
  • Recipes: Eggs with Portobello Mushrooms (Breakfast)

    Recipes - Breakfast - Camp Fire Cooking - P1420390c

    Eggs with Portobello Mushrooms for breakfast. The mushroom slices makes it resemble a flower shape.

    At times breakfast can be kind of hurried around our house.  Especially when the kids are trying to off to school, Jake’s heading into work, and I have various activities going on that day as well.  We try to have our family dinners together during the weekdays and on Saturday morning we have a family breakfast or brunch (most Saturdays).  We started doing this because Saturdays typically get busier and fill up the later in the day.  This allows us to have at least one meal a day together as a family.

    It is always nice when we have a chance to sit down, relax, and enjoy some time together at breakfast.  A lot of times Jake’s will make up something tasty for our family breakfast.  One day Jake was frying up an egg for himself and told me that he was going to make me something for breakfast so don’t worry about getting anything ready for myself that morning.  When I arrived at the table this is what I had waiting for me.  He had made scrambled eggs topped with bok choy, ham, cheese, and surrounded by a sliced up and sauteed portobello mushrooms.  It was delicious!

    Eggs with Portobello Mushrooms Recipe:

    • 1 Egg
    • 1/2 cup Fresh Bok Choy (cut into 1 inch strips)
    • 1/4 cup Ham (diced)
    • 1 large Portobello Mushroom Cap (cut into strips)
    • 1/2 tablespoon Olive Oil
    • 1 slice Ultra Thin Sargento Colby Jack Cheese

    1.  Slice the bok choy, ham, and portobello mushroom cap and set aside.

    2.  Heat the olive oil up in a pan on medium heat for 1 minute.  Add the portobello mushroom and diced ham; cook for 3 minutes.

    3.  While the mushroom and ham is cooking make crack the egg and beat it slightly to make scrambled eggs.  Add 1/2 tablespoon of water or milk (I prefer water in my scrambled eggs, but a lot of people like milk).  Place the scrambled egg into a small frying pan that is lightly greased (spray with cooking oil or a couple drops of olive oil).

    4.  As the egg is cooking add the bok choy to the mushroom and ham mixture.  Cook until the bok choy starts to wilt.

    5.  Place the egg in the center of the plate.  Top with the bok choy and ham.  Add the portobello mushroom slices around the outer edge of the egg stack and top with a slice of cheese.


    It tasted AMAZING!  A great start to the day!

  • Recipes: Chicken Tomato Pasta


    Chicken Tomato Pasta Dish

    Another great meal made by my awesome husband.  He came up with this pasta recipe one Sunday for lunch.  The base is animal shaped pasta noodles (can you guess who picked out the noodles)?!   Topped with chicken, tomatoes, bok choy, spinach, and mushrooms.  It was a fresh and tasty combination perfect for dinner out on the deck with the family on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

    Chicken Tomato Pasta Recipe:

    • 1 lb Chicken Breasts (sliced, cooked, seasoned, and drained)
    • 12 oz Pasta (we used Organic Vegetable Pasta in the shape of Animals)
    • 1 large Tomato (or can of diced tomatoes)
    • 1 cup Fresh Spinach
    • 1 cup Fresh Bok Choy
    • 1/2 cup Fresh Mushrooms
    • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
    • 1/2 teaspoon Minced Garlic
    • Optional – 1/2 small Onion
    • Optional – 1/4 cup shredded Cheese

    1.  Slice the chicken in about 1 inch strips.  Heat 1/2 tablespoon of Olive Oil in a frying pans on medium heat and add the minced garlic (and onion if using it).  Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes.  Add the chicken and stir gently as every couple minutes while working on the other steps. 

    2.  Add water to a pot and turn it on medium-high until it is at a rolling boil and add the pasta.  Cook the pasta per the directions on the package.

    3. Slice up the vegetables into about 1/2 inch to 1 inch pieces (tomatoes, spinach, bok choy, mushrooms).  Heat 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan over medium heat.  Add the mushrooms and tomatoes cooking them for about 2 minutes.  Add the spinach and bok choy, cooking for an additional 3 minutes or until the leaves are starting to wilt.

    4.  Scoop some pasta onto your plate.  Top with the tomato and vegetable mixture.  Add the chicken and a little more of the tomato and vegetable mixture.  Optional: Garnish with sauteed bok choy centers and a sprinkle of shredded cheese.


    Chicken Tomato Pasta with a Bok Choy garnish!

