• Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was an incredibly busy week with everything going on, but we made positive progress in the right direction for some of the items on my list.  There were a lot of activities and later nights.  I am thankful for that the grading part of the school year is done now for all the year end parties, activities, graduations, and other excitement over the next week and half.

    I have had a lot of big projects going and have been keeping track of the progress personally, however, I have not been faithful in updating my blog like I used to do.  Even though the busy summer days with the kids at home are just around the corner I am going to try and be more consistently with my weekly goals and other postings for you.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids. – got a great start on it, but wasn’t able to finish with all the extra activities this past week
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids. – only read a couple
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids. – was only able to get through a few cards
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids. – got through some, but not very many this week
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night. – devotions we were not very consistent on, but we did do prayer time
    6. Plan one special activity with the family – working on it
    7. Play a Game with the Kids – spent most of the extra free time on projects that were due soon
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with HomeworkBrina finished her “Cupcakes on the Rise” and Karlie finished her “Less = More” Science Fair Projects.  Both did really well.  Brina won for the 5th grade class and will be going on to the next level of competition this Thursday, 5/26/16. 
    9. Attend After School Activities  – Brina and Karlie finished their last day of swimming lessons, they loved it!
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s) – working on it
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break – have some activities planned, but need to finalize the rest
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids – did was a rainy week and spent most of our time working on projects that were due.
    14. Work on family projects together – started working

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals – did better some days than others
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week – did it more than once, but was not consistent
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week – had to re-schedule one due to a conflict, but did everything else
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list – somehow the list continues to grow ever longer….

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day – we were working on the laundry room so the washer and dryer were unavailable a good chunk of this past weekend
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and prep and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed) – work in progress
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up) – starting to look but haven’t decided what I want yet
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Annual Termite Inspection)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper a Bath)Brina and Karlie helped get this one done
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up) – working on it

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails – have some more to go through
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention  – some days I didn’t have time to get it all done
    4. Work completed for clients – couple special projects that need to be done still
    5. Notes typed for work – didn’t get to it
    6. Folders Labeled for work – got a couple done before getting pulled away
    7. Desk drawers organized – working on it.

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor – made reached out, waiting to confirm with schedules
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – working on getting it eliminated
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork – paid all bills that came in this past week but need to do some filing
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget – went to several stores and spent extra money for Brina & Karlie’s graduation celebration.

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein to the kids.
    2. Read 7 Stories from the Bad Pets on the Loose by Alan Zullo book to the kids.
    3. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
    4. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
    5. Do devotions and prayer time with kids every night.
    6. Plan one special activity with the family
    7. Play a Game with the Kids
    8. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with Homework
    9. Attend After School Activities
    10. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    11. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    12. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break
    13. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    14. Work on family projects together
    15. Brina & Karlie’s Graduation Ceremony
    16. Brina & Karlie’s Award Ceremony
    17. Prep & decorate for Graduation party (Meet with people Mon / Wed) after school
    18. Take Brina to the Science Fair Competition

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    3. Do yoga at least 5 times a week
    4. Go to my Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily
    6. Tackle some lingering projects on my “to do” list

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room Remodeling Work (get all of the subflooring cleaned and help Jake with getting at least 1/2 of it completed)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Find Bins / Containers / Baskets to put on shelves in Laundry Room once up)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Plant Lilly Flower and Blueberry Bush – weather permitting)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Give Skipper her vitamins)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Refinishing our Laundry room, tearing out the old linoleum and sprucing it up)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Notes typed for work
    6. Folders Labeled for work
    7. Desk drawers organized

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Schedule a meeting with the Financial Advisor
    2. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt
    3. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    4. Go grocery shopping one time this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • Volunteering at School

    Bridgette Hendrich Hayes's photo.
    Crazy day volunteering at school, watching both girls speak in front of their classmates, teachers, and parents – they did awesome! After running errands, sharing a surprise with someone who has been a blessing to our family, and various other activities I was able to finally sit down, eat a late lunch, and soak in the beautiful sunny Fall view from our back deck. Thankful for the colorful landscape!
  • Flashback Friday: Girls 1st Halloween

    Flashback Friday - 1st Halloween - Brina the Bee and Karlie the Flower (Oct. 2005 - 8 Months)c

     We have a cute little Brina Bumblebee and a pretty Karlie Flower

    Today we Flashback to October 2005 when the girls were eight months old and celebrating their first Halloween!  They were good sports with the Halloween costumes.  We really didn’t go “trick or treating” instead we just stopped by to say “hello” to some family in the area that evening.  The kids had a lot of fun playing and hanging out a little bit with family.

