
  • Family & Work Event at Dave & Buster’s

    Jake’s work hosted a family event at Dave & Buster’s recently.  We ate a great meal and spent several hours playing the various games throughout the evening.  The girls had a blast.  We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the evening at the Greenville Dave & Buster’s.

    Brina competing with Daddy on a riding game

    Karlie zooming around in a roller coaster ride with Jake

    Jurassic World game – Jake and Karlie playing while Brina looks on

    Goodies Karlie earned with all her tickets

    Brina likes her colorful monkey she earned with all her tickets

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was crazy, but good as we celebrated a lot of great rewards that the girls had earned for all their hard work throughout this past school year including watching them graduate.  Thankful for our girls and their excitement to learn.  They had a lot of activities and times when it was tough to get everything done, but they pushed through it.  Jake and I are proud of our girls.

    I have added a “kid goals” section to my list of goals.  Now that they are getting older and realizing the importance of improving and maintaining goals I want to be intentional about keeping up with their learning as they grow older.   Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids. – was not able to finish with all the extra school activities this week, but read a couple of night
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids. – read a couple, but not 7
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids. – did a handful only
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids. – hoping to pick this back up again this week
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night. – prayers yes, but it was really late a few nights so kept it short
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids – we didn’t have enough free time in the evenings to play a game
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with Homework
    9. Attend After School Activities – attended all the activities including celebration / graduation meetings, regional Science Fair Competition & Awards, Graduation, Awards Ceremony
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s) – working on it, but still has some more to go
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break – getting closer to finalizing everything
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids – the extra activities took more time than expected
    14. Work on family projects togetherwe worked on several items together as a family including items in the house including the laundry room.  The girls LOVED helping paint!
    15. Brina & Karlie’s Graduation Ceremonygreat seeing the girls graduate!
    16. Brina & Karlie’s Award Ceremonythe girls received A LOT of amazing rewards!  Both received trophies, several certificates, award pins, medals, and more.  Once again we were blown away by how well they did and all they received.  Evidence that the hours they spent working on school work really did pay off.  They were part of several great groups and had a wonderful team of teachers / coaches.  We will miss this school that they have been at for 7 years, but looking forward to what middle school has to offer!
    17. Prep & decorate for Graduation party (Meet with people Mon / Wed) after school
    18. Take Brina to the Science Fair Competition – not only did we take Brina to the Regional Science Fair Competition – SHE WON!!!  FIRST Place in the Regional Science Competition so proud of her!  Way to go Brina!  She received a trophy, medals, certificates, and a cash prize!  She was shocked, but excited.  The last 3 months of baking cupcakes for her “Cupcakes on the Rise” Science Fair project were worth it.  We calculated that she made over 410 cupcakes by herself these past 3 months.  She’s gotten really good at making cupcakes!

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals – did so well this week with the exception of forgetting my fitbit at home on a day where I did a lot of moving around at work and after school activities.  Oh well…
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week – Jake took Brina to set up for the Science Fair over lunch on Thursday so I could work my regular hours, thanks Babe!
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list – I did get several things moving forward, but nothing completely crossed off so officially I cannot cross this off my list….

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day my laundry room is still being renovated, I was unable to get in to do laundry on my normal schedule.  Hopefully this will be complete or at least in a more working condition by the end of next week! 🙂  It’s going to look awesome though, Jake has done a fantastic job and the girls have pitched in and helped a lot too!
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed) – flooring is up and was stalled a little bit by another issue that caught our attention that needed to be fixed prior to doing more in the laundry room (thankful for a husband who can do so much).  Having an older home can have a lot of fun and unexpected surprises that take extra TLC! 🙂
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up) – I have some ideas, but waiting a couple more days until I figure out how the new laundry room layout will look like prior to committing to any specific bins/containers/baskets.  I want the items I get to be practical, efficient, and uniform as much as possible.
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting) – the laundry room took up more time than we expected as well as a couple extra activities with school and other events were more time consuming than we original planned.
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper her vitamins) – Brina especially is good about keeping up with Skippy’s vitamins!
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up) – All the old flooring is up, we are starting to paint and work on other areas.  Looking better already, cannot wait until it is complete!  Will be very nice!

