Heart Reflections

  • Surprise Visit from One of My Favorite Chick-A-Dees!

    We got a surprise from one of my favorite Chick-A-Dees!!! She told us that there was a “chance” she might be flying to an airport near us for a few minutes within the next 24 hours. It was a totally unexpected blessing! There were some adjustments to the schedule due to plane availability but she made it to GMU – Greenville Downtown Airport. YAY!!!

    It had been an incredibly crazy week and this special time with one of our girls made my Momma heart so very happy. We only got to spend a few minutes with our sweet girl but it was worth every second. We got in a few hugs, gave her some water & snacks, and had a quick chat before she was off flying high into the bright blue sky again. Thank you Chick-A-Dee for taking the time to fly in for a quick “hi” and give us some hugs.

    It is such a surreal feeling to watch one my Babies fly in and out of the airport. So very proud of our Kiddos for all their hard work in their industries. It is amazing to get a first hand view of that training in action. They are doing and accomplishing skills that I have never learned or even tried before. If I had to help fly a plane or work with certain animals, bees or other tasks they are doing right now I wouldn’t even know where to even start.

    It is fascinating and cool to hear what they are doing and learning. Our “littles” are certainly growing up. We look forward to seeing and hearing about the big adventures they will be experiencing next.

    Grateful for these types of spontaneous blessings our kids choose share with us. These precious moments are treasured!

    Keep up the good work Chick-A-Dees! We love you very much!

  • You Make Everything Better

    It’s the simple and thoughtful gestures that can make the biggest impact in our lives. The other day I opened up my lunch bag and found this sweet note from my handsome man. It was a special surprise and made me smile.

    Sometimes it is the little acts of kindness that make you feel the most loved and appreciated. Life is crazy busy but taking a few minutes to show someone you care can make a huge difference in their days.

    I am very blessed and sometimes I forget how truly lucky I am. Thankful for this little note because it was a great reminder that I am loved and do matter to someone.

    If you are looking for ways to show your spouse or someone you love that you care, I would encourage you to take a few minutes to leave a surprise note in their lunch bag or on their mirror or in their car. It’s a simple yet effective way to brighten up their day and let them know that they are special to you.

    Everyone wants to be noticed, loved, and valued. These little expressions of love really do matter!

  • Big Apples & Beautiful Plants

    The big apple and beautiful plant on my desk!

    These past couple of weeks I have been in a bit of a funk…. Some little unexpected things happened that I let pile up and bother me. Instead of letting these incidents roll off of me and turning my focus towards the many blessings in my life I let these little disappointments and inconveniences capitalize too much of my energy.

    All I have to do is look around me to how truly see blessed I am and yet at times I struggle with being content.  My negative attitude is not benefiting myself nor those who are in close proximity of me (family, friends, co-workers). In reality it is probably pretty toxic to myself and those who have to be in my presence.  While my life is not even close to being “perfect” mostly because I manage to mess it up more than I care to admit, it really isn’t bad by any means either. There are a lot of people that are going through far more challenging situations.

    As I was thinking about some of these recent events, situations and incidents that got me into this little funk I was reminded of big apples and beautiful plants.  I know it sounds random, but sometimes it’s silly little objects that help bring clarity and focus to my messes of life. Often times these objects remind me of the person who thoughtfully and gave or made them for me which in return makes me smile.

    My husband will randomly get me something that he knows I will enjoy.  An apple is a common fruit found in my work lunch, one day he surprised me with a very large apple as my work snack. It made me laugh because the apple was so big it barely fit in my lunch bag and ended up being part of my snack and lunch.   I love all kinds of plants and flowers, however, I have a black thumb which means it is a miracle if I keep a plant alive for a year or more (yes, I have managed to even kill a cactus….). One day he brought home an adorable potted plant for me.  I took it to work and had so many files on my desk that day that it ended up finding a home next to my monitor and in front of my main work space.  He is thoughtful and knows how to make me smile. The photo above is the day I had the big apple next to my beautiful plant. While these are just two visual examples of ways I am reminded of him and the many blessings in my life there are many more if I take a moment to look around me.

    Unfortunately, there are many days when I am busy with tasks that I overlook the big apples, beautiful plants, and the many other little reminders of the multitude of blessings in my life. Some days I get sucked into tackling a variety of “to do” items or choose to focus on disappointments which tend to weigh on me instead of working hard while appreciating the positive blessings all around me.   It’s time to break out of this funk and remember who really is in control of my life.  When left up to myself I get off track, my focus is not on what truly matters in life, and I am not the easiest person to hang around.  I am ready to get back on track, anybody else ready?