    Brina looking very cute as a beec

    Our little Brina BumbleBee

    Happy little Karlie Flowerc

    Our little Karlie Flower

    Karlie and Brina saw Scooby Doo at Jake's work's Halloween partyc

    Karlie and Brina celebrating Halloween at Daddy’s work

    The flower and bee continue to play showing off their customesc

    Enjoying some play time on Halloween

    Brina and Karlie - Happy Halloweenc

    Brina and Karlie trying to figure out what the Halloween treats from Grandma Kay were.  They loved how the wrapping made crinkling noises.

    Brina with Jordanc

    Brina talking with cousin Jordan

    Karlie with Alecia ad Brina with Jordanc

    Karlie with cousin Alecia and Brina with Jordan

    Karlie with Jordanc

    Karlie and Jordan

    Rachel with Brina and Karlie with Alecia - stopped by BJU to show off the girls customesc

    Rachel with Brina and Karlie with Alecia

  • Flashback Friday: 1st Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

    Our 1st Pumpkin - Karlie and Brina (Oct. 2005 - 8 Months)c

     So proud of their pumpkin!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back 10 years when the girls went to their first pumpkin patch.  They were so excited to check out the pumpkins.  They didn’t like the feel of the prickly hay and grass on their feet, but were fascinated by the pumpkin and it’s stem.

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie both wanted to hold the stemc

     Investigating the pumpkin

    Mommy and the girls checking out their pumpkin - Brina and Karliec

     It was like a cool new toy to Brina and Karlie

    Daddy and his girls at the pumpkin patch - Karlie and Brinac

     Jake and his sweet girls Karlie and Brina

    Daddy, Karlie and Brina at the pumpkin patchc

    Karlie and Brina hanging out with Daddy at the pumpkin patch

    The whole crew at the pumpkin patchc

    Our 1st pumpkin patch adventure as a family of four.

  • Flashback Friday: Silly Girls, Dargo, and a Fall Festival

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karlie watching Daddy, he just brought out the trainc

    Watching Daddy bring in a train toy!  What is it!?  Looks like fun!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to when the girls were 8 months old.  They would get so excited to play with various toys.  If you pulled out a new toy that they haven’t seen before they would eagerly check it out.  The hard part was when both wanted to play with it at the same time.  They were pretty good at sharing back and forth with only a few exceptions at this point.  If one would take a toy away the other one would just play with another one, no big deal.

    Choo, choo, here comes the train - Brina and Karliec

    Fascinated by the moving and musical Mickey Mouse train – Karlie and Brina.

    Isn't life just GRAND - Brina and Karliec

    Goofy girls – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Karlie being silly with her shirtc

    Karlie loved to “talk” with you as you changed her clothes.  Her little babbling and smiles were so cute.

    They could play no more, but they are still clutching the toys they were playing with - Karlie and Brinac

    We have one thumb sucker (Karlie) and one two finger sucker (Brina)….oh boy.  At first we thought it was “cute” until it was time to break them of it.  You can take away a pacifier, but it is a little more difficult with fingers…

    Flashback Friday - Brina - oh my Dargo what big teeth you havec

    “Dargo what big nose and teeth you have!” – Brina

    Dargo and Brina face off as Karlie provides a head rest for Dargoc

    Dargo thought Karlie’s belly was the perfect chin rest.  He was so gentle with the girls.  They could do anything to him and he would just lay there enjoying the attention.  He was a big black lab, but was so sweet with the girls.

    Karlie gets sleepy as Brina and Dargo continue to playc

    Karlie more interested in relaxing, but Brina wants to talk and play with Dargo

    Karlie proud of her stashc

    Where are my Oreos?!  Sneaky Karlie….  She had no idea it was food and was more interested in the crinkling of the container.

    Flashback Friday - Brina looking prettyc

    I wonder who has been watching Brina…..  Daddy put the stickers on her face and it didn’t bother her at all.

    Karlie and Brina with address label stickersc

    My sweet babies, Brina and Karlie, playing away and totally ok with the stickers on their faces.  Don’t worry we didn’t leave them on long.  They weren’t easily upset by that type of stuff.

    Happy Karliec

    Happy Karlie Kool Kat

    Karlie enjoying her toy and Brina smiling at herc

    They loved any toys that made noise.  It was hilarious when they discovered it made noise for the first time.  They both stop and stare at it confused by the noise. Karlie proud of her noise making skills and Brina watching.

