Birthday,  Relationships,  Spouse

Celebrating Jake’s Birthday

I am just now getting our pictures updated from our last big adventure, so yes a little later than planned….  Our family was able to celebrate Jake’s birthday this year while on our Alaska Cruise vacation!  Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with the whole family.

We surprised Jake and had the chef on the cruise ship make him a birthday cake!  It was big and extra rich chocolate!  The crew sang him “Happy Birthday” in Indonesian which was really cool.  He was so thrilled that we made a big spectacle of his birthday celebration.  We were so full after the delicious meal that we ended up taking the cake back to the cabin to eat later that night after all the other activities that evening.


SURPRISE!!!  Happy Birthday Handsome!


 Celebrating Jake’s birthday with the whole family.

Thankful for a wonderful time together and for this amazing man who I get to live my life with!

Love you JACOB!!!  Happy Birthday!  Wishing you many more healthy, happy, and fun adventures!