• Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters

    This past year in school the girls started learning their Multiplication facts.  They actually had a good start with multiplication because they had been listening to the Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters for awhile now.  Karlie was actually given an award (and medal) this year for having the Highest Math Achievement in her class.

    While listening to a CD about Multiplication does not teach you everything you need to know it definitely can help give you a head start or help you pick up speed in a certain subject.  One of our girls learns very well through audio processing so any educational CD’s like this one from Twin Sisters is a big positive for her.  Both of our kids love listening to CD and audio books and this one is a bonus because they are learning something important too!

    You can get this CD online at Amazon or in several bookstores.  We actually found it for $2 at Garden Ridge in their CD clearance section.  It has definitely been with the couple dollars we invested in it!

  • Oceans by Twin Sisters

    The girls enjoy listening to music every night when they go to sleep.  Some of their most popular CD’s to listen to at night, in the car, or even when at home is the from the Twin Sisters Productions.  Oceans by Twin Sisters Productions is part of their Science Series.  It has a lot of great songs about whales, sea turtle, and other ocean life.

    Some of the Songs:

    • Adventures by the Ocean
    • Save the Sea Turtles
    • Manatees Are Loveable Huge Things
    • It’s the Dolphin Symphony
    • They’re Really Blubbery
    • Blue Whale, Blue Whale
    • Shy Octopus
    • I ‘m The Great White Shark
    • Sea Otter, Won’t You Play With Me?
    • And MORE!

    If you have a kid that is fascinated with the ocean, sea life, loves animals, and learning this is a great CD.  Our girls have had this one for several years now and still love to listen to it.

  • Learning About Manners Picnic Basket Game by Noodleboro

    The girls have had the Learning About Manners Picnic Basket Game by Noodleboro (Playskool) for several years now.  They love it!  It is a unique game with a picnic blanket board, a picnic basket, games pieces, a story they can read, and a cd to listen too.  Many times as we are setting up the game someone will read the story and after playing the game the girls like to listen to the cd. It is a cute game about using your manners, being kind, and polite.

    • Colorful with neat game pieces (how many games come with a cool picnic basket)
    • Book  to read during story time with fun character who are learning their manners
    • Audio CD with more about the story and songs regarding using manners
    • Easy to play (recommended for ages 4 and up)
    • 2 to 4 Players
    • Object of the game – use your manners and be the first to collect all the items you need at your picnic!
    • Learning Benefits – social skills (say “please” and “thank you”), taking turns, listening, reading, and more

    We love games!   We have found that playing games is beneficial for many reasons.  It gives us quality time together as a family.  The kids learn that they will not always win (which is not always an easy lesson to learn), but the game can still be fun even if you are not the victor in every game.  It provides opportunities for us to talk and create memories together.  Games teach and help our kids practice a variety of useful skills like following directions, reading, writing, counting, taking turns, and more.

  • Space by Twin Sisters

    The girls really love to listen to music whether we are in the car, at home, or even sometimes outside!  One of their favorite groups to listen to is Twin Sisters.  The music CD listed above is on Space by Twin Sisters and is part of their Science Series.  Every night as the girls are going to sleep they get to listen to one CD.

    Before doing this they would keep each other up talking.  With the music it helps give them some quiet time as they go to sleep and typically one or both are asleep before the music ends.  The CD goes through a variety of fun songs about the space including astronauts, jobs, satellites, and more.

    I love the fact that the girls are not only listening to music in the car or at home but that the music teaches them about specific topics like space.  It says that the music is for ages 4 to 9 years old, but even younger or older kids will enjoy the cheerful music on the CD. Here are the songs on the CD:

    • When I Grow Up
    • Many Jobs To Choose From
    • It’s Called Cooperation
    • I’m Feeling Light As A Feather
    • Can We Live In Space?
    • You’re An Astronaut
    • Famous Astronauts
    • Stepping Out In Space With The MMU
    • What Is A Satellite
    • Heroes Of Our Time
    • Space Colonies
    • I’ll Be An Astronaut Medley
  • Audio Book: “The Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer (Volume 1)