    Flashback Friday - Brina waiting for her fishing teasure at the George's Creek Fall Festivalc

    Their 1st local Fall Festival.  They were fascinating just watching all the activities around them.  Karlie got a flower and Brina got a butterfly painted on their face.  They did much better with this face painting session.

    Karlie won a pumpkin door prize and Brina instantly stole it from hercc

    Karlie won a stuffed pumpkin door prize.  As soon as they handed it to her Brina immediately swiped it to investigate it further.  Karlie didn’t care she was having fun.

    Pretty smiling Karliec

    Karlie giving us a winning smile.

    Brina and Karlie loving the adventurec

    Brina and Karlie shrieking and laughing as Daddy lifted them up in the air.  They thought it was so much fun playing with Daddy!

    Brina and Karlie playing nicely nowc

    They spent most of their time at home when they were eating or sleeping playing – Brina and Karlie

    Thieves - someone always wants what the other one has - Brina and Karliec

    Brina wants the cool toy Karlie is currently playing with.   Thankful that the were pretty good about sharing.

  • Flashback Friday: Hanging Out At Home

    Flashback Friday - Awful lot of talking and moving for quiet nap time - Karlie and Brinac

    Two little critters, Karlie and Brina, who are talking, laughing, and giggling when it is suppose to be nap time.

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back on October 2005 when the girls were 8 months old.  They have started babbling a lot more and discovered that they could get our attention when they shriek.  Brina especially had a shrill screech she would make followed by lots of giggles.  The first time she did it she surprised herself so of course she decided to just do it more.

    They are happy babies.  We tried to do some fun Fall activities with them this year.  They didn’t understand everything we were doing, but were always up for an adventure.  They were my little cuddle bugs.  Love my sweet girls.

    We love our books - oh yeah - Karlie and Brinac

     Karlie and Brina very excited about the cool John Deere books Daddy brought home for them!  

    Flashback Friday - Brina getting excited and doing her screechesc

    Brina giving one of her shrill screeches….wish I could transfer it into an audio on this picture.

    Karlie giving us a smilec

    Karlie is all smiles as she plays

    Brina is talking this morningc

    Brina talking with Mommy.  While I couldn’t understand what she was saying at this point she loved to happily chat away.

    Karlie loving lifec

    Karlie cutting some more teeth and drooling like crazy, but still a sweet happy baby.

    Brina up close and trying to steal the camerac

    Brina decided that she was going to steal my camera

    Karlie proud to be in charge of Mommy's cupc

    Karlie in charge of Mommy’s water cup, so proud of her big girl duty!  She didn’t even tip it.

    Flashback Friday - Brina on her cool ridec

    Brina loves the riding toys!  Anything to keep moving!

    Hey, what's up doc - Karliec

    What’s up Karlie rabbit!  Not sure about these glasses Mom!

    Sleepy Brinac

    Brina our little two finger sucker.

    Flashback Friday - Daddy's coming back from his first work trip to Plano, TXc

    Daddy’s first work trip away since the girls were born to Plano, Texas!  It was so good to have him back home again.

    Flashback Friday - Awake and ready for their 1st Halloween - Karlie and Brinac

    They are so happy first thing in the morning.  It is cute hearing giggles from their crib in the mornings – Karlie and Brina

    Brina and Karlie taking a nap so they can go out on Halloween nightc

    Brina and Karlie crashed in their seats

    Brina chewing away as Karlie smilesc

    Playing is one of their favorite activities!  Brina chewing on a toy and Karlie looking up to smile at Mommy!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week we were crazy busy, but were able to get a lot accomplished.  The girls were a big help and were troopers throughout our entire week.  Hoping that we will be able to have some more fun and get a lot done this week.  We enjoyed spending an evening with Jake’s co-workers at the Greenville Drive game even though it got canceled due to rain and lightening on Friday night.  Thankful for some extra time with the kids.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Lightening’s Last Hope by Joanna Campbell book to the kids – the kids got a cold than I got a cold so didn’t read as much this past week.  Hoping to be back up to my normal self soon.
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    5. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    6. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    7. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    8. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    9. Ride Bikes with the Kids – it rained at the times when we could ride our bikes
    10. Work on special projects with the kidscleaned out, organized, and sold items with the online garage sale as well as other projects with the kids
    11. Hang out at a park with Kidswe met friends at the park to have a picnic and play
    12. Go to the Library
    13. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids – we didn’t do this one with everything else going on this week
    14. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    15. Pick up Summer Clothes for the girls (Swim suit, shorts, sandals, pjs) – we are a little late getting swimsuits this year because the girls grew out of theirs, it was harder to find them, but we got them!

