Friends,  Heart Reflections,  Intentional Living,  Memories,  Relationships

Relationships: Traits of a Good Friend

  • A friend is a person you can trust,
  • Who won’t turn away from you;
  • A friend will be there
  • When you really need someone,
  • And will come to you when they need help.
  • A friend will listen to you even
  • When they don’t understand
  • Or agree with your feelings;
  • A friend will never try to change you,
  • But appreciates you for who you are.
  • A friend doesn’t expect too much
  • Or give too little;
  • A friend is someone you can share
  • Dreams, hopes, and feelings with.
  • A friend is a person you can think of
  • And suddenly smile;
  • A friend doesn’t have to be told
  • That they are special,
  • Because you both feel that way
  • A friend will accept your attitudes,
  • Ideas, and emotions
  • Even when their own are different,
  • And will hold your hand when you’re scared
  • A friend will be honest with you
  • Even when it might hurt, and will forgive you
  • For the mistakes you make.
  • A friend can never disappoint you,
  • And will support you and share in your glory.
  • A friend shares responsibility
  • When you have doubts.
  • A friend always remembers
  • The little things you’ve done,
  • The times you’ve shared, and the talks you’ve had.
  • A friend will bend over backwards
  • To help you pick up the pieces
  • When your world falls apart.
  • A friend is one of life’s most beautiful gifts.

– Luann Auciello

Wow, some powerful words and wonderful reminders of the characteristic traits to look for in a friend as well as how we can be to be a real friend to others.  We will never be perfect all or even most of the time, but if we have a supportive friends we  an still enjoy the journey through life.