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Brina & Karlie’s Birthday Party


Silly kids!  They wanted a goofy picture with the banner.

We did a small birthday party celebration this year for the girls 10th birthday.  My parents were in town and my brothers family came over to celebrate with us.  The kids had fun eating cake, opening gifts, and playing with family.  We got to try out some of their neat gifts too which was fun!  They are officially 10 years old (still cannot believe it).

It has been a wild couple of weeks with all the snow days from school.  I have been spending more time playing outside with the kids since they have been home more the past two weeks.  The disadvantage to all the fun is that I am behind on my blogging.  It has been fun, but I promised to get caught up soon.  A lot of fun stuff has been going on around our house lately!


Happy 10th Birthday Girls!


Ready for some strawberry cupcakes and blue velvet cake!?


Lots of flames!  Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie!


Brina relaxing!


My nephews helped the girls open their gifts.


Checking it out!