Intentional Living,  Loving Life,  Relationships

Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

It was a fun week with the girls having Monday off from school, we got to play a little more that evening since we didn’t have a bunch of homework we had to wrap up that evening.  There were several evening activities this week which made juggling homework, dinner, baths, and everything else a little more tricky, but everyone did well and it helped a ton to have the dinner menu prepped the night before so everything was ready to go once everyone was home in the evenings.  Thankful for a husband who pitches in and helps out around the house.

I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

Monday –Thankful that Jake was able to work from home so he could be with the girls, that the girls had a grand time playing outside on their day off (and even got some chores done around the house & yard).  We even had a few minutes relaxing – Brina & I played a game (which somehow included jumping jacks, squats, and other activities per Brina’s additions) while Jake and Karlie worked on putting together a model airplane.  It was amazing walking into the house after work to the smell of something wonderful cooking in the kitchen, grateful that Jake is willing to cook and makes amazing meals!  I am truly blessed!

Tuesday – Thankful for a little bit of extra time at work to tackle some projects since the girls had an after school Student Council volunteer activity today, even finished up some big reports that I had been working on the past several days which felt good!

Wednesday – Thankful for a husband who encourages, it was a tough day and I wasn’t feel well.  Grateful for a spouse that loves me even when I am not at my best.

Thursday – Thankful that the girls enjoy their after school activities and are doing well keeping up with their schoolwork.  It has been a busy year with a lot of new items for them, but they have handled it very well.

Friday – Thankful for a chance to spend some time away with Jake! 🙂  We got a couple massages and grabbed a bite to eat.

Saturday – Thankful for my f,family, time spent together, and that Jake & I were able to get our annual wellness physicals done with our doctor on Saturday.

Sunday – Thankful for my Dad and that he is celebrating his 60th birthday today.  Also, grateful that I have the opportunity to celebrate with him next weekend.  I am blessed with a great husband too – I have been fighting a cold the past few days and he went out to run an errand for me (and brought back some snack goodies for my upcoming trip)!  Thanks Babe!

What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.