Goals,  Intentional Living

Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

The girls don’t have to go to school on Monday, but both Jake and I have to work.  Thankfully Jake can work from home.  Glad that the girls get a little extra break from school.  Hopefully they will have a fun, relaxing, and productive day.  It was a lot of fun playing games, reading, and getting projects done over the weekend with the family.  As we prep for the upcoming week we realize that we will do our best day-to-day, but the days do not always work out exactly as planned so we need to be willing to be flexible.  Praying it is a productive, healthy, and fun week.  Here are my goals for this week:

Last week’s goals

Family Goals

  1. Read the chapter book National Velvet by Enid Bagnold to the kids – still reading it with the kids
  2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
  3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
  4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
  5. Plan one special activity with the family
  6. Play a Game with the Kidsplayed Trouble, Pit, and Hand & Foot card game
  7. Create Memories with the Family
  8. Spend Quality time with each family member
  9. Do a new, unique, or different activity with the family this week – planning something fun for a future adventure
  10. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities
  11. Jake – Haircut

Kid Goals

  1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
  2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
  3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
  4. Attend Robotics Club and Other After School Activities
  5. Appointments
  6. Pick up Karlie’s New Glasses

Personal Goals

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water
  2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day) – didn’t hit my goals everyday this week
  3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week –I made it 4 days, but not 5 🙁
  4. Appointments
  5. Schedule our annual physical
  6. Haircut

Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

  1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Plan Out Organizational Goals for last quarter of 2016 – got a good start on them, need to wrap it up
  2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
  3. Outside Project – Tree Service Quote –
  4. Update Project List
  5. Input all contacts, addresses, and special events on the calendar
  6. Confirm October Family and Individual Calendar(s)
  7. Follow up on calls and items that need my attention –most of them done
  8. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night

Business Goals

  1. Update Work Notes
  2. Get caught up on blog posts – working on it
  3. Work on a few special projects
  4. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
  5. Confirm the tasks my plate as I transition to a new team – getting closer
  6. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

Ministry Goals

  1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
  2. Counting my blessings journal
  3. Attend Ladies Bible Study
  4. Read next chapter in Biblical Femininity by Chrystie Cole

Financial Goals

  1. Pay all our bills that have arrived this week
  2. Sign up for our Open Enrollment regarding our 2017 Benefits
  3. Start gathering information on last quarter 2016 finances and 1st quarter 2017 taxes – realign goals where needed
  4. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor – getting our schedules figured out
  5. Get our finances and budget back on track – getting our budget and accounting software updated
  6. Pay down debt we owe – made an extra payment this week, hopefully getting this wrapped up within the next few weeks
  7. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

My goals for the upcoming week

Family Goals

  1. Read the chapter book National Velvet by Enid Bagnold to the kids
  2. Go through 7 more Brain Quest Flash Cards with the kids.
  3. Read through 7 more pages of History Trivia with the kids.
  4. Reflect on our blessings and prayer time with kids every night.
  5. Plan one special activity with the family
  6. Play a Game with the Kids
  7. Spend Quality time with each family member
  8. Coordinate and review schedules at beginning of week to confirm all obligations, appointments, and other activities
  9. Figure out the Remaining 2016 PTO & Holiday Schedules (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc….)

Kid Goals

  1. Do Homework Monday – Friday
  2. Pack Lunches and Prep for the next day
  3. Spend one-on-one time with kids each day
  4. Attend Robotics, Diggers, and Other After School Activities
  5. Appointments
  6. Schedule time for Jake & I to have 1-on-1 Discussion time with each kid (discuss week, what’s going well, what needs improvement, and focus on each kid as an individual without the sibling being in the room)
  7. Pick a Date Night for the Kids

Personal Goals

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water
  2. Wear FitBit (at least 10,000 steps and 10 sets of stairs every day)
  3. Do Yoga at least 5 times this week
  4. Appointment(s)- Massage, Annual physical

Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

  1. Household Cleaning / Organization  – Plan Out Organizational Goals for last quarter of 2016
  2. Plan out the Menu for the Week
  3. Outside Project – Tree Service Quote
  4. Update Project List
  5. Add any new contacts, addresses, and special events on the calendar
  6. Confirm October Family and Individual Calendar(s)
  7. Follow up on calls and items that need my attention
  8. Speed clean & pick up the house 15 minutes a night

Business Goals

  1. Update Work Notes
  2. Get caught up on blog posts
  3. Work on a few special projects
  4. Research a couple of items in regards to the blog
  5. Pick from a couple of the “extra” activity and/or product options

Ministry Goals

  1. Go to breakfast or lunch with a family member or friend
  2. Counting my blessings journal
  3. Attend Ladies Bible Study
  4. Read next chapter in Biblical Femininity by Chrystie Cole

Financial Goals

  1. Pay all our bills that have arrived this week
  2. Follow up with the Bank regarding a couple of incorrect charges
  3. Start gathering information on last quarter 2016 finances and 1st quarter 2017 taxes – realign goals where needed
  4. Update Quicken Accounts
  5. Schedule a meeting with the financial advisor
  6. Get our finances and budget back on track
  7. Pay down debt we owe
  8. Limit amount spent on Groceries, Household, and Other Items (use what we already have at home)

I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

Why Share My Goals?

  • To keep me accountable
  • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
  • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
  • Create healthy habits in my life
  • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results