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A Birthday Celebration at Great Wolf Lodge

Karlie & Brina - Birthday Cake

Karlie and Brina’s Birthday cakes from Tip Top Cake Shop!

We didn’t do the normal traditional birthday party for the girls because we were going away for a weekend together as a family to celebrate.   They didn’t know it at the time, but we still ordered small individual birthday cakes for them.  The day before we left on our trip I took them by the store to pick up an item, they were a little confused when we walked into the cake shop, but thrilled once they saw their cakes.  Karlie’s was white cake and she used her favorite green, blue, and black colors for accents.   Karlie’s first response was  “How did she know my favorite colors and that I like vanilla!”  Brina’s was a dairy and egg free chocolate cake with pink, orange, and yellow accents.  Brina’s first comment “It’s beautiful Mom, I LOVE it!”    Even something as simple as little cakes can get them excited!  The cakes tasted amazing!  You would never guess that the chocolate one was egg and diary free it was delicious!


We brought with us their gifts they got each other a couple small ones from us.  When Jake put the suitcases in the room he found a perfect spot to display the gifts.  The girls were amazed that the hotel staff would put out all their gifts for them, until they realized it was Daddy that did it.  They were having so much fun in the water park while Jake was unloading the van!  Thanks Babycake for doing that for us!


Brina very excited about her gift from Karlie!


Oh boy….Brina got Karlie another nerf gun…..  She’s excited!  Wonder who will be a walking target for her the next few months, ha!


I love it when the girls write little notes on their gifts to each other.  So sweet!


My wild and crazy man!  Love you Jacob!


Brina is so very excited.  She got a leash for her dog, something she had been wanting!


Jake blowing up the balloons.  I found these cool balloons at Hobby Lobby that have LED lights inside that make the balloons glow in the dark.   I thought they would be a neat way to wrap up the birthday celebration as they went to sleep.  They were suppose to glow for 12 to 15 hours, but they are still glowing several days later and the girls have them in their rooms at home now!


Wow, glowing balloons!  What a great way to end a special day!


It is hard to take a picture of it glowing!  Happy Birthday Karlie!


Happy Birthday Brina!  Princess Snow White will watch over your balloon as you sleep!


Two very tired and almost asleep kids.  What a fun day at Great Wolf celebrating their birthday.  Hopefully they will treasure this time and memory for many years.

We were so exhausted by the time we got done with the water park, gift unwrapping, and everything else that we decided to save the birthday cakes until breakfast.  Everyone was ready to crash and get some sleep so we could get up and go early the next morning!  We figure it’s not everyday you get to have cake for breakfast so why not!