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Flashback Friday: Silly Girls, Dargo, and a Fall Festival

Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie watching Daddy, he just brought out the trainc

Watching Daddy bring in a train toy!  What is it!?  Looks like fun!

Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were 8 months old.  They would get so excited to play with various toys.  If you pulled out a new toy that they haven’t seen before they would eagerly check it out.  The hard part was when both wanted to play with it at the same time.  They were pretty good at sharing back and forth with only a few exceptions at this point.  If one would take a toy away the other one would just play with another one, no big deal.

Choo, choo, here comes the train - Brina and Karliec

Fascinated by the moving and musical Mickey Mouse train – Karlie and Brina.

Isn't life just GRAND - Brina and Karliec

Goofy girls – Brina and Karlie

Flashback Friday - Karlie being silly with her shirtc

Karlie loved to “talk” with you as you changed her clothes.  Her little babbling and smiles were so cute.

They could play no more, but they are still clutching the toys they were playing with - Karlie and Brinac

We have one thumb sucker (Karlie) and one two finger sucker (Brina)….oh boy.  At first we thought it was “cute” until it was time to break them of it.  You can take away a pacifier, but it is a little more difficult with fingers…

Flashback Friday - Brina - oh my Dargo what big teeth you havec

“Dargo what big nose and teeth you have!” – Brina

Dargo and Brina face off as Karlie provides a head rest for Dargoc

Dargo thought Karlie’s belly was the perfect chin rest.  He was so gentle with the girls.  They could do anything to him and he would just lay there enjoying the attention.  He was a big black lab, but was so sweet with the girls.

Karlie gets sleepy as Brina and Dargo continue to playc

Karlie more interested in relaxing, but Brina wants to talk and play with Dargo

Karlie proud of her stashc

Where are my Oreos?!  Sneaky Karlie….  She had no idea it was food and was more interested in the crinkling of the container.

Flashback Friday - Brina looking prettyc

I wonder who has been watching Brina…..  Daddy put the stickers on her face and it didn’t bother her at all.

Karlie and Brina with address label stickersc

My sweet babies, Brina and Karlie, playing away and totally ok with the stickers on their faces.  Don’t worry we didn’t leave them on long.  They weren’t easily upset by that type of stuff.

Happy Karliec

Happy Karlie Kool Kat

Karlie enjoying her toy and Brina smiling at herc

They loved any toys that made noise.  It was hilarious when they discovered it made noise for the first time.  They both stop and stare at it confused by the noise. Karlie proud of her noise making skills and Brina watching.

Flashback Friday - Brina waiting for her fishing teasure at the George's Creek Fall Festivalc

Their 1st local Fall Festival.  They were fascinating just watching all the activities around them.  Karlie got a flower and Brina got a butterfly painted on their face.  They did much better with this face painting session.

Karlie won a pumpkin door prize and Brina instantly stole it from hercc

Karlie won a stuffed pumpkin door prize.  As soon as they handed it to her Brina immediately swiped it to investigate it further.  Karlie didn’t care she was having fun.

Pretty smiling Karliec

Karlie giving us a winning smile.

Brina and Karlie loving the adventurec

Brina and Karlie shrieking and laughing as Daddy lifted them up in the air.  They thought it was so much fun playing with Daddy!

Brina and Karlie playing nicely nowc

They spent most of their time at home when they were eating or sleeping playing – Brina and Karlie

Thieves - someone always wants what the other one has - Brina and Karliec

Brina wants the cool toy Karlie is currently playing with.   Thankful that the were pretty good about sharing.