Life Simplified,  Organization,  Organized Chaos

Organized Chaos: Household & Party Supplies


Household and Party / Gift Supplies

There are certain items our household tends to need or go through on a regular basis.  Since these are items our family uses regularly we try to keep them organized, accessible, and stocked so that when they are needed we can get them quickly.  Also, there are certain party or gift supplies that we keep on hand and organized to use for a variety of different events that we participate in as a family.

In order to organize our Household and Party Supplies efficiently in our storage room we used these clear small containers with white lids, you can find them for a $1 at Dollar Tree.  We were able to fit all our household and party supplies on one shelf.    Once the items are placed in containers, we put the lid on, and labeled them. We picked up the wire shelving several years ago at Sam’s Club, but you can find it at a number of stores including Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and more.  We have used this system for several years now and it works really well for our family.

Household & Party Supply labels:

  • Vacuum Attachments
  • New Sponges
  • AAA Batteries
  • AA Batteries
  • D Batteries
  • C & Miscellaneous Batteries
  • Curling Ribbons & Yarn
  • Gift Bag Ribbons
  • Paper Bags (White & Brown)
  • Crepe Paper
  • Ribbons


When the kids were little it felt like almost every toy had a battery, not sure if we go through any less batteries now that they are older.  Although, they do have more stuff that charges using a wall outlet now!


The household and party supplies are located on the bottom rack in this picture!  Easy to see, reach, and use when needed!