• Brina & Karlie’s 5th Grade Graduation Party & Celebration!

    5th Grade Graduation Party & Celebration

    Brina and Karlie with Mrs. Johnson at their Graduation Celebration Party!  Mrs. Johnson was Karlie’s homeroom teacher in 2nd Grade, taught Karlie in Gift & Talented Program from 3rd grade up, and was both girls STEM Club Coach for 2 years.  Excellent teacher!!!


    Such a sweet Daddy spent a lot of time helping get ready for this big day including helping cut starfish, decorate, blow up balloons, and so much more.  Thankful to have a partner that pitches in and takes the time to celebrate with the kids!


    Luau theme at the Grad Party!  The kids had a blast!


    Karlie with her homeroom teacher Mr. Moore and her friend David!  Mr. Moore was an awesome teacher!


    Brina hanging out with her friend at the party!

    P1640622cSweet Sisters!  Thankful for these two girls!

  • Travel & Vacation: Ice Skating Show

    'Great times with my sweetheart!'

    Celebrating with my best friend!

    Loving our time together on the cruise! Thankful for a time to celebrate! We had a great day on the ship watching the ice skating show, going to various activities, getting a massage, and so much more!

    'Ice Skating Show'
    Watching the ice skating show aboard the ship!
    'It was a small ice skating rink but they did an awesome performance!'
    A lot of interesting costumes and neat performances during the show!
    'I am blessed to have this amazing man as my husband and best friend!'
    Thankful for a time to get away and spend together!
    'Loved these costumes!'
    Fun characters.  Jake and I went ice skating, but we did have any fancy moves or costumes!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Flashback Friday: Celebrating & Fun with Family

    Flashback Friday - Brina reaching for Rachel's cakec

     Brina trying to steal a piece of Rachel’s birthday cake!

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when the girls were eight months old.  We celebrated my brother Lee’s birthday with several of our cousins who were still going to college in town.  The girls learned how hold their bottles on their own.  They loved being silly and playing together.  They could easily make each other laugh.

    Brina watching Uncle Lee playing with her toyc

     Brina hanging out with cousins Rachel, Alecia, and Jordan.

    Everyone enjoying a game of Cranium at Lee's Birthday Partyc

     Playing a game….fun times!

    Karlie liking the cool whipc

     Daddy gave Karlie a bite of Uncle Lee’s birthday cake.  He let her lick off one of the candles.

    Opps, Karlie has cool whip on her nosec

     Ummm….Karlie….I think you might have some frosting on your nose.

    Flashback Friday - They think they are so funny - Brina and Karliec

     They think they are so funny…silly girls playing around before drinking their bottles – Brina & Karlie

    Brina loving her treasurec

     Brina happy and playing on the floor

    Karlie smiling for the camerac

    Karlie smiling at all the fun toys around her

    Flashback Friday - Brina checking out the walls, Karlie still trying to figure out what's going onc

     Two babies in a bucket, they were ok with this until Jake spun them around.  Then both Brina and Karlie didn’t like it.

    Brina with her feet up on Karlie's walkerc

    Brina in the Johnny Jump Up with her feet on Karlie’s walker tray.  They thought they were so funny in this position!

    Flashback Friday - Karlie thinks she is funny with the bull's eye stuck on her nosec

    Karlie you have a bulls eye target stuck to your nose.  She didn’t care.

    Flashback Friday - Brina so proud of herselfc

    Brina laughing and making some noise.

    Brina thought she was so funnyc

     Silly Brina it’s time to get dressed not time for playing!

    Morning bottles - Brina and Karliec

    This was a big moment for them.  They officially can hold their own bottles.  It was an exciting and sad day for Mommy.  I was glad they could do it and it saved me a lot of extra time, but I did miss some of the morning snuggles with them.    I was able to squeeze in plenty throughout the day though.

    Karlie really enjoying the book Guess How Much I Love Youc

    Daddy and Karlie reading a book together.  Karlie LOVED reading books!

    Flashback Friday - Brina so pleased with her slick blue ballc

     Brina was thrilled to find the blue ball and that she could pick it up and throw it by herself.

  • Brina & Karlie’s Birthday Party


    Silly kids!  They wanted a goofy picture with the banner.