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails – few more need to be completed
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention – a couple of days got away from me with all the activities last week, hoping as we get into rhythm with the new summer schedule I can tackle a few more of this necessary items
    4. Work completed for clientshave a couple more projects to complete
    5. Notes typed for work – I got them started (kids and other family activities took priority this past week.)
    6. Folders Labeled for work – I actually got a decent start of this one.  I finished some of the categories that I was doing, but have a handful more to wrap up before I am officially done. 
    7. Desk drawers organized – getting closer….does that count?!

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor – have a couple I need to follow up with this week
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – made another extra payment
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget – went over with the graduation party celebration and other big activities that filled up our week

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids.
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids.
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    5. Do devotions, reflecting on our blessings, and prayer time with kids every night.
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids
    8.  Attend After Work Activities
    9. Lunch Boxes packed the night before work & other planned activities
    10. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    11. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break
    12. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    13. Work on family projects together
    14. Start packing suitcase for next family adventure
    15. Daily 15 minute “Speed Clean” for entire family to keep the daily clutter under control

    Kid Goals

    1. Have kids do 1st week in Summer Workbook(s)
    2. Encourage Kids to read independently at least 30 minutes a day
    3. Sign up kids for the Easley, Anderson, & Greenville County Summer Library Reading Programs
    4. Sign up kids for Barnes & Noble and other similar reading programs
    5. Have kids work on our approved educational websites to encourage growth (at least 2 hours for the week)
    6. Have kids work for at least 1 hour on this week on improving their typing skills
    7. Each kid finish creating at least 2 blogs posts for their Fun with Sis blog
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday encouraging the kids to find creative ways to learn and grown their skills
    9. Kids start packing suitcases for next family adventure
    10. At least 30 minutes of outside play, fresh air, or activity time a day

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work Completed
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Refill Kids Snack Bins – hope to focus again on the laundry room in the future once further along)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Replant grass in Goat pen)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, painting and laying new flooring)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Notes typed for work
    6. Folders Labeled for work
    7. Desk drawers organized
    8. Do at least 5 blog posts this week
    9. Catch up on Hootesuite
    10. Upload pictures from last few weeks and update

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. One-on-one quality time with Jake (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)
    3. One-on-one quality time with Brina (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)
    4. One-on-one quality time with Karlie (talking, date night, or doing an activity together)

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget
    5. Sell, giveaway, donate, or through away items no longer use
    6. Take items to the recycling distributor
    7. Make meals with items from pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to use up what we have and eliminate any extra spending

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small

    steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • School Activities, “Snow White & The Prince,” and Roller Skating!

    'Our girls!'
    Our girls at Falls Park

    These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of fun with Jake & I going on our anniversary cruise, the girls school activities, fun adventures, work, and more! 🙂 Here’s a little snip-it of some of the school and fun activities Brina & Karlie have been up to lately -“Snow White & The Prince” Play at the Peace Center, a School Roller Skating Fundraiser, Beta Club Induction Ceremony just to name a couple. Very proud of both girls for their hard work at school. They were both accepted into Chorus, STEM Club, National Beta Club (for maintaining an A or A-B grades for their past year in school), Library Assistants, Safety Patrol as well as a number of other school related extra-curricular activities. I had no idea how busy 5th grade could be! Thankful for their hard work, positive attitudes, and their love of learning!

    'Ready to go see "Snow White & The Prince" as a family!  Thankful for Jake's willingness to take his girls to these fun events!'
    Hanging out with the family!
    'Having fun skating with Daddy!'
    Skating with Daddy!
    'Proud of these two kiddos for working hard, maintaining their grades, and getting accepted into the National Beta Club!  Good Job Girls!  Love You!'
    Beta Club inductions!
    'Waiting for the Snow White play to start!'
    Snow White & The Prince at the Peace Center
  • Flashback Friday: Celebrating & Fun with Family

    Flashback Friday - Brina reaching for Rachel's cakec

     Brina trying to steal a piece of Rachel’s birthday cake!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when the girls were eight months old.  We celebrated my brother Lee’s birthday with several of our cousins who were still going to college in town.  The girls learned how hold their bottles on their own.  They loved being silly and playing together.  They could easily make each other laugh.

    Brina watching Uncle Lee playing with her toyc

     Brina hanging out with cousins Rachel, Alecia, and Jordan.

