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Hero of the Year History Project

Hero of the Year  History Project

 Karlie’s Time Magazine Hero of the Year Project – Thomas Sumter

The girls did a Social Studies project at school recently about various people in the American Revolution.  They made their own Time magazine “Hero of the Year” cover page and article.  They each picked one person and they did more research about the life of that particular person.  Karlie choose to research Thomas Sumter who was nicknames “The Fighting Gamecock”.  Brina did her research on George Washington who was nicknamed “The Father of His Country”.  Both men were instrumental and influential during the early years of our country specifically during the time of the American Revolution.

Time Magazine Hero of the Year Social Studies school project

Brina’s Time Magazine Hero of the Year Project – George Washington

On the back of each of the girls Time Magazine cover page was the details about the hero and his life.  It was a fun Social Studies project and the girls got to learn a lot of other details about the American Revolution during their time of research.  It is neat to see them get excited over fun school projects.  Both of them really enjoy learning about history!