• Relationships: Now & Forever

    Karlie - Red Rose Flower


    When I look in your eyes and see your bright smile and feel your comforting touch, when I hear all the love in those warm, caring words that encourage and cheer me so much.  There’s a feeling I have that “forever” is ours, that, no matter the season or weather,  Our hearts will be filled with the same kind of magic and love that first brought us together. – Emily Matthews

    A great reminder for those of us who are married.  Our spouses know us better than anyone else.  They know how to make us laugh and push our buttons.  There will be days when life is smooth and bright while other days may have a few storm clouds brewing in the distance.

    Take the time to talk with your spouse. Share your heart.  Spend time doing projects and fun activities together.  Go on a date.  Relax, snuggle, and share a hug.  It doesn’t matter if you have been married for a few days or many years investing in your partner is important.

  • Travel & Vacation: Ice Skating Show

    'Great times with my sweetheart!'

    Celebrating with my best friend!

    Loving our time together on the cruise! Thankful for a time to celebrate! We had a great day on the ship watching the ice skating show, going to various activities, getting a massage, and so much more!

    'Ice Skating Show'
    Watching the ice skating show aboard the ship!
    'It was a small ice skating rink but they did an awesome performance!'
    A lot of interesting costumes and neat performances during the show!
    'I am blessed to have this amazing man as my husband and best friend!'
    Thankful for a time to get away and spend together!
    'Loved these costumes!'
    Fun characters.  Jake and I went ice skating, but we did have any fancy moves or costumes!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Cruising the Gulf of Mexico

    'Love this guy!'

    15 years and counting!

    We cruised the Gulf of Mexico on our 2nd day of our 15th Anniversary Celebration! We woke up to a beautiful sunrise, explored the ship, played card games on the balcony, tested our surf boarding skills, tried a round of Bingo, took a nap, ate amazing food, saw a gorgeous sunset, went to shows and more fun. Thankfully I married a man that not only loves me, but has a large amount of patience!!! It was our first formal diner night and I “attempted to do a new hairstyle” (let’s just say it didn’t turn out great after over an hour working on it so I went back to my usual style for that night).

    'Hanging out with my man!'
    Loved having a balcony!
    'He is such a sweetheart and even played a round of Bingo with me.'
    My bingo partner!  He was a good one and was only 1 away from winning a free cruise!  Thankful for the extra time with this man!
    'Heading out to dinner with my Handsome Man!'
    Hanging out on the ship for the evening with this awesome man!  He looked amazing!
    'Love waking up to a beautiful sunrise in the morning!'

    We enjoyed watching both the sunrises and sunsets from the balcony.  Gorgeous and peaceful!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Team Work at the Family Yard Sale

    Yard Sale Sign - Jake put the arrow on when he staked them on Saturday morning.

    We recently did a Yard Sale at our house.   It was a  success, we even had to thin out the cash box twice during the sale because we were getting so many $1 bills.  I was shocked when we counted up the total at the end of the day, it was the best sale we have had yet!  I am not sure if it was just a great day, beautiful weather, we had the right people, right items, luck, answer to prayer, or a combination.  No matter what it was we were blessed with a great sale.  Our Yard Sale was a one day sale starting at 7 AM (although we always have those early birds which is fine with me) and we ended at 1 PM.  This year it was just our family doing the sale and we made almost $700.  Jake and I sold over $650 and the girls brought in over $15 selling drinks, cookies, and candy.

    It was a lot of work and I am very thankful it is now done so I can get my house back in order again.  Last Saturday was a beautiful sunny day and we had a steady amount of traffic the whole time.  One time when traffic started slowing down my husband checked the signs and one of them had fallen down, immediately after setting it up again the crowds starting coming again.  Our first customers arrived before we even finished setting up. As soon as the signs were up there were people were outside with their flashlights going through the items.

    Our family always enjoys seeing what the first item that sells will be……this year it was a cord for 25 cents.  My husband had a box of electronic power cords for 25 cents each.  The guy later came back and purchased the entire box of cords along with a few other items.  It makes me smile seeing people leave the yard with full bags of goodies and knowing that I don’t have to bring it all back inside!  Not to mention it is wonderful being able to put the extra towards your goals and to have a more uncluttered home.  I haven’t quite master that completely yet but I am getting closer!