    Everyone enjoying a game of Cranium at Lee's Birthday Partyc

     Playing a game….fun times!

    Karlie liking the cool whipc

     Daddy gave Karlie a bite of Uncle Lee’s birthday cake.  He let her lick off one of the candles.

    Opps, Karlie has cool whip on her nosec

     Ummm….Karlie….I think you might have some frosting on your nose.

    Flashback Friday - They think they are so funny - Brina and Karliec

     They think they are so funny…silly girls playing around before drinking their bottles – Brina & Karlie

    Brina loving her treasurec

     Brina happy and playing on the floor

    Karlie smiling for the camerac

    Karlie smiling at all the fun toys around her

    Flashback Friday - Brina checking out the walls, Karlie still trying to figure out what's going onc

     Two babies in a bucket, they were ok with this until Jake spun them around.  Then both Brina and Karlie didn’t like it.

    Brina with her feet up on Karlie's walkerc

    Brina in the Johnny Jump Up with her feet on Karlie’s walker tray.  They thought they were so funny in this position!

    Flashback Friday - Karlie thinks she is funny with the bull's eye stuck on her nosec

    Karlie you have a bulls eye target stuck to your nose.  She didn’t care.

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of herselfc

    Brina laughing and making some noise.

    Brina thought she was so funnyc

     Silly Brina it’s time to get dressed not time for playing!

    Morning bottles - Brina and Karliec

    This was a big moment for them.  They officially can hold their own bottles.  It was an exciting and sad day for Mommy.  I was glad they could do it and it saved me a lot of extra time, but I did miss some of the morning snuggles with them.    I was able to squeeze in plenty throughout the day though.

    Karlie really enjoying the book Guess How Much I Love Youc

    Daddy and Karlie reading a book together.  Karlie LOVED reading books!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so pleased with her slick blue ballc

     Brina was thrilled to find the blue ball and that she could pick it up and throw it by herself.

  • Flashback Friday: Silly Girls, Dargo, and a Fall Festival

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie watching Daddy, he just brought out the trainc

    Watching Daddy bring in a train toy!  What is it!?  Looks like fun!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were 8 months old.  They would get so excited to play with various toys.  If you pulled out a new toy that they haven’t seen before they would eagerly check it out.  The hard part was when both wanted to play with it at the same time.  They were pretty good at sharing back and forth with only a few exceptions at this point.  If one would take a toy away the other one would just play with another one, no big deal.

    Choo, choo, here comes the train - Brina and Karliec

    Fascinated by the moving and musical Mickey Mouse train – Karlie and Brina.

    Isn't life just GRAND - Brina and Karliec

    Goofy girls – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Karlie being silly with her shirtc

    Karlie loved to “talk” with you as you changed her clothes.  Her little babbling and smiles were so cute.

    They could play no more, but they are still clutching the toys they were playing with - Karlie and Brinac

    We have one thumb sucker (Karlie) and one two finger sucker (Brina)….oh boy.  At first we thought it was “cute” until it was time to break them of it.  You can take away a pacifier, but it is a little more difficult with fingers…

    Flashback Friday - Brina - oh my Dargo what big teeth you havec

    “Dargo what big nose and teeth you have!” – Brina

    Dargo and Brina face off as Karlie provides a head rest for Dargoc

    Dargo thought Karlie’s belly was the perfect chin rest.  He was so gentle with the girls.  They could do anything to him and he would just lay there enjoying the attention.  He was a big black lab, but was so sweet with the girls.

    Karlie gets sleepy as Brina and Dargo continue to playc

    Karlie more interested in relaxing, but Brina wants to talk and play with Dargo

    Karlie proud of her stashc

    Where are my Oreos?!  Sneaky Karlie….  She had no idea it was food and was more interested in the crinkling of the container.

    Flashback Friday - Brina looking prettyc

    I wonder who has been watching Brina…..  Daddy put the stickers on her face and it didn’t bother her at all.

    Karlie and Brina with address label stickersc

    My sweet babies, Brina and Karlie, playing away and totally ok with the stickers on their faces.  Don’t worry we didn’t leave them on long.  They weren’t easily upset by that type of stuff.

    Happy Karliec

    Happy Karlie Kool Kat

    Karlie enjoying her toy and Brina smiling at herc

    They loved any toys that made noise.  It was hilarious when they discovered it made noise for the first time.  They both stop and stare at it confused by the noise. Karlie proud of her noise making skills and Brina watching.

