fall Harvest Week 10 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 large bundle Greens
    • 1 large bundle Carrots
    • 3 large Beets
    • 5 large Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 large bag fresh Pecans
    • 2 heads of Broccoli
    • 1/2 Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 6)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The pumpkin we received last week was amazing we found out that it was called a Musquee de Provence Pumpkin, delicious!  We are now over halfway through our fall harvest, we just picked up week number 6.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We are thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 6 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 3 Green Tomatoes
    • 1 large bundle Bok Choy
    • 3 Beets
    • 6 Brown Potatoes
    • 2 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 5)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  We are now halfway through our fall harvest, we just picked up week number 5.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We are thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 5 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local CSA Farm

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 Musquee de Provence Pumpkin
    • 1 large bundle Bok Choy
    • 2 Tomatoes
    • 4 Pumpkin on a Stick Branches
    • 4 White Radishes
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  The girls are very excited about cooking up this pumpkin and Jake is excited about eating some more Bok Choy (he has an awesome recipe for it).  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 4)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We were thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 4 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh Goodies from our Local CSA Farm

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 Acorn Squash
    • 2 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 bundle White Radishes
    • 1 White Eggplant
    • 1  Black Eggplant
    • 2 Milk Thistles
    • 1 bundle Greens and ?
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am not sure what the vegetable is on the left front corner of the picture, I’ve seen them before but cannot remember what they are.  I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 3)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We were thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 3 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh Goodies from our Local CSA Farm


    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 Acorn Squash
    • 1 Green Cabbage (the size of a soccer ball)
    • 1 branch Mini Pumpkins on a Stick
    • 1 Green Apple
    • 2 Red Tomatoes
    • 1 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 Regular Potatoes
    • 1 bundle Herbs
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs
    Huge head of Cabbage - about the size of a soccer


    This is called "Pumpkins on a Stick"


    They are actually eggplants, even though they are called "Pumpkins on a Stick" - a neat vegetable from our Local Farm!
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 2)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We were thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  In our recent batch of eggs we had several that were huge with double yolks which the girls thought was really neat.  Our family is doing a half share for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 2 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 bundle White Radishes (with edible greens)
    • 1 bundle Pink Radishes (with edible greens)
    • 2 Butternut Squash
    • 3 Green Peppers
    • 1 Red Pepper
    • 3 Eggplants
    • 3 large Beets
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Anyone have a great recipes for Radishes or Beets?  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms

  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 1)

    We started the first week of our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We were thrilled to get the vegetables again this week.  Our family is doing another half share for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 1 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 bundle White Radishes (the greens were HUGE and TALL, they didn’t even fit in the sink!)
    • 1 bag Green Beans
    • 1 Acorn Squash
    • 3 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Anyone have a great recipes for Radishes?  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms

  • Fresh & Healthy: Community Supported Agriculture (Week 19 & 20)

    I took a couple weeks off because I didn’t have a chance to snap a picture before eating the goodies.  It is week nineteen and twenty receiving fresh produce from our CSA!  This is our last week of our summer CSA Harvest schedule.   The Fall Harvest begins the first week in October so there will be only one week in between.  Our family has been enjoying a half of share of  fresh produce, local honey, eggs and more from a local farm.

    Week 19 & 20 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh Goodies from our Local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 bundle White Radishes
    • 1 bundle Pink Radishes
    • 1 bundle Bok Choy
    • 1 bundle Leafy Greens
    • 1 Acorn Squash
    • 5 Pears
    • 4 Sweet Potatoes
    • 3 Red Tomatoes
    • 1 Green Tomato
    • 5 Summer Squash
    • Handful of Spicy Red & Green Chili Peppers
    • 1 Dozen Fresh Eggs

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Anyone have a great recipes for Radishes?  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes, keep them coming!!!  The CSA’s are gearing up to do their Fall Harvest soon, if you want to get involved this is a great time to contact them.  Fall Harvest starts the first week in October and runs 10 weeks.

    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms