• Karlie’s Science Fair Project! More = Less!

    Karlie Science Fair

    More = Less!

    Karlie did a fun Science Fair project this year for 5th grade!  It was fun and a great learning experience for her.  Her friends and classmates were fascinated by it.  We are proud of her hard work!

    The purpose of the experiment was to see if the changing the velocity movement through a pipe will cause the pressure to increase?  Bernoulli’s Principle says that when a fluid is traveling in a horizontal direction, as the velocity increases the pressure will decrease and vice versa. The principle shows when the pressure is at it’s lowest, and is at it’s highest.  Some of the things that use Bernoulli’s Principle are race cars, airplanes (Bernoulli’s Principle makes it possible to fly), and it helps a baseball player throw a curve ball. The fluids increase speed, when pushed through a narrower space, will cause internal pressure to decrease even though it is in a tighter space.  The external pressure increase at slower speeds.


    Karlie presenting her Science Fair Project!  She did excellent!

  • Vacation & Travel: Smithsonian Institution – National Air & Space Museum


    Jake and his girls at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.!

    Our family was able to spend some time at the Smithsonian Institution of National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. this summer.  The first time we drove by the building and Karlie saw the sign she was ready to go explore it!  The Smithsonian Institution buildings that we went into were really nice, very educational, and the best part is that they are FREE!  You cannot bring in any food or drinks, but there are water fountains and a McDonald’s at one end of the Museum if you get hungry.


    So excited to explore this building that they had to get a picture by the sign!


    Over-the-top excited to go into the Air and Space Museum


    Both girls love science and learning, however, Karlie loves anything relating to space so this adventure was a big hit with her!


    So many things to look at and explore in the Air & Space Museum.  As you can see Jake is the only one actually looking at me, ha!  Thanks Babe!  The other two were mesmerized by all the displays!


    Karlie all smiles as she touches a piece of moon rock.  This particular piece was brought back from the moon on Apollo 17 in December 1972.


    Brina touching the moon rock….how cool to think that it was once on the moon!


    Jake is so good about showing the girls the various items and explaining it to them.  They love soaking up all the cool information!


    Having fun at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!


    We thought the room with all the history about how planes and other flying items were created was pretty neat!


    Brina all smiles waiting in line for the next activity and you can see Karlie in the reflection checking to make sure her Air & Space Museum pictures were turning out!  Silly girls!


    Brina flying the plane!


    Karlie’s turn to drive!  They’ve got their eyes on what’s in front of them!  Whatever it is better look out!


    Soaking it all in….


    Wow, what a huge carrier.  Even the display model was big!  Love that they are so fascinated by the display they don’t even realize I am on the other side taking their picture.


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum!


    Karlie wanted a picture by her favorite rocket – The Apollo!  The space rooms were a hit with Karlie!


    Karlie all smiles as she gets a picture in front of Buzz Aldrin’s astronaut suit.  Earlier this year in March she had a chance to see and hear Buzz Aldrin speak at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC!


    Mommy and her girls!


    It didn’t take Brina long to figure out all the computer activities!


    Showing Daddy what she put together on the computer!


    Fascinating, this was probably Brina’s favorite rooms with all the interactive science activities, experiments, and fun information.


    Gravity, force, magnets…..all kinds of fun activities to check out!


    This picture cracked me up – all three Karlie, Brina, and Jake have their heads down looking at the all pictures in the displays.


    Someone really liked this room!


    Having fun at the Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

    Karlie and Brina loved all the neat activities and displays at the Smithsonian Institute National Air and Space Museum!  I was shocked at how long we spent there since the time went by so quickly.  They could have spent the entire day just in this museum.  Karlie was really hoping we had “extra” time in Washington, D.C. so we could go back and go through the museum again, maybe next time sweet girl!

    It was educational, fascinating, and a fun place to explore for the whole family.  They did a great job with this museum.  Washington, D.C. is a great place to visit the only hard part is fitting in all the amazing places to visit into one trip!  We packed in as much as we could in the couple days we were there, but I am sure we’ll have to go back at some point to explore some more!