    Flashback Friday - Brina waiting for her fishing teasure at the George's Creek Fall Festivalc

    Their 1st local Fall Festival.  They were fascinating just watching all the activities around them.  Karlie got a flower and Brina got a butterfly painted on their face.  They did much better with this face painting session.

    Karlie won a pumpkin door prize and Brina instantly stole it from hercc

    Karlie won a stuffed pumpkin door prize.  As soon as they handed it to her Brina immediately swiped it to investigate it further.  Karlie didn’t care she was having fun.

    Pretty smiling Karliec

    Karlie giving us a winning smile.

    Brina and Karlie loving the adventurec

    Brina and Karlie shrieking and laughing as Daddy lifted them up in the air.  They thought it was so much fun playing with Daddy!

    Brina and Karlie playing nicely nowc

    They spent most of their time at home when they were eating or sleeping playing – Brina and Karlie

    Thieves - someone always wants what the other one has - Brina and Karliec

    Brina wants the cool toy Karlie is currently playing with.   Thankful that the were pretty good about sharing.

  • Flashback Friday: Fun at Home

    Karlie so proud of herselfc

    Karlie loves hanging out in the Johnny Jump Up and playing with the toys, however, she would prefer spinning over jumping.

    Today’s Flashback Friday takes us back to September 2005 when the girls were 7 months old.  We spent a lot of time at home when the girls were younger.  It was a lot of work to take them out every day and since they were still small they were more likely to pick up germs we tried to keep our errands, doctors appointments, and activities to a minimum at least during the first few months.

    We had a lot of fun hanging out at home.  They loved to play, laugh, and explore.  The weekends and evenings were their favorite times of the week because Daddy was home to play with them.  They love their Daddy and always give him a winning smile.  He was great pitching in whenever possible with the kids.  They were used to having both of us feed, change, and play with them at various times throughout the week sometimes together and other times just one of us.

    Brina just thought she was so cool with her hat onc

    Brina thinks Mr. Octopus is so funny.

    Flashback Friday - A surprised Karlie, she didn't see me coming over to herc

    Karlie didn’t see me walk into the room and I startled her.  Love the expression on her face.

    Brina all smiles as Daddy pushes her in circlesc

    Brina is thrilled to be riding!

    Karlie loving it as Daddy pushes her in circlesc

     Karlie’s turn to ride now!

    Brina so proud that she can standc

    Brina loves holding onto your hands and standing up.  She can stand for longer periods of time now.

    Karlie so cute and smiley this morningc

    Such a happy Karlie baby

    Brina drinking from Mommy's cupc

    Brina stealing water from Mommy’s cup….looks like she had some help from Daddy

    Brina thinks she is so neat riding on Daddy's shouldersc

    Brina loves going for a ride on Daddy’s shoulders.

    Karlie thinks she is pretty cool riding on Daddy's shouldersc

     Karlie’s hanging out with Daddy

    Karlie loving her play timec

    Karlie relaxing, smiling, and playing

    Brina sleeping with her head on one side of the boppy and her feet on the other sidec

     Brina is all tuckered out – fast asleep with her feet are on one side of the boppy and her head on the other side

    Karlie showing off her hooded nightgownc

    Karlie is clean and ready for bed now

    Our two silly girls - Karlie and Brinac

    Our girls – Karlie and Brina

    Flashback Friday - Brina in a bucketc

    There’s a Brina in the toy bucket!  She is so proud of herself for “scaring” Mommy.  Giggly girl.

    Brina getting adjusted to the waterc

    Brina ready to try out the swimming pool.

    Karlie - okay I am in the pool now so where are the toysc

     Karlie looking for the toys in the pool.

    Every time Karlie tries to sit up her legs instantly go up in the air tooc

    Karlie – “Wow, Dad these sit ups are hard!”

    Karlie is interested in Cuddles the Cow book but Brina is more interested in Daddy who was taking the picturec

    Mommy reading a book to the girls.  Brina is more interested in Daddy who is taking the picture while Karlie is completely engrossed in the book.

