Date Night,  Events

A Date with My Princess

Recently I had the privilege to go on a date night with my princess, Brina.  She wanted to do something a princess would do on our night out together.  It was “Dine Out For Mom” night where a portion of the proceeds goes to a great cause so we decided to eat out.  Brina chose to eat at the “ABC” restaurant (aka Atlanta Bread Company).  We split a Chicken Salad Sandwich meal and tea for about $7.  She decided to wait to eat the chips later in case we wanted a snack (smile).  I love seeing her think and plan ahead even at age 5.  We talked about our days and giggled together over our sandwich and sweet tea.

After supper we had a few minutes in between events so we headed over to Aldi’s.  For those who have never shopped at Aldi’s it is a small discount grocery store.  We often get our staple groceries and fresh produce at Aldi’s.   If there is one in your area I recommend at least checking it out.  Brina picked out a beautiful bouquet of flowers for $3.99 to take with her on our date night.  She was excited to have the princess flowers and proudly carried them everywhere we went that night.  I am thrilled the flowers survived the evening despite being carried, squished, dropped, and well loved.

After getting her flower treasure at Aldi’s we headed over to Virginia College to get her first pedicure.  Virginia College is a local college that has a Cosmetology School where you can get pedicures, manicures, massages, and your hair done for a great price.  Brina proudly carried in her flower bouquet and announced to anyone that listened that she was on a Date Night with her Mom!  Glad she gets excited about spending time with me, hopefully these precious memories continue as she gets older.  Brina received her first pedicure complete with a foot soak, foot massage, and candy while sitting in a massage chair.  She smiled like a princess the whole time.

We made a quick trip by Goodwill on our way home to pick up a black shirt for her “cat” costume.  She picked out a little car toy for Karlie and a baby doll dress for one of her babies.  On the way home we were discussing our date night and she said “Mom, I LOVE my flowers! (pause) The flowers make me feel like the lady wearing the pretty white dress (bride) at a wedding.”  I smiled because she did feel like a beautiful princess that night.  Although the getting married part better not be in her near future since she is only 5!

When we arrived home Daddy and Karlie were finishing up their Apollo 13 movie.  We discussed the exciting adventures and fun everyone had before bath time and bed.  It was a true joy having this fun and relaxing time with my precious princess.  I am thankful for the time we get together to create memories, talk, and laugh.  Life is too short so make sure you fit in time to have fun and enjoy the blessings you are given.  We had a blast spending time together without spending a lot of money.  Giving time and attention to my girls is more important than all the gifts in the world.

My husband and I started taking our girls out on dates after one of them was in the hospital for surgery and we realized at that time they had never been a part for more than a few minutes.  Our girls are twins with very different personalities; we love them both and want to encourage them to grow up to be the people God wants them to be.  One is into babies, princesses, and animals while the other one is into rockets, planets, space, and sharks.   Having a date night set aside one night a month is something the girls look forward to and it gives us time to focus our attention on each child.  We are thankful for the children God has given us and look forward to seeing them grow.  A date night out with your child doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive the important thing is that you spend time one on one to listen and love them.  Creating one special memory after another together.