• Relationships: Traits of a Good Friend

    • A friend is a person you can trust,
    • Who won’t turn away from you;
    • A friend will be there
    • When you really need someone,
    • And will come to you when they need help.
    • A friend will listen to you even
    • When they don’t understand
    • Or agree with your feelings;
    • A friend will never try to change you,
    • But appreciates you for who you are.
    • A friend doesn’t expect too much
    • Or give too little;
    • A friend is someone you can share
    • Dreams, hopes, and feelings with.
    • A friend is a person you can think of
    • And suddenly smile;
    • A friend doesn’t have to be told
    • That they are special,
    • Because you both feel that way
    • A friend will accept your attitudes,
    • Ideas, and emotions
    • Even when their own are different,
    • And will hold your hand when you’re scared
    • A friend will be honest with you
    • Even when it might hurt, and will forgive you
    • For the mistakes you make.
    • A friend can never disappoint you,
    • And will support you and share in your glory.
    • A friend shares responsibility
    • When you have doubts.
    • A friend always remembers
    • The little things you’ve done,
    • The times you’ve shared, and the talks you’ve had.
    • A friend will bend over backwards
    • To help you pick up the pieces
    • When your world falls apart.
    • A friend is one of life’s most beautiful gifts.

    – Luann Auciello

    Wow, some powerful words and wonderful reminders of the characteristic traits to look for in a friend as well as how we can be to be a real friend to others.  We will never be perfect all or even most of the time, but if we have a supportive friends we  an still enjoy the journey through life.

  • Relationships: What Type of Friend Am I?

    Lily - Red & Orange Flower - Mother's Day Gift

    Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet a person who stands out among all other people as being extremely special who knows what we are thinking about.  Who is happy for us at all times.  Who is always there to talk.  Who cares about us selflessly.  Who is always truthful with us.  Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet someone who is extremely wonderful and for me that person is you my dear friend.  – Susan Polis Schutz

    We’ve all heard the saying that “friends are worth their weight in gold”.  Absolutely!  I agree friends are priceless and a great blessing in our lives.  There are people who have a multitude of friends while others have a handful of really close friends.

    If you had only a few seconds to think of your list of friends.  Who would stand out?  Who would come to your mind first?  We can easily point out who those true blue and deep friends are pretty quickly.

    Are you this type of friend to others?  Who have we taken the time to invest in lately?  Do we stand out?  Are we the person our friends call on when they are excited and want to celebrate or when they hit a rough patch?

  • Heart Reflections: The Powerful Impact of Words

    Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. –  Ephesians 4:29

    Ouch!  This is a hard one at times…  I read this verse a few days ago and I have continued to think about it as I plunge into another busy week.  Sometimes we forget how powerful of an impact our words have on others.  Are we encouraging our family and friends with kind words or we doing damage?

    It is hard to be positive and encouraging all the time.  Often I find myself regretting the words I spoke immediately after they were said.  Speaking poorly about another person does no good and in reality it only makes me look bad.  Complaining about the little inconveniences in my life only shows my discontent heart.  How I am suppose to be a shining light in a dark world, if my words are just as hurtful or hateful as the next persons?

    We are all human.  We make mistakes.  Things will happen that offend and upset us.  It feels natural to get defensive or to lash out against those who hurt us.  I find it very difficult to control my words especially when it comes to children (any kids, not just my own).  I think part of that is the mothering instinct, however, it is wise to consider our words prior to opening our mouths.  At times it may be best to wait to discuss something big after you’ve had time to pray about it and when it is more convenient for all parties involved.

    Will you pray with me asking God to give us the words to speak that may be good for building up and give grace to those who hear?  Let’s try with God’s help to be positive, encouraging, and speak kindly.  We don’t know what is going on in the hearts and lives of those around us but if we can control our tongue we may have more opportunities to be a blessing and make a positive impact on the life of someone else.