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Recipes: Classic Chex Mix in the Crockpot (Gluten, Peanut, & Dairy Free)

Original Chex Mix

Classic Chex Mix made in the Crockpot!

I have always enjoyed Chex Mix!  It is a great winter snack food as you are sitting by the fire or playing board games around the dining room table.  There are so many amazing variations to it as well.  I especially like the sweet Chex Mix recipes here are some of my favorites:

The other day I decided to try making the Classic Chex Mix out with items I already had in our pantry and in the crockpot.  I added several variations to the Classic Chex Mix because we have a family member that cannot have peanuts or dairy and we have some friends who cannot have gluten.  My recipe is gluten free, dairy free, and peanut free for those who do not want to use those products in their Classic Chex Mix. You can substitute regular pretzels, dairy butter, or peanuts if you would prefer them instead.

Classic Chex Mix (Gluten & Peanut Free)

  • 5 cups Rice Chex Cereal
  • 5 cups Corn Crunch Cereal
  • 2 cups Gluten Free Pretzels
  • 1 cup Almonds
  • 6 Tablespoons Dairy-Free Butter or Margarine (melted)
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Seasoned Salt
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon Garlic Powder

Place the cereal, pretzels, and almonds into your crockpot.  Melt the butter (or margarine) in a separate bowl and mix in the salt, garlic, and worcestershire sauce.  Pour the butter mixture over the cereal mixture in the crockpot and gently stir until the cereal is evenly coated.  Cover and turn the crockpot on low for 3 hours.  If your crockpot does not have a hole for moisture to escape you can leave a slight gap at the lid so the moisture can escape otherwise you can place a towel or paper towel up by the lid of the crockpot to absorb any condensation from the Chex Mix cooking.  Stir the Chex Mix every hour to keep it from burning.  Once it is done spread the mixture out evenly on parchment paper and let it cool.

I love using my crockpot for a variety of great recipes.  Plus the house smells amazing as the food cooks.  The only thing I forgot to do was take a picture of the finished Classic Chex Mix.  Sorry!  Guess it is time to make another batch.  It turned out well.  I still prefer the “sweet” Chex mixes over the salty, but this was a great alternative snack to have around the house for those who cannot eat gluten, dairy, or peanuts!