• Airports & Transportation: Charlotte International Airport – CLT (Charlotte, NC)


    Our family LOVES traveling!!!  We especially enjoy it if we are able to get a reasonable priced flight out of the nearest airport, Greenville, SC (GSP).  If we cannot get a flight out of Greenville then Charlotte International Airport CLT is our next airport of choice.  Charlotte is not too far from Greenville and often has great tickets.  We try to always leave a little bit earlier than we anticipate because with traffic and the occasional rain shower it can slow you down.  Plus we typically park in the long term parking and catch the shuttle to the airport so that takes  a little more time then a quick drop off at the airport.

    On our last two big trips we flew out of Charlotte International Airport CLT.  One of our trips was up to New England and the Midwest and our most recent trip from Charlotte was to Anchorage, Alaska.  Brina and Karlie went to their last day of their Robotics and Software Computer Game Programming Camp at the Roper Mountain Science Camp while Jake and I tackled the last few items we needed to get done at work.  I came home from work, picked up Jake, and then we picked up the girls from camp on our way to the airport.  Traffic was pretty good and we only had a few sprinkles of rain on the way to Charlotte so we made good time, despite our unscheduled potty break stop a couple exits before the airport.  Jake was able to wrap up more work items and a couple calls on the way to the airport as I drove.

    We quickly found out that the Charlotte airport can be a little busy on Friday afternoons and evenings.  It took us longer than normal to find a parking spot in long term parking.  We were beginning to think the lot was completely full, but we found one eventually near the end of the lot.  Once we found a spot to park and got all our luggage out of the van we immediately made our way to the canopy to wait for the next bus to arrive.  Thankfully they have a bus pick up people every few minutes.  The first bus that arrived at our canopy location was completely full so we had to wait for the next bus which we could see coming down the road.  They had a bus probably every 2 to 6 minutes going through the parking lot.

    The long term parking bus drops you off at the basement level and directly across the walkway from the check in counters.  Once you get into the airport you’ll need to take either the escalators, stairs, or elevator up to the 2nd floor to check into your airline and drop off your luggage.

    We’ve had great experience even during the busier times of getting through the check-in lines fairly quickly and smoothly.  You can go through any of the TSA check points because all the terminals merge immediately after the check points.  We typically pick the TSA line with the shortest line or one with the most open lines at the time.  As long as you follow the TSA guidelines (take off your shoes if over 12 years old, no liquids, etc….) you should get through pretty quickly.  The terminals are well marked and easy to get to as well.  If you are looking for a snack, drink, or restrooms they have a number of options and locations just outside the main terminals as well as along the terminals.

    It can get crowded at times, but we’ve always had good luck flying out of Charlotte.  The employees are friendly, professional, and do their best to get you on and off your plane in a timely manner.  They do not have any control over the weather, but otherwise we’ve had no issues.  Thankfully this flight was the same.  Quick, easy, and on time!  Thank you CLT!

    Photo Credit

  • Weekend Getaway!

    Weekend Getaway to Hot Springs, North Carolina

    Beautiful Day for a road trip with my Handsome Man!

    Jake and I were able to getaway for a weekend while the girls were at church camp!  It was nice to spend some time relaxing together.  We were able to chat and have some one-on-one time without any interruptions for a solid weekend.  One of the best parts about where we went is that no cell phones, email, or internet work so there were less distractions!  We even had our first couples massage which was so very relaxing!


    Drinking my morning coffee while Jake makes breakfast!  I am so spoiled.  Grateful for a husband that cooks!


    My date for the weekend!  Love you Babycake!


    We rarely take pictures together so we snapped one after our couples massage at the Old Red Bridge in Hot Springs, NC!


    Our home away from home for the weekend!


    We went to the Hot Springs Log Cabins, it was so nice and peaceful in the rocker on the front porch.  The only thing you could hear were the birds!

    We know how to bring in the summer and celebrate!  It’s going to be a busy one so having a weekend together was a true treat!  It was awesome to truly get away from it all!   Thankful for opportunities to spend with him.  He truly is my best friend and the love of my life.  I am blessed!

  • Having A Splashin Good Time!

    Birthday Celebration at Great Wolf Lodge

    Karlie going for a ride under the water!  Hang on!

    Brina going for a ride under the water.  She didn’t relax as much because she was more concerned that Jake could hold his breath longer and wouldn’t come up for air in time.  He did!


    This one makes me laugh!  The girls were standing in line behind us chit – chatting.  I am not sure what they were talking about it, but Brina thought it was hilarious!  Love it when the two of them make each other giggle.  Hope they remain great friends their entire lives!


    Getting up on the lily pad took some extra energy – it was slick!  Towards the end of the second day Brina was getting tired and chilly so we put a life jacket on her for the last hour.  She didn’t want to stop playing in the water so this was a good compromise!  Resting on the lily pad for a little bit and talking about their day.


    Trying to hold on as the lily pad was spinning in circles!  Not sure how they still had the energy and all those giggles left in them, but they were having a grand time!


