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Birthday Celebrations


Brina and Karlie Birthday

Happy Birthday to Brina & Karlie!  We are so thrilled to be celebrating another great year with our sweet girls.  Even though their birthday was a few days ago it has been a whirlwind of activities, fun, and celebrations so I am just now getting around to posting all the super fun stuff!  The Happy Birthday banner was hung up in our kitchen over the sink the night before so they were greeted with it first thing in the morning as they went into the kitchen to eat breakfast!


Jake made the girls a delicious birthday breakfast treat to celebrate their birthday!!!  He made them a yogurt cup topped with fresh blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries!  Jake also made the girls ham and homemade hash browns.


The girls watching their sparkler candles while we sing “Happy Birthday” to them!  We stuck the candles in their yogurt and fruit cups.


Brina very excited about her cool new bike!


Karlie ready to go for a ride on her new bike!


Karlie and Brina in their new birthday shirts ready to have a super fun birthday.  First activity after breakfast…..a day at school.

Brina and Karlie Birthday

Karlie’s entire school lunch and snack wrapped up and ready to go.  She was so excited to unwrap all her food gifts for her lunch!

Brina and Karlie birthday

Brina’s birthday lunch all wrapped up in festive birthday wrapping, complete with a sweet card!


Birthday lunch packed and ready to go!


Birthday balloons always add a little fun to the big celebration day!  They are still up and floating around in their rooms even though I picked them up before their birthdays!