Crafts,  Creative Kids,  Family,  Family Activities,  Fun,  Kids,  Summer Activities

Window Easels


Noelle’s window art

One of our fun summer crafty activities that ended up a big hit with all the kids was Window Easels!  Each kid (ages 4 to 12) got to pick their own window as their easel and could draw whatever they wanted on it.  I had a stack of window paint (like the ones you put on car windows) and each kid could come grab what colors they needed for their particular artwork.  They had a blast doing it.  I didn’t get a huge amount of pictures during the activity because I was helping distribute the paint and wiping up any drips as they happened.  It has a big hit!  I left the painted easels up for the rest of their stay so everyone could enjoy their artwork for several days. You could see the artwork both inside and outside of the house which was pretty neat!  Some of the kids choose to paint both the top and bottom windows (while standing on a chair) while others just wanted to do one window.


Brina did both of her windows


Noah’s creatively decorated windows!


Nadia, the youngest one of the group, had a lot of fun doing her window – “All by herself!”

window art

Karlie packed a lot onto her window – Art, Names, Signs, Shapes, Math, and more fun stuff!

Not only was it a lot of fun it gave me a good excuse to scrub down the windows this summer too!  It was the perfect summer craft.  It kept the kids entertained for quite awhile and there were very little clean up.   Plus no one had to wait for turns at the easel because everyone had their own and they all painted at the same time.  It was fun watching them paint and hearing them chitchat at the same time.