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Space by Twin Sisters

The girls really love to listen to music whether we are in the car, at home, or even sometimes outside!  One of their favorite groups to listen to is Twin Sisters.  The music CD listed above is on Space by Twin Sisters and is part of their Science Series.  Every night as the girls are going to sleep they get to listen to one CD.

Before doing this they would keep each other up talking.  With the music it helps give them some quiet time as they go to sleep and typically one or both are asleep before the music ends.  The CD goes through a variety of fun songs about the space including astronauts, jobs, satellites, and more.

I love the fact that the girls are not only listening to music in the car or at home but that the music teaches them about specific topics like space.  It says that the music is for ages 4 to 9 years old, but even younger or older kids will enjoy the cheerful music on the CD. Here are the songs on the CD:

  • When I Grow Up
  • Many Jobs To Choose From
  • It’s Called Cooperation
  • I’m Feeling Light As A Feather
  • Can We Live In Space?
  • You’re An Astronaut
  • Famous Astronauts
  • Stepping Out In Space With The MMU
  • What Is A Satellite
  • Heroes Of Our Time
  • Space Colonies
  • I’ll Be An Astronaut Medley