    We did a small birthday party celebration this year for the girls 10th birthday.  My parents were in town and my brothers family came over to celebrate with us.  The kids had fun eating cake, opening gifts, and playing with family.  We got to try out some of their neat gifts too which was fun!  They are officially 10 years old (still cannot believe it).

    It has been a wild couple of weeks with all the snow days from school.  I have been spending more time playing outside with the kids since they have been home more the past two weeks.  The disadvantage to all the fun is that I am behind on my blogging.  It has been fun, but I promised to get caught up soon.  A lot of fun stuff has been going on around our house lately!


    Happy 10th Birthday Girls!


    Ready for some strawberry cupcakes and blue velvet cake!?


    Lots of flames!  Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie!


    Brina relaxing!


    My nephews helped the girls open their gifts.


    Checking it out!

  • Recipes: Classic Chex Mix in the Crockpot (Gluten, Peanut, & Dairy Free)

    Original Chex Mix

    Classic Chex Mix made in the Crockpot!

    I have always enjoyed Chex Mix!  It is a great winter snack food as you are sitting by the fire or playing board games around the dining room table.  There are so many amazing variations to it as well.  I especially like the sweet Chex Mix recipes here are some of my favorites:

    The other day I decided to try making the Classic Chex Mix out with items I already had in our pantry and in the crockpot.  I added several variations to the Classic Chex Mix because we have a family member that cannot have peanuts or dairy and we have some friends who cannot have gluten.  My recipe is gluten free, dairy free, and peanut free for those who do not want to use those products in their Classic Chex Mix. You can substitute regular pretzels, dairy butter, or peanuts if you would prefer them instead.

    Classic Chex Mix (Gluten & Peanut Free)

    • 5 cups Rice Chex Cereal
    • 5 cups Corn Crunch Cereal
    • 2 cups Gluten Free Pretzels
    • 1 cup Almonds
    • 6 Tablespoons Dairy-Free Butter or Margarine (melted)
    • 1/2 Tablespoon Seasoned Salt
    • 1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce
    • 1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder

    Place the cereal, pretzels, and almonds into your crockpot.  Melt the butter (or margarine) in a separate bowl and mix in the salt, garlic, and worcestershire sauce.  Pour the butter mixture over the cereal mixture in the crockpot and gently stir until the cereal is evenly coated.  Cover and turn the crockpot on low for 3 hours.  If your crockpot does not have a hole for moisture to escape you can leave a slight gap at the lid so the moisture can escape otherwise you can place a towel or paper towel up by the lid of the crockpot to absorb any condensation from the Chex Mix cooking.  Stir the Chex Mix every hour to keep it from burning.  Once it is done spread the mixture out evenly on parchment paper and let it cool.

    I love using my crockpot for a variety of great recipes.  Plus the house smells amazing as the food cooks.  The only thing I forgot to do was take a picture of the finished Classic Chex Mix.  Sorry!  Guess it is time to make another batch.  It turned out well.  I still prefer the “sweet” Chex mixes over the salty, but this was a great alternative snack to have around the house for those who cannot eat gluten, dairy, or peanuts!

  • A Birthday Celebration at Great Wolf Lodge

    Karlie & Brina - Birthday Cake

    Karlie and Brina’s Birthday cakes from Tip Top Cake Shop!

    We didn’t do the normal traditional birthday party for the girls because we were going away for a weekend together as a family to celebrate.   They didn’t know it at the time, but we still ordered small individual birthday cakes for them.  The day before we left on our trip I took them by the store to pick up an item, they were a little confused when we walked into the cake shop, but thrilled once they saw their cakes.  Karlie’s was white cake and she used her favorite green, blue, and black colors for accents.   Karlie’s first response was  “How did she know my favorite colors and that I like vanilla!”  Brina’s was a dairy and egg free chocolate cake with pink, orange, and yellow accents.  Brina’s first comment “It’s beautiful Mom, I LOVE it!”    Even something as simple as little cakes can get them excited!  The cakes tasted amazing!  You would never guess that the chocolate one was egg and diary free it was delicious!


    We brought with us their gifts they got each other a couple small ones from us.  When Jake put the suitcases in the room he found a perfect spot to display the gifts.  The girls were amazed that the hotel staff would put out all their gifts for them, until they realized it was Daddy that did it.  They were having so much fun in the water park while Jake was unloading the van!  Thanks Babycake for doing that for us!


    Brina very excited about her gift from Karlie!