    Brina looks so uncomfortable but she is totally asleep, we ended up waking her up fearing that she would get a kink in her neckx

    It makes my neck hurt just looking at her sleeping in this position.  Brina would literally jump until she crash.  This does not look like the most comfy position to take a nap in though kiddo.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie having fun with Little Lambc

    They think “Little Lamb” is hilarious!

    Brina showing off her toysc

    Brina having a blast!

    Karlie smiling as she sucks on her thumbc

    Karlie smiling and sucking her thumb at the same time.  That takes talent!

    Sleeping beauties - Brina and Karliec

    Sleeping beauties – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Hanging out and having fun - Karlie and Brinac

    Life is so fun for these two little ones – Karlie and Brina!

    Karlie is excited to meet this other happy babyc

    Karlie is smiling and talking with the baby in the mirror at the Doctors office, little does she know that she will be getting a shot soon.

    Karlie so happy that she gets to sit on Daddy's deskc

    Karlie sitting on Daddy’s desk and “helping” him.

    Silly girls almost ready for their bottle - Brina and Karliec

    Giggling kiddos – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie being funnyc

    Brina and Karlie love hanging out and being silly together.

  • Flashback Friday: Growing Up

    Brina thinking about how to get to Daddyc

     Brina trying to figure out how to get across the floor to Daddy!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years.  The girls were 6 months old and starting to learn so much every week.  They are more mobile and on the go.  They love babbling back and forth to each other and to others.  It is fascinating to watch them explore and learn new things.  Our family is blessed with these to sweethearts.

    Brina is the more mobile one, but Karlie is only a day or two behind her.  Karlie is the more verbal one, but it doesn’t take Brina to catch up.  They challenge each other and neither one wants to get left behind so they do a lot of their fun activities together.

    It is cute to see them working together like a small team.  Some of their jibber jabber we don’t understand, however, they seem to understand all of it and will randomly bust out laughing about some inside joke they share.

    Flashback Friday - Brina playing on the kitchen floorc

     Sweet Brina pausing to say “Hi” to Mommy!

    Give us smile Karliec

    Karlie is always quick to offer a sweet smile which makes my heart happy.

    Say CHEESE, Karlie and Brinac

    It’s only been a month since they started eating rice cereal and “solid” food.  The first time we had a lot of tears because they didn’t like it and wanted their bottles.  Now they are all smiles when they get into their high chairs .  They look forward to meal time (I think they consider it another form of play time only messier)!  Oh, how quickly things change in just a few weeks.

    Silly Brinac

    Having fun with Brina as we get her dressed for bed.  She doesn’t look too thrilled, but puts up with her goofy parents anyway.

    Talk to the Hand (Brina and Karlie)c

    Brina – “Quiet Karlie, it’s my turn to talk now….”

    Flashback Friday - What's so funny Daddy - Karliec

    Karlie – “What are you laughing at Daddy?”  She is all smiles and has no idea she has tape on her forehead!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of being able to stand on her ownc

    Brina so proud of her standing ability.

    Flashback Friday - Cutie Pies, we love you - Karlie and Brinac

    Karlie and Brina, they had such pinchable and kissable cheeks at this age.

    Flashback Friday - Brina - I told you I was good luckc

    Daddy’s unique way of giving Mommy some cash.  Brina wasn’t too sure about this new toy in between her toes.

    Karlie - what Mom, I was just trying to get her to be quietc

    Brina would get very upset if she tipped over and couldn’t get herself back up again.  This time when she fell over I think Karlie was concerned about her crying because she stuck her fingers into Brina’s mouth (maybe to make her be quiet, who knows).

    Flashback Friday - Brina a little unsure about the cow rockerc

    Brina’s first ride on the rocking cow (with pillows on either side and Daddy next to her just in case).

    Good Morning Smiley Karliec

    Sweet Karlie

    Karlie figuring out the rockerc

    Karlie’s first ride on the rocking cow.  They were a little unsure about this moving cow at first, but as they got older it became a popular toy at our house.  They loved it.

    Karlie is ready for a fun dayc

    Happy Karlie girl

    Karlie pretending to drink from her sippy cupc

    They are learning how to use a sippy cup.  Karlie sometimes would “act” like she was drinking or play around instead of actually drinking so we had to make sure she was getting enough water.

    Flashback Friday - Brina does not like falling over, she gets madc

      Brina tipped over Mr. Octopus while playing and couldn’t get back up.  She was not happy!  Once I sat her back up again she was fine and her happy self again.