  • Recipes: Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies


    Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies

    A perfect combination of creamy chocolate and peanut butter.  These Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies are absolutely delicious when cooled or frozen.  I would take one of these over a Popsicle any hot day!  These are very similar to my No Bake Cookies with one minor change, which actually happen by mistake!

    You get these creamy Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies when you cut back the boiling time of regular No Bake Cookie.  These creamy fudge like cookies that are amazing in the freezer or refrigerator.  While they don’t have to be refrigerated or frozen it is recommended.  The only “problem” with this cookie is that it is not stackable.  If you try to stack these cookies together you will end up with one giant cookie (yes, it happened at our house) which means you have to take a slice out of the giant whenever you want to eat a piece.  By not boiling it the cookie doesn’t set up, but gives you a great alternative to the traditional No Bake Cookies.

    Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies Recipe:

    • 2 cups Sugar
    • 4 tablespoon Cocoa
    • 1 stick Butter
    • 1/2 cup Milk
    • 1 cup Peanut Butter
    • 1 tablespoon Vanilla
    • 3 cups Oatmeal

    1.  In a heavy saucepan bring the sugar, cocoa, butter, and milk to a boil.

    2.  Stir in peanut butter, vanilla, and oatmeal.

    3. Lay out the wax paper, drop mixture by the tablespoonful and allow the cookies to cool.

    4.  Once the cookies have cooled place in the freezer or refrigerator using wax paper to separate the layers.


    Chocolate Fudge No Bake Cookies cooling before going into the refrigerator!

  • Recipes: Homemade M&M Cookies


    Fresh out-of-the-oven Homemade M&M Cookies

    There is something comforting about walking into the house and the smell of freshly baked cookies.  It is welcoming, not to mention the delicious taste when you sink your teeth into a warm fresh cookie as it melts in your mouth.  I remember as a kid when we would get off the school bus sometimes my Mom would be pulling a fresh batch of cookies out of the oven for us to enjoy.  No matter how crazy school had been that day you knew you would feel better after Mom’s homemade cookies!

    Our kids don’t ride the school bus so they don’t get to experience that “get off the school bus and encounter freshly baked cookies sensation” however, I do try to bring them homemade cookies, send it with them in their lunches, or make them at times when they are home.  It is nice to surprise them with a special treat every once in awhile.  Sometimes if they are playing outside I will make up a quick batch and the next time they come inside they get to sink their teeth into the hot cookies.

    M&M Cookie Recipe:

    •  2/3 cup Margarine
    • 2/3 cup Butter Flavored Crisco
    • 1 cup Sugar
    • 1 cup Brown Sugar
    • 2 Eggs
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla
    • 1/2 teaspoon imitation Rum Extract
    • 3 cups Flour
    • 1 teaspoon Salt
    • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
    • 1 package Chocolate Chips

    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Mix the margarine, crisco, sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, rum and eggs together.  Then add the dry ingredients (flour, salt, and baking soda) and mix.  Fold in the M&M’s.  Grease the baking sheet.  Drop by small spoonfuls onto the baking sheet.  Bake for 9 to 11 minutes depending on the oven.  Serves 3 to 4 dozen.

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    Another batch ready to go into the oven!  The house is smelling good….

  • Recipes: Cooking Ground Beef Using a Crockpot

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    Crockpot full of fresh ground beef

    My favorite way to save time with cooking is to do some of the time consuming and messier tasks all at one time.  One of the ways you can do this is by cooking up your ground beef in advance and freezing it in measured out portions.  When you need cooked beef for a recipe you pull it out, thaw it a little bit, and you are ready for the next step.  I started doing this several years ago and just this one activity saves our entire family a lot of time throughout the month.

    Once we are down to our last bag or two of cooked ground beef in the freezer it’s time to do another big batch a crockpot ground beef.  I can fit several pounds of ground beef into our crockpot at one time.  One crockpot of cooked ground beef will usually last our family at least a month or more (it has lasted up to 3 months for us on more than 1 occasion).  Typically we have about one ground beef based meal per week whether on the week days or weekend.  My husband was a little skeptical about this at first, but after a few months he has come to enjoy being able to pull out a bag of cooked ground beef and proceed forward to the next step of cooking the meal.