  • Space by Twin Sisters

    The girls really love to listen to music whether we are in the car, at home, or even sometimes outside!  One of their favorite groups to listen to is Twin Sisters.  The music CD listed above is on Space by Twin Sisters and is part of their Science Series.  Every night as the girls are going to sleep they get to listen to one CD.

    Before doing this they would keep each other up talking.  With the music it helps give them some quiet time as they go to sleep and typically one or both are asleep before the music ends.  The CD goes through a variety of fun songs about the space including astronauts, jobs, satellites, and more.

    I love the fact that the girls are not only listening to music in the car or at home but that the music teaches them about specific topics like space.  It says that the music is for ages 4 to 9 years old, but even younger or older kids will enjoy the cheerful music on the CD. Here are the songs on the CD:

    • When I Grow Up
    • Many Jobs To Choose From
    • It’s Called Cooperation
    • I’m Feeling Light As A Feather
    • Can We Live In Space?
    • You’re An Astronaut
    • Famous Astronauts
    • Stepping Out In Space With The MMU
    • What Is A Satellite
    • Heroes Of Our Time
    • Space Colonies
    • I’ll Be An Astronaut Medley
  • Travel & Vacation: Kennedy Space Center (part 2)

    We got to hear, Bob Springer, an astronaut that has been in space more than once speak and take a picture with him afterward! The girls were very excited to meet someone who has actually gone into space!

    I shared a little bit about our trip to Kennedy Space Center earlier today.  Here is a little bit more about what we did during our adventure.  Thankful for the opportunity to spend some time in Florida, tour Kennedy Space Center, and spend some time catching up with our friends too.

    Live feed of them docking!  So neat to watch it before it is posted to the public.

    After talking with an astronaut for a few minutes the girls wanted a picture in front of the live feed so they took a seat on the edge of the stage.

    Two little chickies are ready in their 3D glasses for the NASA show!

    Pausing for a moment to relax while waiting for our food.  Karlie is processing it all and so THRILLED to be finally exploring Kennedy Space Center!

    Having a BLAST at Kennedy Space Center!

    Brina having fun and enjoying her Icee treat!

  • Travel & Vacation: Kennedy Space Center

    Karlie has had a fascination with anything space related for several years now.  She loves to talk about rockets, planets, astronauts, and more!  Back when the girls were in preschool (more than 3 years ago) she received a Chic-Fil-A Kids Meal from school and inside it was a coupon for Kennedy Space Center.  She asked if she could hang the coupon up on the refrigerator so maybe sometime when we go to Kennedy Space Center we can use it. The coupon was on the refrigerator for a long time (even after it expired).  We did get a great deal online for a food package while at Kennedy Space Center (buy one get one free coupon) which covered all our food and snacks for the day.

    A few months ago we made it to Kennedy Space Center.  I still remember the day we told her we got tickets and were going to Florida.  I think she jumped up and down, clapping, and giggling for several minutes.  She was over joyed and immediately counting down the days until we would leave for Florida.

    Our whole family had a blast exploring Kennedy Space Center.  It was really neat to see all the history and learn so much about space, rockets, and everything else we could soak in that day.  We arrived at Kennedy Space Center a few minutes before it opened and left as they were closing the gates.  It was a neat experience!

    We are getting closer!

    Starting to see some cool  stuff – United States Astronaut Hall of Fame

    Karlie is on-the- edge-of-her-seat excited her dream to visit Kennedy Space Center is coming true!

    We made it!

    Daddy and girls strolling on into Kennedy Space Center, so cute seeing the girls excited and holding hands.

    They look so tiny next to the base of this rocket!

    Daddy and the girls trying it out!

    Karlie is soooo excited and has looked forward to going to Kennedy Space Center for YEARS!

    Sweet Brina had a grand time.  Even though rockets are more of Karlie’s love she had a lot of fun exploring the area with us.