    The more Yard Sales we do the more I learn what do to or better yet what not to do.  I grew up in a very rural area in Kansas and my family never had or went to a Yard Sale / Garage Sale / Tag Sale or whatever you call it in your area.  Here are some quick and easy tips that work for us and have made our Yard Sales successful:

    • Get Organized Early – clean out your closets and rooms in advance.  I typically collect items throughout the year and place them in bins marked for “yard sale” so it makes it easier once the time gets near.  After getting out the bins I go through a room a day and collect any items that we are no longer using.  If I have more time I will do another sweep of the house.  As I am collecting the items I go ahead and price them then put them in the room next to the front door so they are ready to take out the day of the sale.
    • Clearly Mark & Price All Items to Sell – we had only a couple items in the $10 to $20 range.  The majority of our items were marked from 2 cents to $1.00 each.  Many of people that come to your sale will want to negotiate so it is important to know in advance what items you are willing to negotiate and how much.  Typically, I will do up to half off the price unless it is one I have specified in advance that I will not do additional discounts (like brand new items from our stockpile).  Mark all items!  One exception to this rule is if you have a bin of similar items to sell you can mark the amount per item on the outside of the container.  A lot of people will pass up the opportunity to buy something they want because they don’t want to ask for the price.  I would rather the items sell then have to drag everything back into the house, to Goodwill or somewhere else afterwards.  If you have a lot of specific items to sell (candles, clothes, gift bags, stuffed animals, etc….) you can sell them for 50 cents each or they can stuff a bag as full as they want $5.  I had a lady buy my entire bin of stuffed animals by stuffing bags for $5 each (you can fit a lot of clothes and stuffed animals into a shopping bag).
    • Plan of Action – having a plan mapped out of where you want items and how it will look.  This will help make the whole Yard Sale run more smoothly and in the end be a success.Group like items together as you are preparing them and know in advance which items you want on the tables, in the front to draw in the crowd, which ones are okay to put on the tarp or hang on the fence.
    • Answer the Important Questions in Advance – Who is in charge of what? What are the kids selling?  Who is putting out the signs?  When are you putting out the signs?   Who will be collecting the cash?
    • How much cash / change do you need to start? We did $70 cash this time and it was a great amount (we had 2 – $10, 4 – $5, 20 – $1, and a roll of quarters).  We used $3 in loose change we had around the house to buff up the cash box a little bit more.
    • Pick a Good LOCATION – we usually do our Yard Sale at our house because we live right off a busy road.  Also, our road is a small half circle and no matter which direction a person comes down it they will drive past our house.  You want it close to a road that gets a lot of steady traffic so you get a continual flow of people.
    • Do a Multiple Family Sale – this is the first year we have not done a multiple family yard sale.  We have had up to 7 families do the yard sale with us at one time.  We even have a software program that tracks how much each family is making and then we divide up the cash at the end of the sale.  If you do it this way and use 1 cash box make sure whoever is entering the amounts knows the program and during the busy times it is wise to have a couple people helping check out.  Otherwise you can do separate cash box per family.  You can share the cost of signs, materials, work, etc…when you do a joint sell as well.
    • Select a Date / Time – pick a good date and time to do your sale.  For example, if it is freezing or raining it will be much harder to have a successful sale.  Consider the benefits of doing a 1 or 2 day sale.  We have typically only done a 1 day sale on Saturday because we don’t have a garage that faces the street where we can leave everything set up for the next day.  Plus, we don’t have to take time off work to have since we only do it on Saturday.
    • SIGNS – the signage is very important!  We make big, bold, simple signs with arrows on them.  The signs are placed at either end of our street with two additional signs one on the highway next to us and another at a busy intersection up the street from us.  Half of the signs are to get their attention and the two at the ends of our street are the most valuable because those are the ones that will get the people onto your street.  Add just enough information to get them to your house, keep it big and simple.  We purchased our signs for 50 cents at the Dollar Tree and I had the girls help me color them with crayons.  Since we already advertised in a variety of other places (see below) we typically put up our signs early the day of the sale as we are setting up (we have done it as early at 4:30 AM and had people at our house within minutes).
    • Advertise – having a number people planning to come before the day of the sell is very beneficial.  Many times these people will be the first ones there and more people are likely to stop if there are a lot of cars at your house (there must be great deals). Here are a couple places to advertise:
    1. Your local Craigslist –  we have great success listing our Yard Sales on Craigslist.  People have driven from over an hour away to attend our Yard Sale because they saw it on Craigslist.  We typically get between 5 to 20 emails a day from people requesting more information on what we are selling so make sure you are ready to respond politely and timely to those requesting information.  I always include a bullet list of items that we are selling to catch the attention of those looking for specific things (for example – Infant Clothes Newborn & Up, NEW Health & Beauty Items, CD’s / DVDs, Furniture, Kitchen Appliances, Books, Computers, Game Systems, Electronics, etc…. and MUCH MORE).  Be honest yet specific to draw the attention of those interested in your items.  Craigslist will allow you to post multiple times the week of the sale – I usually post information about it on Monday, Wednesday, and follow up with one final one on Friday that has our address and directions included.
    2. Newspapers – many newspapers will allow you to list your Yard Sale in the paper for free.  Check with your local newspapers for the details.  Make sure to check out the smaller ones as well because they often will give you more promotional space plus they are in your local community homes and stores.
    3. Hang Fliers – in gas stations or a variety of businesses or community boards in your area.  Many of these places allow you do it for free and it generates additional interest.  Make sure your signs are bright, colorful, and easy to read.
    • Large / Popular Items Catch the Buyers Attention – put large or popular and colorful items out in front (children’s clothes, furniture, exercise equipment, etc….) so people will see them and stop to shop.  Many times if they stop to look they will buy something in addition to the items that first got their attention.
    • Sell Ad-Ons – we have our girls sell drinks, small toys, cookies (see picture below), candy, and re-usable bags.  Here’s what we did:
    1. Candy – 2 cents
    2. Small Toys – 2 cents
    3. Re-usable Shopping Bags – 10 cents (or they can choose the free bags – plastic bags we collected from a variety of stores)
    4. Lemonade – 25 cents
    5. Cookies – 25 cents
    6. Soda Pop – 50 cents
    7. Bottled Water – $1.00
    • Thin Out Your Stockpile – if you shop the sales and use coupons take a moment to put together a bin or table full of items.  We had a variety of new Health & Beauty items, Household items, School Supplies, Crafts Supplies, and more for people to buy.  The largest benefit to having a table with brand new items is that it really attracts attention and brings in the crowd plus it gets people excited about getting a great deal.  Also, pack a basket full of those samples you got in the mail and sell them.  We were selling our samples for 2 cents each and a lady came back to our yard sale to purchase more items for her parents and bought the entire basket full of samples.  We sold the majority of the items on those tables plus people purchased other items at the sale because they were so thrilled to find a terrific deal.  This year we even sold a box full of non-expired food from our pantry, I had duplicates of several items that I didn’t think we would eat in time so I put them out and they were a huge hit as well.
    Brina & Karlie's Tray Full of Individually Wrapped (in "pretty" bags) Cookies for the Yard Sale! Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip M&M, and Double Chocolate Chip! They did really well with their cookies.