    This works really well if you want to cook up a larger batch of ground beef at one time.  It would not be as useful if you are wanting to cook 1 pound of ground beef for a meal later that day (doable, yes, just not as efficient).   I always try to keep an eye out for ground beef deals whenever I am at the grocery store.  If I find a good deal I stick it in the deep freezer and when it is time to cook up the next big batch of ground beef I always have plenty to fill up the crockpot.  This helps you save money in the long run too because you don’t have to pay full price for ground beef (which has gone way up in the last couple of years).  It is a good idea to be home while the ground beef is in the crockpot because it typically only takes 3 to 5 hours and you want to break up the ground beef throughout the cooking process.

    By doing this you make the mess of cooking ground beef once a month (or every couple months) and your done.   No more weekly cooking of your ground beef will also save you more time and clean up mess than you realize!  Seriously!!!  This especially works well if you have an upcoming busy season that you want to prepare for or having a baby soon or summer break or just trying to utilize your time more efficiently.

    Cooking Ground Beef Using a Crockpot Recipe:

    • Several Pounds of Ground Beef (I usually do between 5 to 10 pounds at a time).  You can use traditional beef, grass fed beef, or whatever combination you want.  You can also use whatever percentage of fat you want as well.  Although, the fattier the meat the less actual meat you will have at the end because the fat will be drained off.  We like to buy 93% lean or higher, but at times we do pick up a lower one if it is at a great price (we always stick to 85% or higher).

    1.  Fill your crockpot up to the top with ground beef (every crockpot holds a different amount, but try to fit in as much as possible).  I have put in frozen ground beef (pulled directly from the freezer) as well as thawed ground beef (either way will work fine), but you will be able to fit more of the thawed ground beef into your crockpot therefore creating more meals out of your finished product.

    2.  Put your crockpot on the low heat setting and cook for 3 to 5 hours.  The time will vary depending on how much meat you put into your crockpot and whether or not it was thawed or frozen.   Place the lid on the crockpot and let it cook for an hour.

    3.  After the first hour of cooking add your spices (whatever you typically use to season your ground beef).  We like to keep it simple by adding minced onions and Grill Mates Montreal Steak Seasoning Other good seasonings that compliment the ground beef are salt, pepper, garlic seasoning, etc…  After adding the seasonings take a straight edged spatula or wooden spoon and break up the meat so it starts forming the ground beef crumbles.  Place the lid back on the crockpot and allow it to cook for another hour.

    4.  After the 2nd hour remove the lid and break up the meat again.  This will help it form the nice uniform ground beef crumbles that work well in recipes.  If you do not stir it regularly than the ground beef will form larger clumps of meat which do not work as well in many of the recipes that call for ground beef.  You can still break up the larger clumps at the end, but it will take longer and they will not be as evenly seasoned or as uniform.

    5.  Repeat step #4 every additional hour until your ground beef is cooked thoroughly.  You should have a nice brown color and your meat crumbled into fairly even size pieces.

    6.  Once the hamburger is cooked turn off the crockpot.  Place a small holed strainer on top of a large metal bowl and pour your cooked ground beef into the strainer.  The strainer will keep your cooked meat in it while the oils will drain into the large bowl underneath.  Allow the hamburger to drain for 10 minutes.  Blot with a paper towel to get rid of any access fat.

    7.  Allow the meat to cool completely.  Once it is cool divide the meat up into individual bags or containers by measuring out 2 cups of meat per container (this is approximately 1 pound of ground beef per bag or container).  If you get to the end and you don’t have enough for an additional 2 cups divide the remaining meat equally between the individual containers already fill.  Typically, I have between 2 to 2 1/2 cups of cooked meat per bag or container.  Every time you have a recipe that calls for 1 pound of hamburger all you have to do is pull out 1 of these bags or containers and use it.  Each one of these is used in a family meal.     If you have 6 bags or containers this should get you through your next 6 meals that use cooked ground hamburger.  Say you do 1 meal like this a week this should last you 6 weeks before you have to cook ground hamburger again!

    This allows you to pull the meat out prior to dinner, make your meal, and eliminates a lot of time and mess.  Which means you can spend more time with your family or doing something you enjoy!


    Cooke ground beef is now ready to be drained and divided up into individual bags for later consumption.

  • Recipes: Octopus Spaghetti

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    One of the Octopus Spaghetti pieces

    Our family enjoys having fun in the kitchen.  We have done this recipe a few times especially when the kids are a little younger.  It was one of those days when we had spaghetti on the menu, but instead I decided to alter it to make it more fun for the kids.  The normal spaghetti and meatballs for dinner turned into Octopus Spaghetti which included hotdogs instead of meatballs.