    As we were getting ready to wrap up for the day Brina had to do one more run before we left Great Wolf Lodge.


    Karlie trying to smile through the tears!  “I just don’t want to go home Mom, I’ve had so much fun!”   She wanted me to walk around and take a bunch of pictures the last 5 minutes they were open and kept asking me “Mom, are you sure you got enough pictures?  I don’t ever want to forget our time here together!”


    Karlie with a big smile as she finally crashed on the trip home.

    P1110820cIt didn’t take long before Brina was asleep too.

    We had a wonderful time together at Great Wolf Lodge.  On the way home Jake and I figured out  that we spent about 20 hours actually in the water playing!  Considering we were only there for a day and a half we packed a lot of fun into that time.  The girls had a great time and we had fun too.  All of us were exhausted!  Despite Karlie’s fear of not getting enough pictures I think we have plenty to look back on and remember this wonderful trip together.

  • Another Day of Fun!

    Birthday Party at Great Wolf Lodge

    Breakfast anyone?!

    Since we were all exhausted last night after a full day of water fun we decided to postpone the cake until breakfast.  I don’t think we have every let the girls eat cake for breakfast, but your 9th birthday only comes once in a life time so we might as well celebrate and enjoy it.  The girls were super excited to eat their cake and it was delicious!  Thank you Tip Top Cake shop for the great cakes and thank you Jake for wrapping them very careful so we could pack them up to North Carolina!


    Everyone ready for another fun day!?  All smiles and ready to go!


     Karlie loves being in the water and splashing around!


    A quick shot of  Brina as she is swimming under the water!


     Here comes Karlie with a big smile on her face, I wonder what she’s up to now!


     Brina having fun in the water!


     A close up underwater picture of Karlie!  She looks mischievous!


     Karlie coming right at me, at least she’s holding her breath!


     Brina Bee!


     A picture under water of Brina doing her flip.


     An underwater look at Karlie’s flip!



     Brina wanted to do it again!


     Going down the River Canyon Run again.  Are you ready?!


     Jake’s laughing as we start and Brina has her eyes shut tight!


     Karlie having a blast on the ride!

    Birthday Celebration at Great Wolf Lodge

    Brina checking out what was up ahead of us!  So much fun going on these rides with the family!

  • A Birthday Celebration at Great Wolf Lodge

    Karlie & Brina - Birthday Cake

    Karlie and Brina’s Birthday cakes from Tip Top Cake Shop!

    We didn’t do the normal traditional birthday party for the girls because we were going away for a weekend together as a family to celebrate.   They didn’t know it at the time, but we still ordered small individual birthday cakes for them.  The day before we left on our trip I took them by the store to pick up an item, they were a little confused when we walked into the cake shop, but thrilled once they saw their cakes.  Karlie’s was white cake and she used her favorite green, blue, and black colors for accents.   Karlie’s first response was  “How did she know my favorite colors and that I like vanilla!”  Brina’s was a dairy and egg free chocolate cake with pink, orange, and yellow accents.  Brina’s first comment “It’s beautiful Mom, I LOVE it!”    Even something as simple as little cakes can get them excited!  The cakes tasted amazing!  You would never guess that the chocolate one was egg and diary free it was delicious!


    We brought with us their gifts they got each other a couple small ones from us.  When Jake put the suitcases in the room he found a perfect spot to display the gifts.  The girls were amazed that the hotel staff would put out all their gifts for them, until they realized it was Daddy that did it.  They were having so much fun in the water park while Jake was unloading the van!  Thanks Babycake for doing that for us!


    Brina very excited about her gift from Karlie!


    Oh boy….Brina got Karlie another nerf gun…..  She’s excited!  Wonder who will be a walking target for her the next few months, ha!


    I love it when the girls write little notes on their gifts to each other.  So sweet!


    My wild and crazy man!  Love you Jacob!


    Brina is so very excited.  She got a leash for her dog, something she had been wanting!


    Jake blowing up the balloons.  I found these cool balloons at Hobby Lobby that have LED lights inside that make the balloons glow in the dark.   I thought they would be a neat way to wrap up the birthday celebration as they went to sleep.  They were suppose to glow for 12 to 15 hours, but they are still glowing several days later and the girls have them in their rooms at home now!


    Wow, glowing balloons!  What a great way to end a special day!


    It is hard to take a picture of it glowing!  Happy Birthday Karlie!


    Happy Birthday Brina!  Princess Snow White will watch over your balloon as you sleep!


    Two very tired and almost asleep kids.  What a fun day at Great Wolf celebrating their birthday.  Hopefully they will treasure this time and memory for many years.

    We were so exhausted by the time we got done with the water park, gift unwrapping, and everything else that we decided to save the birthday cakes until breakfast.  Everyone was ready to crash and get some sleep so we could get up and go early the next morning!  We figure it’s not everyday you get to have cake for breakfast so why not!