• Heart Reflections: A Talking Donkey?


    Recently I was reading the devotional book with the girls about the donkey in the Bible that talked.  Several days later as I was going through a decision process in my own life I was again reminded about the talking donkey.  If you have prayed about something for so long God will give you an answer even if that means being as direct (like a talking donkey) to get your attention.

    Other times it may come from Scripture:

    Often times after weeks of praying you can come across a verse during your quiet time that hits home.  You have been praying earnestly for an answer and on that particular day and at that time He gives it to you through Scripture.  He knows exactly what you need and when you need it.  You may have read that verse many times in the past, but it really struck a chord on that specific day and time.

    Or it may come from people in your life:

    I don’t know about you, but a donkey has never spoken to me, however, God has used people in my life to speak truth to my heart.  Sometimes they speak truth not even knowing the situation I am currently facing.  God uses their words of encouragement to help answer my prayer.

  • Heart Reflections: Gifts from Above

    A few weeks ago I was speaking to a friend who received a gift anonymously.  As we were talking I mentioned to her that we have been recipients of such gifts in our lives as well.  I can think of several times God used someone in our lives to deliver special gift from above.  During those times I had been praying for something specific and it came through a completely mysterious giver.

    A desire to show appreciation.

    After receiving the gift I would often find myself racking my brain thinking…..who could have given such an amazing gift?  Did they know that I have been praying specifically about this particular item?  Most of the times I never even shared the need with anyone other than God.  In these situations I often find myself really wanting to know who it was that delivered the gift so I could say thank you in person or write a thank you note to them.  I want to express my deep gratitude for what they did and the impact they made on my life.  However, it is during those times that I realize that they don’t want me to know who it was because they didn’t do it for their glory or praise, they did it for God’s glory.   It provides an opportunity for me to give God ALL the glory because only He could have instrumented such an amazing answer to my prayer.  He really does hear our prayers.  Whether you are going through a financial, physical, emotional time or other need, he hears and cares for you.

    Directing my praise to the one who holds my life in his hands.

    What do you do when you receive an mysterious answer to your prayer?  Give all the thanks and credit to God.  He worked through another person to directly answer your prayer.  Glory in the goodness and blessings he continually bestows on us even in the midst of a difficult situation.  We don’t deserve anything yet he longs for us to have a personal and ongoing relationship with him.  Pray for that person who was used by God to meet your need at the time.  You may never know who it was on this side of heaven but there may come a time when they have a need that God allows you to help answer.

     What am I doing to help others?

    On the flip side of the coin how often to I get those nudges from God to help someone or call or write or do something completely anonymous but don’t follow through with it.  God can use you and me to deliver these amazing gifts to others.  The gifts come in all shapes, sizes and varieties from an encouraging note, listening, phone calls, financial, physical help, and so much more (there really is no limit to the width and depth of these gifts).  We may not know what is going on in their hearts and lives.  They may be asking God for something specific or need to hear a word of encouragement and he gives you the opportunity to deliver His gift to them.  I cannot tell you how large of a blessing and encouragement these gifts from God are to people.  When you have a nudge or feel called to do something for someone take a moment and do it.  You may be a tremendous blessing to a specific need that they have in their lives.

    But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

    Matthew 6:3-4

    Photo by JD Hancock

  • Book: “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney

    I was thinking about some of my favorite books I enjoy reading to the girls.  The book Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney is one I have read to our girls many times.  It is a great book for parents to read to little ones.  The book is about a small rabbit who is asking how much he is loved and comparing the love to things / objects around him.  It helps put “love” in a perspective that our children can understand.  The book is a good reminder to the kids and parent both.  It is important that we show our love and appreciation for our children not only by reading the book to them but in many other ways throughout the week – a hug, listening, spending time with them, and just appreciating them for who they are as individuals.

  • Free Audio Book: “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Boom

    FREE Audio Book Download:

    For the month of April Christian Audio is offering a free download of their audio book The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom with John & Elizabeth Sherrill.  This audio book is about the real life story of Corrie ten Boom.  She is considered a hero who helped the Jews escape from the Nazis.  Corrie has a remarkable testimony, if you haven’t read it then this is a great opportunity to listen to the book for free when you download it from Christian Audio in April.   Make sure to submit your order by April 30, 2011  to get your free audio book.  Thanks Christian Audio!