    It really is easy.  While the noodles were still hard I stuck them through pieces of hotdogs.  The hotdogs cooked while the spaghetti noodles were boiling.  I added a little bit of spaghetti sauce, a side dish or two (garlic bread and / or a fresh salad are good ones) and dinner is ready.  The kids love it and enjoy helping with this recipe too.

    Octopus Spaghetti Recipe:

    • 1 package Hotdogs
    • 40 Spaghetti Noodles
    • 1 jar Spaghetti Marina Sauce (store bought or homemade)

    Place a pot of water on the stove and begin heating it up until boiling.   While you are waiting for your water to boil cut each of the 10 hotdogs into 4 equal pieces.  Put 4 dry spaghetti noodles through each piece of hotdog (this allows you to have 4 octopus arms on each side of the hotdog, therefore giving you 8 octopus arms total).  It may take a couple extra spaghetti noodles because you may break a couple when poking them through the hotdogs.  Once the water is boiling place the hotdogs and noodles into your pot and boil until noodles are thoroughly cooked.

    While the hotdogs and noodles are cooking place your spaghetti sauce into a smaller sauce pan and heat until it is hot.  Place the hotdogs and noodles on your plate first and put the spaghetti sauce on top.

    Our kids think the hotdogs and noodles tastes good even without the spaghetti sauce.  You can do it either way.  It is a fun meal, especially for the kids.


    A pile of Octopus Spaghetti on that plate.


    Spaghetti marina sauce added on top of the Octopus Spaghetti

  • Recipes: Beef Taco & Rice Casserole

    Recipes - Taco Rice Casserole - P1480475c

    My husband comes up with some delicious recipes.  Sometimes he starts from scratch while other times he finds leftovers in the refrigerator that need to be used up and makes them into a delicious meal meal.  On this particular day we had leftover rice from an earlier meal that week so he came up with this tasty Taco Rice Casserole.   Add whatever toppings you like to this casserole and enjoy!

    Taco Rice Casserole Recipe:

    • 1 pound Ground Hamburger (cooked and drained)
    • 1/4 small Onion
    • 1 teaspoon Olive Oil
    • 2 cups Rice (cooked)
    • 1 pack Taco Seasoning
    • 1 can regular diced Tomatoes
    • 1 can diced Tomatoes with Chilies
    • Topping Options (sour cream, shredded cheese, salsa, olives)

    Saute the onion in Olive Oil for about 5 minutes.  Add the ground hamburger to the onions, cook thoroughly, and drain the fat.  Add the pack of taco seasoning according to directions.  Cook the rice according to directions and drain.  Add the 2 cans of diced tomatoes to the taco hamburger mixture and heat to a boil and simmer on low for 3 minutes.  Add the pasta to the hamburger mixture and mix.

    Pour the mixture into a greased casserole dish and cook on 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until heated through.  Optional:  The last five minutes add the 2 cups of corn chips and/or shredded cheese on top.  Serve with taco toppings such as sour cream, shredded cheese, and salsa, olives, and fresh diced tomatoes.

  • Recipes: Cheesy Bacon Potatoes Bites


    Cheesy Bacon Potato Bites

    I try to keep potatoes on hand for a variety of family recipes.  It is fun to try out some new recipes with the potatoes too.  The Cheesy Bacon Potato Bites is one we tried a few months ago and our family liked it so much we have added several variations to this recipe.  If we need to use up some potatoes or a simple side dish this is a good one for family meals.

    Part of this recipe is with regular dairy cheese and the another part using soy cheese (dairy free cheese).  If you have someone in your family that has a dairy allergy you could use this recipe to do the whole pan dairy free or part of it like we did for our family (depending on the intensity of the dairy reaction).  It is a simple recipe that you can alter to suit your family.

    Cheesy Baked Potatoes:

    • 4 Potatoes (we used red potatoes this time)
    • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
    • 1 tablespoon Garlic Salt (we like Lawry’s)
    • 1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
    • 1 cup Shredded Cheese (we used Colby Jack and the orange cheese the right of the picture is actually Soy Cheese)
    • 1/4 cup of Bacon Bits

    1.  Rinse the potatoes.

    2.  Slice the potatoes into 1/2 inch slices.

    3.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

    4.  Spray the bottom of a 9×13 baking dish.

    5.  Place the potatoes in a single layer in your 9×13 dish.  Brush each potato with olive oil.

    6.  Sprinkle the tops of the potatoes with garlic salt and black pepper.  Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

    7.  Pull the potatoes out of the oven.  Add the cheese and bacon to the tops of the potatoes.  Bake for an additional 5 minutes.