    Whose got Karliec

    Surprised Karlie woke up to a massive stuffed animal on the swing with her.   Where did this come from?!  “Butch” was a large stuffed dog I got as a kid from Grandpa CE and Grandma Willa.  The girls loved to roll around, climb, and play with it when they were little.

    Karlie happy to be hanging out with Daddyc

    Life is good – Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina - come close so I can touch youc

    Brina is fascinated with the new toy which we called “Giggles”.  It would giggle and move around the room.  She loved to followed it around the room and knock it over so it wouldn’t run away.

    Karlie concerned because it is getting closerc

    Karlie on the other hand was a little suspicious about a laughing and moving toy.  She was fine with it at a distant, but the first time it bumped into her arm she was hysterically screaming like it attacked her.  After watching it a few more times she eventually got used to it and enjoyed it.

    Brina on the hungry hippo, sitting by herselfc

    Brina riding the “Hungry Hippo”!  They could ride on the hippo and as it moved it would pick up block and other toys off the floor and put them into a storage bin under the seat.  It made “clean up” more fun for the kids.  They both loved riding on it or being pushed around the house picking up scattered toys.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie playing on Mr. Clownc

    Playing together on “Mr. Clown” mat.  They initially would both fit (with all their toys) and stay on the clown mat now they are getting older they never stop moving so even though they might start there they don’t stay very long.

    Karlie happy playing the pianoc

    Karlie is happy to play music for the rest of us.

    Brina showing off her belly button while Karlie waits for the picturec

    Brina talking and showing off her belly button while Karlie sits there nicely for the picture.

    Karlie - here let me check out your eye; Brina let me check out your mouthc

     They loved talking (or babbling) to each other.  This was one time while I was getting them dressed.  Karlie was talking away so I sat Brina up on the changing table with her and they talked back and forth for several minutes.  Who knows what they were saying, but they were having fun.  They were fascinated by the words and noises coming out of each others mouths and would stick their hands inside the others mouth trying to figure out how it all worked.  Loved these little interactions and the cute gibberish they made.

    Karlie curious about the hat and waking up in a strange placec

    Daddy let Karlie borrow his hat.  He was concerned about her getting a sunburn.

    Karlie cutiec

     Karlie sitting quietly, but not entirely sure about this thing on her head.

    Looks like a cute baby in the laundry basket - BrinacA whole lot of Brina mischief was found in my laundry basket.  They used to love playing in our laundry baskets.  Once they were older they made it a game to climb in and out, wonder how that started?  Sweet Brina is distracted me from doing the laundry, but hey that can wait until tomorrow, right!?

  • Flashback Friday: Fun with Friends and Bath Time

    GattiTown Birthday Party (Brina, Bridgette, Karlie, Mandy, Jack, Danielle and Riley)c

     First trip to GattiTown with Mandy, Jack, Danielle, and Riley (Brina & Karlie)

    Today our Flashback Friday is in August 2005 when the girls were 6 months old.  It is quite an adventure packing up and heading out to visit family, friends, or do errands, but we are getting better at it.  The process of just getting out of the house, into the car, and on our way is usually several minutes long.

    The girls have been enjoying going out and about more.  I try to do at least one fun activity outside of the house each week with family or friends.  They are usually exhausted by the time we get home, but we have fun.  It is good for me to spend time with other Moms too.

    Thankful for family and friends to hang out with.  The girls are really good and for the most part do really well when we are out and about.  They love watching everything.  It is neat to watch them soak everything in during our adventures.

    Mandy and Jack at GattiTownc

    Mandy and Jack on the carousel

    Riley and Danielle at GattiTownc

    Danielle and Riley on the carousel

    Flashback Friday - Brina - cool toy Riley, beep, beep, you  better watch out here I comec

     Brina very excited about driving Riley’s cool car!  Vroom…vroom….look out people here I come!

    Brina and Josh Kambc

     Josh carrying Brina

    Kari and Karliec

     Karlie hanging out with Kari

    Karlie and Christy Kambc

    Christy holding Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Aunt Vick and bouncing Brinac

     Aunt Vick hanging out with Brina as she bounces around

    Karlie eating with an audience, Uncle Brad, Jordan, Rachelc

    Cousins Jordan and Rachel feeding Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina watching Jack unwrap his presentsc

     Brina watching cousin Jack open his birthday gifts

    Jack getting excitedc

     Jack opening his birthday gifts.