    Oh boy….Brina got Karlie another nerf gun…..  She’s excited!  Wonder who will be a walking target for her the next few months, ha!


    I love it when the girls write little notes on their gifts to each other.  So sweet!


    My wild and crazy man!  Love you Jacob!


    Brina is so very excited.  She got a leash for her dog, something she had been wanting!


    Jake blowing up the balloons.  I found these cool balloons at Hobby Lobby that have LED lights inside that make the balloons glow in the dark.   I thought they would be a neat way to wrap up the birthday celebration as they went to sleep.  They were suppose to glow for 12 to 15 hours, but they are still glowing several days later and the girls have them in their rooms at home now!


    Wow, glowing balloons!  What a great way to end a special day!


    It is hard to take a picture of it glowing!  Happy Birthday Karlie!


    Happy Birthday Brina!  Princess Snow White will watch over your balloon as you sleep!


    Two very tired and almost asleep kids.  What a fun day at Great Wolf celebrating their birthday.  Hopefully they will treasure this time and memory for many years.

    We were so exhausted by the time we got done with the water park, gift unwrapping, and everything else that we decided to save the birthday cakes until breakfast.  Everyone was ready to crash and get some sleep so we could get up and go early the next morning!  We figure it’s not everyday you get to have cake for breakfast so why not!

  • Birthday Celebrations


    Brina and Karlie Birthday

    Happy Birthday to Brina & Karlie!  We are so thrilled to be celebrating another great year with our sweet girls.  Even though their birthday was a few days ago it has been a whirlwind of activities, fun, and celebrations so I am just now getting around to posting all the super fun stuff!  The Happy Birthday banner was hung up in our kitchen over the sink the night before so they were greeted with it first thing in the morning as they went into the kitchen to eat breakfast!


    Jake made the girls a delicious birthday breakfast treat to celebrate their birthday!!!  He made them a yogurt cup topped with fresh blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries!  Jake also made the girls ham and homemade hash browns.


    The girls watching their sparkler candles while we sing “Happy Birthday” to them!  We stuck the candles in their yogurt and fruit cups.


    Brina very excited about her cool new bike!


    Karlie ready to go for a ride on her new bike!


    Karlie and Brina in their new birthday shirts ready to have a super fun birthday.  First activity after breakfast…..a day at school.

    Brina and Karlie Birthday

    Karlie’s entire school lunch and snack wrapped up and ready to go.  She was so excited to unwrap all her food gifts for her lunch!

    Brina and Karlie birthday

    Brina’s birthday lunch all wrapped up in festive birthday wrapping, complete with a sweet card!


    Birthday lunch packed and ready to go!


    Birthday balloons always add a little fun to the big celebration day!  They are still up and floating around in their rooms even though I picked them up before their birthdays!

  • Easy Appetizer – Vegetable Tray

    Lately with it being busy around our house I have been all about quick, easy, and healthy options for when we are going out or bringing items to a gathering.  Last week I shared one of our simple fruit appetizers – Fresh Apples & Caramel Dip to make so this week I am going to share another one of our family favorites!

    If you a looking for a quick and healthy item to bring to the next party try putting together a veggie tray.  With Spring starting this week you may be starting to plan your garden and will have a bundle of fresh vegetables to share in a couple months.  Most grocery stores will have a lot of great produce on sale during this time of year too.  Pick up items that are on sale, put the vegetables on a serving dish and add dip (if you want) and you have a healthy and colorful treat to bring to your next party.

  • Fresh Apples & Caramel Dip

    Fresh Apple Slices and Caramel Dip

    Do you have a party where you need a quick, healthy, and easy appetizer?  This one is kind of a no-brainer, but sometimes I need to be reminded that the simple easy snacks that require less prep can be just as enjoyable for everyone (and allows you to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family).  Freshly sliced apples with caramel dip is a great one to bring and share!  There’s is just something refreshing and delicious about apples and caramel.  Yum!

    For this event I took fresh apples sliced them, dipped them in a mix of  lemon juice and water to keep them from turning brown and poured the caramel dip that we already had in the pantry onto the serving platter.  You can make your own caramel sauce, but since I had some on hand it was easier just to pour it into the dish.  Also, if you want to make it even easier, especially if you’re in a pinch, you can purchase both pre-sliced apples and caramel dip at the store.  Sometimes it’s the simple easy stuff that is a big hit.