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    Potatoes sliced, oiled, seasoned, and ready to go into the oven


     Potatoes after being baked for 25 minutes.  Time to add the toppings – cheese & bacon!


     Cheese has been added and already melting because the potatoes are so hot!  Next comes a layer of bacon, five more minutes in the oven, and it’s ready!  As you can see from the picture you could make this a “dairy free” recipe if you use dairy free cheese such as soy.

  • Recipes: Red & Blue Patriotic Salad

    Recipes - Strawberry - Blueberry - Steak - Salad - P1420522c

    Fresh Red & Blue Patriotic Salad

    I have been enjoying the fresh salads lately with the warmer temperatures.  The other day as I was looking through the refrigerator for lunch ideas and decided to use up some leftovers along with some fresh fruit and greens.  The salad turned out delicious.  It was cool and crispy with a touch of sweetness in every bite.

    The recipe below is for a single serving, however, this would be a great one to make into a larger salad to share for the July 4th Holiday or really anytime throughout the hot summer season.  Whether at a picnic, party, celebration, or any other event the salad is sure to be a hit.  Plus it’s healthy, colorful, and delicious!

    Red & Blue Patriotic Salad Recipe:

    • 2 cups Fresh Romaine Lettuce
    • 1/4 cup cut Fresh Strawberries
    • 1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries
    • 3 oz Sirloin Steak, slivered
    • 1 tablespoon Walden Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Rinse the romaine lettuce, strawberries, and blueberries.  Cut up the romaine lettuce (if not already done so).  Place the romaine onto your plate or serving dish.  Cut the strawberries into quarters and add them to the top of the romaine.   Add the blueberries on top as well.  Sliver your sirloin steak and place it on the bed of romaine.  Sprinkle the Walden Farms Raspberry Viniagrette salad dressing over your salad, mix gently, and enjoy!

    Optional: If you want to add a little bit of white to your Red & Blue salad to make it a Red, White, and Blue Salad I was suggest adding a sprinkling of cheese on top such as crumbled blue cheese, shredded parmesean, or mozzarella. 

    Total Calories: 333 | Total Net Carbs: 4.4


    Fresh & Delicious!


    Lunch is ready!

  • Recipes: Everybody’s Happy Snack Mix


    Everybody’s Happy Snack Mix

    I came up with this snack mix before a road trip.  Since it was a shorter road trip I wanted to make sure I had a snack item ready for when people got hungry along the way.  As I was looking through the cupboard I couldn’t figure out what to take for a snack because some things were sweet others were salty, some items the adults preferred more while other items the kids liked better.  While standing in front of the cupboard the idea hit me that it would probably be just as easy to make my own snack mix.

    It was perfect!  I used items that we already had in the cupboard.  I only had to take one Ziplock bag for the whole family instead of taking several snacks for each member of the family.  Any of the mix that didn’t go with us on the trip I divided up into snack bags to add to the school and work lunches the following week.

    The kids LOVED it!  The kids wanted to know where I found this snack mix and were surprised to learn it was just a mix of items from our pantry.   They thought it was great that they got sweet treats while I was happy they were eating the healthier items in the mix too.  It had a perfect blend of sweet and salty with a nice crunch.  The variety of shapes, colors, and tastes appealed to everyone in the family.  I came up with the name for this new snack while on our trip – Everybody’s Happy Snack Mix!

    This is perfect for school or work lunches, road trips, vacation, picnics, summer, outings, pool days, parties, and so much more!  Hope you enjoy it as much as we do.  If you don’t have all the ingredients on hand (no worries) just substitute it for something else you have in your pantry or remove it from the recipe.  It’s a simple and easy mix it together recipe.  No cooking required.

    Everybody’s Happy Snack Mix Recipe:

    • 2 cups Multi-Grain Cheerios Cereal
    • 2 cups Quaker Whole Heart Cereal
    • 2 cups Honey Wheat Pretzel Twists
    • 1 cup Dark Raisins
    • 1 cup Craisins
    • 1 cup Golden Raisins
    • 1 cup M&Ms*
    • 1 cup Chocolate Snow Caps*
    • 1 cup Cashews
    • 1 cup Almonds

    Directions are super easy: Put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix.  Place in an airtight container or ziplock bag(s).  Happy Snacking!

    *If you are going to be storing these in a place where it may get hot (summer pool bag, car, etc…) I would recommend replacing the M&Ms and Chocolate Snow Caps with Skittles or similar item(s) that will not melt if left in the heat. 

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