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Seeing Astronaut Buzz Aldrin


Buzz Aldrin with a picture of his team in the background – Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The amazing team that first walked on the moon!

Earlier this month we got the privilege of hearing astronaut Buzz Aldrin speak at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina!!! The girls were  thrilled.  Karlie especially was quite literally – “Over the moon excited” to be able to see and hear one of her astronaut heroes in person!   It was really neat to hear him speak and listen to some of his amazing stories.  He had a good sense of humor and held the audiences attention well.   It was an awesome time and I am thankfully for my friend Jennifer who shared the information about this special event with us so we could go.  We got there an hour early and they opened the doors early.  Within the first 10 minutes of opening the doors the auditorium was full and people were sitting in classrooms around campus.   After hearing Buzz Aldrin speak that night Karlie was even more excited and now she wants to be one of the astronauts that go to Mars!  You never really know what the future holds……

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

We arrived early and while the girls were very excited they also were very patient waiting for the event to start. This was after an hour of waiting, they still have smiles! So thankful we got to go to this event! They loved it!!!

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin speaking! The picture is of a flight he took with his Dad.


Buzz Aldrin speaking at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC. Thankful for an opportunity to hear him speak. He had great stories and a fun sense of humor too!


Such a cool picture! Great stories too about his mission with Neil Armstrong and Mike Collins!


A picture of the plaque that was welded to the lunar module and left on the moon! “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon.” July 1969 “We came in peace for all mankind” with the signatures of President Richard Nixon, Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin