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Book: “The Five Love Languages of Children” by Gary Chapman

When Jake and I went to marriage counseling over 11 years ago we were encouraged to read “The Five Love Languages” for married couples by Gary Chapman.  Several years ago I read The Five Love Languages of Children and decided to read it again recently.  I tend to read several books at once so I started this one again a couple weeks ago as a refresher.  As the girls get older I want to continue finding ways to both encourage them and show them that I love them.  The Five Love Languages are the same ones that are discussed in Chapman’s other book but he applies it to raising children.   The following are the five languages with examples (some examples are from the book, others are ones I came up with).

  1. Quality Time – Spend one on one time with each child, go on Mother Daughter Date Night, work together on a project
  2. Words of Affirmation – encourage them through words, praise them for a job well done, put a “love you” note in their lunch box
  3. Gifts – give gifts as an act of love, cherish the gifts or pieces of artwork they give you, buy a box of their favorite cereal and give it to them as a “I was thinking of you” gift
  4. Acts of Service – doing something for them, making them lunch, picking up their room
  5. Physical Touch – a hug, pat on the back, walking and holding their hands

One thing that I like about the book is it encourages parents to not only focus on their child’s primary love language (which can change throughout life) but to make sure to show love through all five love languages so their emotional love tank is full.  After reading through most of the book again I went to a parent event at the girls school and the speaker talked about the principles taught in this book.  I was thrilled to hear such an amazing message was being presented to the parents of students in the public school.  I hope and pray the girls know how much a truly love them.  I am willing to go the extra mile to find ways to be a better Mom to them.  If you are looking for a book to read on raising children this one would be a great one to check out.