    These are some of the things I have learned over the course of the past few years.  Several people have asked us email them when we have our yard sales because they don’t want to miss it and other people have gone to get extra money or called friends to come buy items.  The repeat customers know what you typically have available and look for it, a couple ladies asked where all my samples were after someone had purchased them all.  It is a lot of work, but with a little extra effort and planning it can be a successful event.   I am thankful for my family because each member pitched in to help make it a great day.  I wish you the best as you plan for your upcoming sale.  Please leave any comments below on ways you have made your Garage / Yard Sale successful.

  • Love It – Purple Heart Necklace

    My Purple Heart Necklace, beautiful reminder of the blessings in my life! Thanks Handsome!

    My husband has known for years the impact the Little Purple Flower had on my life.  We were dating at the time the incident occurred and he was delighted to see God use such a beautiful reminder to encourage me.  Since that time Jake has on numerous occasions surprised me with a gift that had a purple flower or something similar on it as a reminder of how much He loves me.  The gift is also a visual reminder that God daily gives me the many blessings I have in my life.

    On Valentine’s Day my husband and I celebrated together at Winter Jam 2011.  When I got up to go to the restroom before the concert started I came back to a small package on my chair.  He gave me a beautiful purple heart necklace (totally surprised me) as a way to remind me of His love and the many blessings in our lives as a couple.  I had no idea that he was even saving his money to get me such a sweet surprise.