    Karlie still sporting her Elmo party hatc

    Karlie starting to zone.  She didn’t like the party hat at first, but soon forgot about it.

    Our first bath together-they were greasy from sunblock (Karlie and Brina)c

     1st Bath together after being out with friends and having sunblock on them.  It was too hard to safely bath two wet babies at the same time before now.  They could sit up on their own and each had a place to safely sit in the tub now.  At first they were not sure what to do?  You mean we can play in here!?

    Brina's turn to get the sprayc

     Getting use to the bath time fun.

  • Travel & Vacation: State License Plate Game


    2 State License Plate Game Boards

    Our family enjoys going on road trips.  We’ve had 40 plus hour road trips before so we are always looking for fun ways to stay busy while in the car.  We play games, listen to audio books, read, watch a movie, rest, and more.  One of our road trip rules is the only time the kids are allowed to watch a movie is if the trip is over 5 hours long.  We found these printable State License Plate Game templates on The Dating Divas website just in time for our last road trip (which was only 19 hours long).  The kids have always traveled well and actually look forward to our road trip adventures.

    We printed out two of The Dating Divas State License Plate Game sheets, one for each kid.  After printing out the sheets we laminated them so we can re-use them for all our road trips.  Once they are laminated you can use dry erase markers OR crayons to mark off each license plate as you see it.  The only one we have never seen (so far) has been Hawaii.  We’ve seen Alaska a few times, but Hawaii is a hard one to locate.  On one trip we got 40 plus of the license plates.

    You can do variations of this game as well.  If you want try to play bingo, see what different shapes you create, four corners, and more.  You only get to mark them off if you actually see them and one other person must see them as well to confirm it.  So if you spot a few while your sibling is resting or playing a different game you may have an advantage.  This is just one of the many fun games we play on our road trips.  The kids enjoy it and it keeps them looking out the window and paying attention to the many sights we are passing along the way.  Thank you The Dating Divas for this awesome template!  We love it!


    License plates for all 50 states


    Whose ready for a road trip!?

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week Jake’s sister family spent the week with us.  The week went by quickly and we packed in a lot of activities during their stay.  It was fun spending some extra time and catching up with them as well as the rest of the family in the area the last few days.  On Friday the girls went to church camp for the weekend.  The house was really quiet after everyone left!  We celebrated Father’s Day last weekend since the girls were away at camp for a good part of Father’s Day.  Jake was super sweet and helped get our large pile of laundry started while the girls were away.  He also made the most amazing apricot and salmon recipe that I will be sharing in a few days.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Romona and Her Mother by Beverly Cleary book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the familywent to Otters Creek Water Park with Mirm’s family
    3. Play a Game with the Familyplayed several this week
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring EventsSpring is done and now we are enjoying summer
    5. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    6. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    7. Spend Extra Time with Extended Family
    8. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    9. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    10. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break – wrapping up some later details
    11. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    12. Work on special projects with the kids
    13. Hang out at a park with Kids
    14. Go to the Library
    15. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids – we went to places we already visited before
    16. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    17. Get kids packed and sent off to Church Camp
    18. Celebrate Father’s Day

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – running a little behind
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Vacuum & Dust)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Refrigerator)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Treehouse Fort) – working on it
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Treat Yard for Mosquitoes / Flies)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers) – hoping to get it done soon

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients – another project to be done soon
    5. Research and pursue career goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car – working on it
    2. Payoff Medical Bills – paid more on a couple this week
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt) – working on it
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget – went over budget with the grocery budget

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Lightening’s Last Hope by Joanna Campbell book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    5. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    6. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    7. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    8. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    9. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    10. Work on special projects with the kids
    11. Hang out at a park with Kids
    12. Go to the Library
    13. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids
    14. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    15. Pick up Summer Clothes for the girls (Swim suit, shorts, sandals, pjs)

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Post Items to Sale and Take Items to Donate)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Girls Scrapbooks)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Seed Goat Pen)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – New Collar for Snowball, Hay, & Mineral Bucket)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Research and Plan Out Business Goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car
    2. Payoff Medical Bills
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt)
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.