• Travel & Vacation: Beautiful Charleston Sunsets (Charleston, SC)

    Travel & Vacation - Charleston - SC - P1350206c

    Beautiful sunset

    There is something peaceful about sitting on a swing next to the ocean watching the sunset.  A light breeze and the sound of the ocean waves hitting the shore.  Some of the parks in Charleston have swings or benches you can sit on and watch the sun set in the sky.  Our family has enjoyed several of the Charleston sunsets.  If you are in Charleston and have the time to relax for a few minutes you may be blessed by a beautiful sunset too.


    Watching the sunset over the dock area where they bring the huge cargo barges.


    This one was taken from under the big Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge.  Our family decided to take a walk after dinner around the park  and were able to catch the sunset.


    The sun has set and the moon is out over Charleston.  You can see the small sliver of the moon between the Palm Trees against the dark blue sky.  This picture was taken at Battery Park.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Teaching Our Children: About Solar and Lunar Eclipses


    Jake teaching the girls about eclipses!

    Recently the girls were learning about eclipses for their science unit in school.  Even though we had studied that section for a couple days they were not consistently getting the concept.  Jake came up with a great visual tool to demonstrate the solar and lunar eclipses so that the girls to remember it more easily.  Thankful for a husband who is creative and invests time in teaching our kids!  Thanks Babe!

    Diagram - Balloon & Orange

    The orange is the moon and the balloon is the Earth.  We used a flashlight for the sun!


    For kids who are visual learners this is an easy way to help them grasp the differences between a solar and lunar eclipse!

    We shut off the room lights so they could see how the sun (flashlight), moon (orange), and Earth (balloon) aligned to make a solar and lunar eclipse.

    Solar Eclipse:

    During a solar eclipse the Moon will cast a shadow on the Earth.  When a solar eclipse happens the moon is in between the sun and the Earth.  You can demonstrate this by placing the moon (orange) between the sun (flashlight) and the Earth (balloon).  When the Moon is between the Earth and Sun it will block some of the sun from hitting the Earth and cast a shadow.  Only the people directly in the shadow can see the entire eclipse of the Sun.

    Lunar Eclipse:

    During a lunar eclipse the Earth will cast a shadow on the Moon, therefore no light will be hitting the Moon.  The Earth will cast a shadow on the Moon because it is between the Sun and the Moon.  You can demonstrate this by placing the Earth (balloon) between the Sun (flashlight) and the Moon (orange).  Since the Earth is bigger than the Moon the entire Moon will be in its shadow.  Anyone on Earth that is on the night side can see the lunar eclipse.

    If you really want to “show” the kids more about the Solar and Lunar Eclipse you may be able to catch the next one depending on where you are located and if the weather cooperates for you!

    Next Lunar Eclipse: Saturday, April 4, 2015 – It will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and will be visible before dawn from the Pacific Ocean, Americas, Asia, and Australia.

    Next Solar Eclipse:  Friday, March 20, 2015 – It will be Total Solar Eclipse and will be visible from Iceland, Europe, North Africa,  and Northern Asia (unfortunately, we will not be able to see it in North America).  It looks like the next one we’ll see from the United States will be on August 21, 2017 which will be visible from North America and South America.

  • Seeing Astronaut Buzz Aldrin


    Buzz Aldrin with a picture of his team in the background – Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The amazing team that first walked on the moon!

    Earlier this month we got the privilege of hearing astronaut Buzz Aldrin speak at Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina!!! The girls were  thrilled.  Karlie especially was quite literally – “Over the moon excited” to be able to see and hear one of her astronaut heroes in person!   It was really neat to hear him speak and listen to some of his amazing stories.  He had a good sense of humor and held the audiences attention well.   It was an awesome time and I am thankfully for my friend Jennifer who shared the information about this special event with us so we could go.  We got there an hour early and they opened the doors early.  Within the first 10 minutes of opening the doors the auditorium was full and people were sitting in classrooms around campus.   After hearing Buzz Aldrin speak that night Karlie was even more excited and now she wants to be one of the astronauts that go to Mars!  You never really know what the future holds……

    Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

    We arrived early and while the girls were very excited they also were very patient waiting for the event to start. This was after an hour of waiting, they still have smiles! So thankful we got to go to this event! They loved it!!!

    Astronaut Buzz Aldrin

    Astronaut Buzz Aldrin speaking! The picture is of a flight he took with his Dad.


    Buzz Aldrin speaking at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC. Thankful for an opportunity to hear him speak. He had great stories and a fun sense of humor too!


    Such a cool picture! Great stories too about his mission with Neil Armstrong and Mike Collins!


    A picture of the plaque that was welded to the lunar module and left on the moon! “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon.” July 1969 “We came in peace for all mankind” with the signatures of President Richard Nixon, Mike Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin

  • Song: “Starry Night” by Chris August


    This song stands out to me and makes me appreciate our creator.  “The only One who makes the moon reflect the sun…”  In January we had the opportunity to go on a cruise and we got a glance of some of the earth’s amazing treasures.  If you think about it even for a few minutes you will see the beauty of the world we live in.  Take a moment this week to go outside and look at everything we have to be thankful for around us (birds, flowers, starry sky, sun, and so much more).