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – hoping to get this working on my new phone soon
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals – fell behind when I got the cold
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily – a little behind

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Post Items to Sale and Take Items to Donate)we sold a lot of stuff with the online garage sale and made over $250 which we will put towards debt, took items to donate, and was able to get some items cleaned up around the house.
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Girls Scrapbooks) – we have the items together, but hoping to start everything this week (the kids are looking forward to this project)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Seed Goat Pen)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – New Collar for Snowball, Hay, & Mineral Bucket)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers) – Jake is hoping to work on this soon

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Research and Plan Out Business Goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car – working on it (should be making another payment this week)
    2. Payoff Medical Bills – paid some more
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt) – working on it
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget – I DID IT! 🙂 It was a busy week and we had run out of milk, but I made it to the store on Saturday!

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Lightening’s Last Hope by Joanna Campbell book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks (Week #4)
    5. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    6. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    7. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    8. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Remaining Summer Break
    9. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    10. Work on special projects with the kids
    11. Hang out at a park with Kids
    12. Have a picnic with the Kids
    13. Go to the Library
    14. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids
    15. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    16. Turn in our Summer Reading Logs

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Living & Dining Room)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Girls Scrapbooks)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Work on the Tree House Fort )
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Clean Out the Goat House)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Research and Plan Out Business Goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car
    2. Payoff Medical Bills
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt)
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week Jake’s sister family spent the week with us.  The week went by quickly and we packed in a lot of activities during their stay.  It was fun spending some extra time and catching up with them as well as the rest of the family in the area the last few days.  On Friday the girls went to church camp for the weekend.  The house was really quiet after everyone left!  We celebrated Father’s Day last weekend since the girls were away at camp for a good part of Father’s Day.  Jake was super sweet and helped get our large pile of laundry started while the girls were away.  He also made the most amazing apricot and salmon recipe that I will be sharing in a few days.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Romona and Her Mother by Beverly Cleary book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the familywent to Otters Creek Water Park with Mirm’s family
    3. Play a Game with the Familyplayed several this week
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring EventsSpring is done and now we are enjoying summer
    5. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    6. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    7. Spend Extra Time with Extended Family
    8. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    9. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    10. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break – wrapping up some later details
    11. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    12. Work on special projects with the kids
    13. Hang out at a park with Kids
    14. Go to the Library
    15. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids – we went to places we already visited before
    16. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    17. Get kids packed and sent off to Church Camp
    18. Celebrate Father’s Day

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – running a little behind
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Vacuum & Dust)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Refrigerator)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Treehouse Fort) – working on it
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Treat Yard for Mosquitoes / Flies)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers) – hoping to get it done soon

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients – another project to be done soon
    5. Research and pursue career goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car – working on it
    2. Payoff Medical Bills – paid more on a couple this week
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt) – working on it
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget – went over budget with the grocery budget

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Lightening’s Last Hope by Joanna Campbell book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    5. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    6. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    7. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    8. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    9. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    10. Work on special projects with the kids
    11. Hang out at a park with Kids
    12. Go to the Library
    13. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids
    14. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    15. Pick up Summer Clothes for the girls (Swim suit, shorts, sandals, pjs)

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Post Items to Sale and Take Items to Donate)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Girls Scrapbooks)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Seed Goat Pen)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – New Collar for Snowball, Hay, & Mineral Bucket)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Research and Plan Out Business Goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car
    2. Payoff Medical Bills
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt)
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    Last week was super fun with the girls home now on summer break. We packed in a lot of neat activities and got some projects done this week too.  The girls have been consistent on working on their summer workbooks and reading.  Thankful for extra time with the kids and a chance to do some exciting events together.  Jake has been busy with work and working on a big project for the girls in his free time at home.  He is such a great Daddy to his girls and comes up with neat activities for them from robotics to building items together and more!  This week Jake’s sister and her family are visiting us in South Carolina so the week will be a little different as we focus on spending time with them.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading School’s Out by Ken Brynildsen book to the kids (it’s an older book & couldn’t find it on Amazon) –
      finished it (the girls enjoyed the adventures in the book) and started on the next one that Karlie picked out
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Familytaught the girls Hand & Foot, played Golf, and more
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring Events
    5. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    6. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    7. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activitiespacked Jake’s work lunch and we had 2 days with picnic lunches when we were out and about
    8. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    9. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    10. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    11. Work on special projects with the kids
    12. Hang out at a park with Kids
    13. Go to the Library
    14. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kidswent to Frankie’s Fun Park and went to the Candy Land Game Activity at the library
    15. Attend an extra-curricular activity or eventwent to the Free Movies with the Kids
    16. Date Night with the Kids – I went with Karlie and Jake went with Brina

