Books,  Gift Giving,  Holidays,  Kids,  Twins

Gift Giving: Twice as Nice

Buying used toys that are in good shape works well for those of us who are on a tight budget.   My girls love books and we rarely buy them new.  Same goes for toys.  If you can find good quality toys and books for an inexpensive price used why not get them as a gift for your kids.

Recently, Goodwill did a 50% off day on everything in the store and if you got the red tag you received an additional discount.  I picked up a whole stack of books for $0.25 and some clothes (shirts, pants, skirts, dresses) for as low as $0.50.  I was thrilled because the books and clothes will make great Christmas gifts for the kids.  That day the following two purchases were the most fun:

Princess Baby Doll Bed

I know a little girl who will LOVE this bed for her babies!  It is in excellent condition and it only cost me $4.

Lizard CD Holder

The Lizard CD Holder was a lot of fun.  I have been looking for a place to put their CDs so they can access them without making a mess.  It is going to be hilarious seeing their faces when they unwrap this one.  The best part is I paid $3 for it.

Both the Princess Baby Doll Bed and the Lizard CD Holder were a hit with several other people at the store that day too.  I was beginning to wonder if I would to make it out of the store with the two items.  I was asked how much they were numerous times, one person took them out of my basket to look at, another person told me that she needs them more then I do, and a guy tried to take them from me while I was paying.  Guess my excitement for finding the treasures made everyone else think they really were special, ha.

If you are on a tight budget this year, check out some of the local secondhand stores.  You might just find a treasure with a bargain price tag on it that’s the perfect gift for your kids.