Books,  Family,  Kids,  Twins

Audio Book: “The Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer (Volume 1)

After a friends recommendation we got the first CD set of The Story of the World: Volume 1: Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor by Susan Wise Bauer and read by Jim Weiss.  The girls LOVE listening to audio books and have thoroughly enjoyed these ones as well.  As a Mom I am thrilled about it because it isn’t just an audio book they are listening to but history.  It is amazing how quickly kids will pick up on bits of history just listening to the audio books.  I have been very impressed with it and glad the girls are captivated by their stories as well!  They do a wonderful job keeping the kids attention.  If you have a young child that loves to read this may be a wonderful addition to your home library.  I have even learned new stuff listening to the CDs with the girls.  We look forward to listening to the first set several times and hopefully getting the next Volume in the future.