    After a friends recommendation we got the first CD set of The Story of the World: Volume 1: Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor by Susan Wise Bauer and read by Jim Weiss.  The girls LOVE listening to audio books and have thoroughly enjoyed these ones as well.  As a Mom I am thrilled about it because it isn’t just an audio book they are listening to but history.  It is amazing how quickly kids will pick up on bits of history just listening to the audio books.  I have been very impressed with it and glad the girls are captivated by their stories as well!  They do a wonderful job keeping the kids attention.  If you have a young child that loves to read this may be a wonderful addition to your home library.  I have even learned new stuff listening to the CDs with the girls.  We look forward to listening to the first set several times and hopefully getting the next Volume in the future.

  • Gift Giving: Twice as Nice

    Buying used toys that are in good shape works well for those of us who are on a tight budget.   My girls love books and we rarely buy them new.  Same goes for toys.  If you can find good quality toys and books for an inexpensive price used why not get them as a gift for your kids.

    Recently, Goodwill did a 50% off day on everything in the store and if you got the red tag you received an additional discount.  I picked up a whole stack of books for $0.25 and some clothes (shirts, pants, skirts, dresses) for as low as $0.50.  I was thrilled because the books and clothes will make great Christmas gifts for the kids.  That day the following two purchases were the most fun:

    Princess Baby Doll Bed

    I know a little girl who will LOVE this bed for her babies!  It is in excellent condition and it only cost me $4.

    Lizard CD Holder

    The Lizard CD Holder was a lot of fun.  I have been looking for a place to put their CDs so they can access them without making a mess.  It is going to be hilarious seeing their faces when they unwrap this one.  The best part is I paid $3 for it.

    Both the Princess Baby Doll Bed and the Lizard CD Holder were a hit with several other people at the store that day too.  I was beginning to wonder if I would to make it out of the store with the two items.  I was asked how much they were numerous times, one person took them out of my basket to look at, another person told me that she needs them more then I do, and a guy tried to take them from me while I was paying.  Guess my excitement for finding the treasures made everyone else think they really were special, ha.

    If you are on a tight budget this year, check out some of the local secondhand stores.  You might just find a treasure with a bargain price tag on it that’s the perfect gift for your kids.

  • Twin Sisters Productions

    Our girls have enjoyed many of the Twin Sisters Productions CDs and products from the ABCs, relaxing, fun, learning languages (German & Italian) and more.  Since we have fraternal twin daughters of our own we are thrilled to support a wonderful business started by fraternal twin sisters. To get an idea of what their songs are like you can listen to them prior to purchasing.  Sing & Learn (Multipacks) by Twin Sisters Productions is a good mix that of songs that the girls have been listening to for several years even though they know their Alphabet, Numbers, and so forth.  These make great gifts for little ones that like music and they have a variety of neat products for a reasonable price.

  • Book: “The Total Money Makeover” by Dave Ramsey

    Seven years ago my husband and I read through The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey with a group of young couples from our church.  It was a great time in our marriage to review our spending habits and find ways to get our finances in order.  In just a few years we paid off all our debt (with the exception of our mortgage) college loans, cars, credit cards, and saved up enough money for emergencies, 12 months of expenses, and to start our own business.

    It was freeing for us as a couple to have structure with our money including doing a budget together and being smarter when spending.  It took some sacrifices to meet our goals but reading this book and going through it with friends helped us stay on track.  We are still learning and adapting as we adjust to what life brings are way (including some financial setbacks, 12 weeks of bed-rest and beautiful twin daughters who spent time in NICU).  The neat part about the setbacks is you now have guidelines already in place to help you get back on track.

    Dave Ramsey’s has a lot of great financial tools for your family.  I encourage you to start by reading or listening to this book.  He has a Workbook that goes along with the book and a CD if you prefer listening over reading.

    Workbook – The Total Money Makeover Workbook.

    Audio Cd – The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness

    I wish you the best as you find ways that work for your family!  Going through this with friends provides an additional support structure while you learn together.  We have given our book out to family and friends numerous times!