    A few ways to encourage us to turn our focus towards positive blessings:

    • Look – What do you see around you that makes you smile or brings are certain special person to mind?  You probably have more blessings than realize you once you take a few minutes to look around and think about it.
    • Relax – The to do list is always growing, don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself.  You can relax every once in awhile without being considered lazy, it’s actually healthy for us.
    • Breathe – Take a few deep breaths, it helps clear your minds and relaxes your body
    • Focus – Choose to focus on the good parts of your life.  The hard times and inconveniences will come, but they do not have to monopolize all your time and energy.
    • Time – Spend quality time with family, friends, and people you love. Life really is short, make a point to invest time in people.

    Here’s to a life full of many blessings!  May we always remember what’s truly important and if we forget hopefully we’ll get back on track quickly.

  • Three Ways Your Family can Welcome in a New Year!

    With a new year comes a lot of excitement!  The feeling of a fresh start in many areas of our lives, planning for future events and adventures, new goals, and more!  Everyday is a blessing!  While we welcome in the New Year don’t forget to reflect on the many blessings that you have enjoyed over the past year(s).  I encourage you to initiate a conversation with your family (it can be during a family dinner, game night, or any good time when everyone is present).  During this family time focus on these three things as a family to start off your New Year right.  This time together will make a positive impact on the hearts and lives of each individual family member and is worth it:

    1. Reflect back the fun memories and blessings of 2016!  Often the hardest part with this stage is getting the ball rolling.  Before the family time create a list of several good family memories to get it started.  Mention one and let others input their memories tied into that event as well as start adding their own memories.  Give everyone a chance who wants to talk the opportunity.  If there is a pause bring up a different memory to keep them going.  Before long you’ll be laughing and the kids will be bringing up memories connected to the event or new ones that you forgot about.  This is a wonderful way to end a year and begin a new one.
    2. Take a moment to think about the tough times over the past year! While the harder times are not easy to deal with or will bring back sadness or emotions they still have an impact on our lives.  Sometimes during these times of discussion you realize that a family member is still struggling with something.  Whether it is grief over a lost pet or loved one, anger, frustration, or something else.  This is a good time to gauge how everyone is doing and give you an opportunity to encourage each other or help those family members heal.  The love and support you receive from those around you can make an incredible impact on your life as you continue to move forward.  Knowing you are not alone, you are loved, and you have a team of people who want to help you can help the family member heal more quickly.  (Do not use this time to point out problems with each other, but to talk about harder times and to encourage.  Some topics made need to be tabled for a later and more lengthy conversation)  It will give you a good insight into your children and some ideas of what to help encourage them with over the next few weeks as they continue to grow and heal.
    3. Look ahead! As one year wraps up and a new one begins it is a great time to set some goals both personally and as a family.  Use this time to set family goals together.  There may be some activities that the kids have been wanting to do, but you have been letting it slip not even realizing that it was very important to them.  The goals discussed during this family  time should be family related, although they most definitely have a personal impact on each family member.  Write these goals down and review them weekly or monthly or regularly throughout the year to remind the family members of what is important to the family as a whole.  This also provides a lead in for each of the members to think about their personal goals.  It allows a great opportunity to have a group of people focused on similar goals and encouraging each other along the way.  Some family goal ideas (eat healthier, regular family game night, monthly date night with spouse and each child, daily family devotions, learn a new skill together, plan a family vacation, weekly family night, quarterly family service project, etc…).  Make a point to write the ideas down and either make a decision that day or within a few days on the family goals.  Type up a list, print it or email it to each family member so that they can be reminded of the ways your family is working together to create stronger bonds, happy memories, and improving lives.

    Setting aside a time when everyone is together can be difficult, however it is important.  It can be during a family dinner, game night, or another time when the family is together.  Make sure it is a convenient time with as little distractions as possible.  A time when everyone is more relaxed (not hungry, ready for bed, or trying to multi-task while having this conversation).  The reflecting on memories helps create a happy bond, the tough times allow family members to see that they are not alone and have the support of people who love them, and looking ahead gives you the opportunity to improve and grow into a better individuals and family unit.  If you do write down the family goals please do your best to follow through as much as possible because these goals are important to the members.

