Raising Multiples,  Songs,  Teaching our Children,  Twins

Oceans by Twin Sisters

The girls enjoy listening to music every night when they go to sleep.  Some of their most popular CD’s to listen to at night, in the car, or even when at home is the from the Twin Sisters Productions.  Oceans by Twin Sisters Productions is part of their Science Series.  It has a lot of great songs about whales, sea turtle, and other ocean life.

Some of the Songs:

  • Adventures by the Ocean
  • Save the Sea Turtles
  • Manatees Are Loveable Huge Things
  • It’s the Dolphin Symphony
  • They’re Really Blubbery
  • Blue Whale, Blue Whale
  • Shy Octopus
  • I ‘m The Great White Shark
  • Sea Otter, Won’t You Play With Me?
  • And MORE!

If you have a kid that is fascinated with the ocean, sea life, loves animals, and learning this is a great CD.  Our girls have had this one for several years now and still love to listen to it.