• Travel & Vacation: Twin Sisters Mountain (Colorado Rocky Mountains)


    Twin Sisters Mountain

    The girls thought it was awesome that there was a mountain in the Colorado Rocky Mountains called the Twin Sisters Mountain!  The Twin Sisters Mountain has an elevation of over 11,000 feet above sea level.  The mountain can be seen from several locations, however, the twin peaks can only be seen from certain viewpoints.   It got its name because at the top of the mountain there are two almost identically high peaks, therefore, it was named Twin Sisters.  It had a couple other names, Tahosa and Lily Mountain, but in 1911 the Geographic Board decided to permanently name it “Twin Sisters Mountain”.

    Shortly after being named officially  Twin Sisters Mountain they put in a trail, lookout station, and ranger cabin.  Now there are a number of hiking trails to choose from on or near Twin Sisters Mountain.  There are easy to follow trails and a variety of hikes for any level.  Although there is no formal campground actually on Twin Sisters Mountain there is one located nearby at Long’s Peak Campground at 9,400ft which is open year round and there are 26 sites.


     Twin Sisters Mountain at 11, 428 feet


     Looking out over towards Twin Sisters Mountain


    Beautiful valley between us and Twin Sisters Mountain

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters

    This past year in school the girls started learning their Multiplication facts.  They actually had a good start with multiplication because they had been listening to the Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters for awhile now.  Karlie was actually given an award (and medal) this year for having the Highest Math Achievement in her class.

    While listening to a CD about Multiplication does not teach you everything you need to know it definitely can help give you a head start or help you pick up speed in a certain subject.  One of our girls learns very well through audio processing so any educational CD’s like this one from Twin Sisters is a big positive for her.  Both of our kids love listening to CD and audio books and this one is a bonus because they are learning something important too!

    You can get this CD online at Amazon or in several bookstores.  We actually found it for $2 at Garden Ridge in their CD clearance section.  It has definitely been with the couple dollars we invested in it!

  • Oceans by Twin Sisters

    The girls enjoy listening to music every night when they go to sleep.  Some of their most popular CD’s to listen to at night, in the car, or even when at home is the from the Twin Sisters Productions.  Oceans by Twin Sisters Productions is part of their Science Series.  It has a lot of great songs about whales, sea turtle, and other ocean life.

    Some of the Songs:

    • Adventures by the Ocean
    • Save the Sea Turtles
    • Manatees Are Loveable Huge Things
    • It’s the Dolphin Symphony
    • They’re Really Blubbery
    • Blue Whale, Blue Whale
    • Shy Octopus
    • I ‘m The Great White Shark
    • Sea Otter, Won’t You Play With Me?
    • And MORE!

    If you have a kid that is fascinated with the ocean, sea life, loves animals, and learning this is a great CD.  Our girls have had this one for several years now and still love to listen to it.

  • Space by Twin Sisters

    The girls really love to listen to music whether we are in the car, at home, or even sometimes outside!  One of their favorite groups to listen to is Twin Sisters.  The music CD listed above is on Space by Twin Sisters and is part of their Science Series.  Every night as the girls are going to sleep they get to listen to one CD.

    Before doing this they would keep each other up talking.  With the music it helps give them some quiet time as they go to sleep and typically one or both are asleep before the music ends.  The CD goes through a variety of fun songs about the space including astronauts, jobs, satellites, and more.

    I love the fact that the girls are not only listening to music in the car or at home but that the music teaches them about specific topics like space.  It says that the music is for ages 4 to 9 years old, but even younger or older kids will enjoy the cheerful music on the CD. Here are the songs on the CD:

    • When I Grow Up
    • Many Jobs To Choose From
    • It’s Called Cooperation
    • I’m Feeling Light As A Feather
    • Can We Live In Space?
    • You’re An Astronaut
    • Famous Astronauts
    • Stepping Out In Space With The MMU
    • What Is A Satellite
    • Heroes Of Our Time
    • Space Colonies
    • I’ll Be An Astronaut Medley
  • Cleaning Up the Yard & Spring Bonfire

    We are blessed to live in a wonderful area with a creek and woods.  While the trees provide shade they also are known for dropping branches occasionally.  Since we had some limbs piled up we decided to clean up the yard by building our first Spring bonfire.  The girls had fun gathering the twigs and branches in the yard and bringing them to the fire.  Once the fire was good and hot was roasted hotdogs, did a little more work collecting branches, followed by relaxing together and roasting marshmallows.

    Sweet Sisters and Best Friends having fun gathering twigs in the yard together!


    Brina loves hanging out with her puppy - Skipper!


    Karlie telling a story while Daddy cleans the wire for her hotdog.


    Bonfire conversations with the family!


    Daddy and the girls relaxing around the bonfire!

    Love spending time with my family.  We were able to get some work done in the yard and relax together.  It was awesome having some time to talk and make new memories with the kids!