    Life has a way of staying busy.  Taking the time to spending reflecting on good memories as a way has a way of bringing everyone together.  It may cause some laughter, tears, and healing.  It is good to be reminded of the many blessings in our life and to realize that we are journeying through this life together.   Yes, we make mistakes along the way, but we can can make the best of it and have a lot of fun too.  Many blessings to you and your family this 2017 New Year!!!

  • Relationships: Traits of a Good Friend

    • A friend is a person you can trust,
    • Who won’t turn away from you;
    • A friend will be there
    • When you really need someone,
    • And will come to you when they need help.
    • A friend will listen to you even
    • When they don’t understand
    • Or agree with your feelings;
    • A friend will never try to change you,
    • But appreciates you for who you are.
    • A friend doesn’t expect too much
    • Or give too little;
    • A friend is someone you can share
    • Dreams, hopes, and feelings with.
    • A friend is a person you can think of
    • And suddenly smile;
    • A friend doesn’t have to be told
    • That they are special,
    • Because you both feel that way
    • A friend will accept your attitudes,
    • Ideas, and emotions
    • Even when their own are different,
    • And will hold your hand when you’re scared
    • A friend will be honest with you
    • Even when it might hurt, and will forgive you
    • For the mistakes you make.
    • A friend can never disappoint you,
    • And will support you and share in your glory.
    • A friend shares responsibility
    • When you have doubts.
    • A friend always remembers
    • The little things you’ve done,
    • The times you’ve shared, and the talks you’ve had.
    • A friend will bend over backwards
    • To help you pick up the pieces
    • When your world falls apart.
    • A friend is one of life’s most beautiful gifts.

    – Luann Auciello

    Wow, some powerful words and wonderful reminders of the characteristic traits to look for in a friend as well as how we can be to be a real friend to others.  We will never be perfect all or even most of the time, but if we have a supportive friends we  an still enjoy the journey through life.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Happy November!!!  Not sure how 2016 has flown by so quickly, but here we are in November already.  November is a wonderful month to reflect on the blessings that we encounter each and everyday of our lives.  Even if you are going through a tough time and you have to look a little deeper there is always something we can be thankful for throughout the day.  May this month be not only a time of reflection of the blessings in your life, but that we actively show our gratitude to people around us in our life.  Reach out to someone each day this month and genuinely thank them for something they have done that has blessed you or the positive impact they have made or the encouragement that they have been in your life.  Maybe if we make it a habit to do this for a month we’ll develop a habit of naturally looking for the blessings and taking time to say thank you to those in our lives throughout the entire year.

    It was a wonderful trip to Kansas to visit my parents and extended family, but it is awesome being back home with Jake and the girls again.  They picked me up at the airport with smiles, treats, and big hugs.  Always nice being back home with the family again.  After getting me at the airport we went to dinner at TGI Friday’s.  Dinner was fun and relaxing as we shared stories about our adventures the past few days.  The girls did homework in the van that way everyone could shower and get ready for the next day as soon as we got home.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for my Mom driving me to the airport, that my flights all went well, and that I was back with Jake and the girls at home once again.

    Tuesday – Thankful for a job that allows me to travel occasionally and for co-workers who pitch in to help out while I am gone.

    Wednesday – Thankful Jake and everything he does to help out around the house, and with the kids.  Enjoy having some down time and catching up at the end of our day together.

    Thursday – Thankful that we got to see Karlie perform in her 1st Orchestra Concert tonight.  She did awesome!  All that practice is starting to pay off.  She just started playing too.  At the concert she was in several duets and small group performances as well as the entire orchestra.

    Friday – Thankful that the girls were able to attend the Student Council Leadership Pep Rally today.  They left before school started and got back right as it ended.  They had a fun day meeting other student council members from the area, going to workshops, games, and getting to know their student council team members.  They were exhausting by the end of the day, but had a grand time.  After a long day of work followed by weekly errands with the girls after school it was wonderful to come home and smell dinner cooking and my Handsome Man in the kitchen.  He timed it perfectly by the time we had the groceries carried into the house he was ready with dinner and it was DELICIOUS!!!  Thank you Babe!

