Heart Reflections

Heart Reflections: A Talking Donkey?


Recently I was reading the devotional book with the girls about the donkey in the Bible that talked.  Several days later as I was going through a decision process in my own life I was again reminded about the talking donkey.  If you have prayed about something for so long God will give you an answer even if that means being as direct (like a talking donkey) to get your attention.

Other times it may come from Scripture:

Often times after weeks of praying you can come across a verse during your quiet time that hits home.  You have been praying earnestly for an answer and on that particular day and at that time He gives it to you through Scripture.  He knows exactly what you need and when you need it.  You may have read that verse many times in the past, but it really struck a chord on that specific day and time.

Or it may come from people in your life:

I don’t know about you, but a donkey has never spoken to me, however, God has used people in my life to speak truth to my heart.  Sometimes they speak truth not even knowing the situation I am currently facing.  God uses their words of encouragement to help answer my prayer.