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – need to catch up
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day the girls are getting faster
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – 3 Bathrooms)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Kids Rooms)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Mow)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Mix Extra Vitamins in Goat Food)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car – working on it
    2. Payoff Medical Bills – working on it
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt) – working on it
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading Romona and Her Mother by Beverly Cleary book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring Events
    5. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    6. Attend Evening Activities & Events
    7. Spend Extra Time with Extended Family
    8. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    9. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    10. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    11. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    12. Work on special projects with the kids
    13. Hang out at a park with Kids
    14. Go to the Library
    15. Find a new local place to visit or new activity to do with the Kids
    16. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    17. Get kids packed and sent off to Church Camp
    18. Celebrate Father’s Day

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Vacuum & Dust)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Refrigerator)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Treehouse Fort)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Treat Yard for Mosquitoes / Flies)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Research and pursue career goals
    6. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car
    2. Payoff Medical Bills
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt)
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    The kids are out of school and we are already enjoying summer break with them.  Thankful for extra time with the kids this summer.  We have some projects and other items that we need to get accomplished this week, but we also have some fun activities planned.  Hopefully, we get some of the items on our list completed while having fun together.  Here are my goals for this week:

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading The Pet Patrol #1 – Puppy Love by Betsy Duffey book to the kids
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the FamilyHerd Your Horses and a couple other games with the kids
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring Events
    5. Spend time Monday –Friday helping the kids with School Items
    6. Attend After School Activities & Events
    7. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    8. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    9. Prep & Figure out Schedule for upcoming Summer Break
    10. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    11. Work on special projects with the kids
    12. Get kids Summer Workbooks Ready and Started
    13. Attend Kids Awards Ceremony for School so proud of our girls

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily – a little behind on this one

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day – the kids did it and it took a little longerI
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – Laundry Room)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Storage Room Cleaned & Organized)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Mow) – it rained this weekend
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Mix Extra Vitamins in Goat Food) – adding it soon
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers) – need Jake’s help with this one

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients – 1 more project to complete soon
    5. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car – made another payment
    2. Payoff Medical Bills – made another payment
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt) – made another payment
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Finish reading School’s Out by Ken Brynildsen book to the kids (it’s an older book & couldn’t find it on Amazon)
    2. Plan one special activity with the family
    3. Play a Game with the Family
    4. Prepare for Upcoming Spring Events
    5. Spend time working on Summer Workbooks
    6. Attend Eventing Activities & Events
    7. Lunch Bags Packed for Work & Errand / Outside Activities
    8. Prep for upcoming Family Adventure(s)
    9. Prep & Figure out Schedule for Summer Break
    10. Ride Bikes with the Kids
    11. Work on special projects with the kids
    12. Hang out at a park with Kids
    13. Go to the Library
    14. Find a new local place to sight-see or visit with the Kids
    15. Attend an extra-curricular activity or event
    16. Date Night with the Kids

    Personal Goals

    1. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    2. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    3. Keep up with my FitBit Goals
    4. Go to my  Doctor Appointments Scheduled this week
    5. Update Counting My Blessings and Other journal entries daily

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Clean House (Focus – 3 Bathrooms)
    4. Organize Chaos (Focus – Kids Rooms)
    5. Yard / Garage Cleanup (Focus – Mow)
    6. Pet Care (Focus – Mix Extra Vitamins in Goat Food)
    7. Repairs – (Focus – Girls Necklace Hangers)

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Respond to Inquiry – Business Relation Emails
    3. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    4. Work completed for clients
    5. Prep, plan, and organize content for upcoming summer months while the kids are out of school

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch

    Financial Goals

    1. Payoff the Car
    2. Payoff Medical Bills
    3. Payoff Other Outstanding Debt – (replacement microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater, bed, HVAC unit, and other debt)
    4. Pay Bills & File Paperwork
    5. Go grocery shopping one time to one store this week and stay within budget

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.