    Saturday – Thankful that the girls had an opportunity to do Community Service work through their Student Council Committee today.  They scraped and repainted their school’s bases for their flag pole and light posts.  Surprisingly they did not come home completely covered in paint (only a few spots of yellow and purple).  Grateful for a chance to celebrate fall with the family, instead of dressing up and going Trick-R-Treating on Halloween the girls have chosen to do a family Halloween celebration at home – carving pumpkins, making different flavored pumpkin seeds, a special dinner, and an evening to relax and spend together as a family.

    Sunday – Thankful for my family, none of us are perfect and we live in a broken world, yet we have so much to be thankful for each day and having a family as well as a place to call home isn’t something everyone has the privilege to enjoy.  Grateful for a chance to hang out with Jake, Brina, and Karlie today as well as prep as we gear up for another busy week ahead.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Thankful for an opportunity to go back to Kansas for a longer weekend to celebrate my Dad and Niece’s Birthdays.   I was able to catch up with a lot of family while back in Kansas.  It was nice to have that time with family.  Grateful for Jake taking care of the girls when I was away visiting family and celebrating.  My flights went smoothly and I arrived safely.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for a job that takes the time to celebrate the special events.  Today all the staff brought in food to share and celebrate Boss’s Day, we had a lot of delicious food!  Grateful for an opportunity to work on a team with great leaders.

    Tuesday – Thankful that the girls were able to have fun after school at their Volleyball Tailgating Party.  They went to the tailgating party – played games, ate dinner, and socialized with friends before going to cheer for their friends and team at the game that evening.

    Wednesday – Thankful for the girls opportunity to participate in the school’s Diggers Club.  They have been working hard selling pumpkins, weeding the school gardens and grounds, putting out mulch, working in the greenhouse, and more fun activities with the club.  It is a good place to learn more about serving in their school and community as well as how to grow and maintain various grounds, plants, and more!

    Thursday – Thankful for being able to fly out to Kansas to spend a long weekend with my parents.  Grateful for Jake picking up the extra kid and household duties while I was away.  My airplane flights went smoothly without too many delays and thankful for my Mom driving all the way to Wichita to pick me up at the airport.  It was nice seeing her and spending some time on the drive back to my parents house to catch up a little bit.

    Friday – Thankful for time in Kansas to spend with family.  Was able to spend time with my parents, both sets of grandparents, my siblings, 6 month old niece, and more family while getting some items done with my Mom around the house.

    Saturday – Thankful that I was able to be back in Kansas to celebrate my Dad’s 60th Birthday and my niece Annaliese’s 1st Birthday.  They had a wonderful turnout of family and friends.  It was great seeing so many family and friends over the evening during the birthday celebrate.  My sister in law and brother did a lot of prep work to get ready for the party and it turned out awesome.

    Sunday – Thankful for a chance to attend my parents church.  It was Pastor Karg’s and his family’s last day at the church and it was good to see them, wish them well in their new adventure, and enjoy playing games & celebrating at their Goodbye Party.  Was able to eat a nice lunch with my grandparents which was good to see them more and catch up a little bit more over the meal.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a busy full week of school, work, activities and appointments, but a productive week as well.  Thankful for some many opportunities and the ability to get things done, meet new people, and do activities that help us grow as individuals and as a family.  There are so many blessings to pick from each day this week.  Grateful for all that the Lord has done through me and continues to work in my heart and life.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful that I had chunk of quality time with Jake early in the morning before he took off on a work trip, the kids went to school, and I went off to work!

    Tuesday – Thankful for the opportunity for the girls to go to homework center and participate in a variety of fun clubs at school.

    Wednesday – Thankful that Jake arrived back home after school and work today.  It was great to have the whole family back together again!

    Thursday – Thankful that we were able to get Karlie into the orthodontist, now her “fun” teeth adventure in the upcoming months.  Also, grateful for a spontaneous at home Date Night with my Handsome Man.  He is thoughtful, fun, and creative.  It was great to put our phones away for awhile and just hang out together at home.  I LOVE my man so much!!! XOXO

    Friday – Thankful that I was able to get off work at a decent time today had lunch with Jake, made homemade cookies before picking the girls up from school, found a box turtle on the road to share with the girls for a couple days, and had a chance to relax with the family.

    Saturday – Thankful for a chance to spend some time working outside with the family.  We got a good amount of yard work done (even though there is more to do) – leaves blown, weeds pulled, sticks picked up and burned, and more fun as well as a few good blisters

    Sunday – Thankful for church, a few moments to rest, eating outside on the deck, playing fetch with Skipper, and fun with the family.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.