    He had been looking for the perfect necklace for awhile until he found the purple heart which he thought it would be a perfect fit for me.  For those of you who know me personally I am not a glamour and glittery type of person.  I grew up with three brothers on a farm and was more of a tomboy than a princess. I can count on one hand the pieces of jewelry I wear regularly.  Every single piece I wear daily Jake picked out on his own for me (most of them were surprises too).  I wear my watch, engagement & wedding rings, and my heart necklace he gave me for our 7th anniversary every day.  The only other time I wear different or more jewelry is for a special event or Date Night when I an extra necklace, ring, or bracelet.  So needless to say I was shocked to receive a necklace on Valentine’s Day and my heart about burst with love for him when I realized it was a purple heart meant to remind me of the little purple flowers in my life.

    I am surrounded by many blessings in my life.  Some days I have to look harder to find those blessings but they exist no matter how big or small.  I am thankful for a God who extends love and grace to me every day.  A husband whom I adore and kids that bring so much joy and laughter into my life.  The best part is they all love me despite my imperfections and crazy days.  Thank you babe for reminding me of the MANY blessing in my life.  I am thankful for the amazing gifts God has given me!

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • Family Celebrations: Valentine’s Date with My Man!

    Winter Jam 2011 at Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC!

    Jake and I had the opportunity to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 11, 2011.  We had friends swap  babysitting duties with us so we knew the girls would be in good hands while we were out for the evening.   While we were brainstorming fun and unique ways we could spend our Valentine’s Date we realized that it was the same night that Winter Jam 2011 was coming to Greenville.  Since neither of us had ever been to any concerts before we decided to give it a try since it only cost $10 per person to get in.

    After deciding what to do we talked with a couple friends and realized that the concert usually sells out so we had backup plans just in case.  That night Jake picked up Subway sandwiches and we ate while standing in line to get into the Bi-Lo Center.  When we arrived the lines were pretty defined but after only a few minutes it soon became a crowd with standing room only.  I am not a tall person and thankful that I don’t get claustrophobic in large crowds standing because every one was standing close together.

    We made it into the Bi-Lo Center and managed to get front row balcony seats!  When I went to the restroom Jake left a small pretty gold package on my chair……  I hadn’t realized it but he had saved up his money to buy me a necklace that I could wear with the other one he gave me for our 7th Anniversary for dressier events! He is so sweet and thoughtful!  I share will with you in a later post a little more about the necklace!

    We have never been to a concert much less a Christian Concert with so many people and artists!  It was neat hearing their songs and testimonies throughout the night.  The night starting off with Chris Sligh who is from Greenville, South Carolina.  We also heard songs from Chris August, Sidewalk Prophets, NewSong, Red, Francesca Battistelli, Kutless, David Crowder Band and the NewsBoys.  Tony Nolan gave an encouraging and challenging message and KJ-52 was an entertaining MC.  Here are some pictures from our Date Night.  It was a neat experience and moving to see so many people in attendance worshiping together.

    Chris Sligh from Greenville, SC started the Winter Jam 2011 evening.
    Chris August at Winter Jam 2011

    "Sidewalk Prophets" started with their backs to us!

    "Red" had neat fire and smoke shooting through the air at various times. The speakers were blown on our side after their performance, it was pretty loud!
    KJ-52 was a great MC at Winter Jam 2011!
    "Newsong" at Winter Jam 2011!
    Francesca Battistelli at Winter Jam, neat songs and her husband plays the drums in her band!

    Tony Nolan sharing scripture & his testimony with everyone at Winter Jam 2011
    David Crowder Band at Winter Jam 2011
    Winter Jam 2011 - "Kutless" performing!
    "Newsboys" drummer at Winter Jam 2011!
    Newsboys singing at Winter Jam 2011

    Newsboys on risers at Winter Jam!
    Winter Jam 2011 was a sold out crowd at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC!
  • Be My Valentine: Scrapbook Highlights

    Do you like to scrapbook?  You don’t need to be current with your scrapbooking to do this Valentine’s Day gift (I am way behind on my scrapbooking too).  Show your spouse and family you love them on Valentine’s Day by doing a Scrapbook highlighting the big events over the past year.  You can do scrapbook at home with your materials or one online at Snapfish or any other great photo place.  Think back over this past year and pick one or two big events for each month or two. Here is some ideas of what to include to get you started, even if you do the Holidays you’ll have plenty of special memories.

    • January – Happy New Year
    • February – Happy Valentine’s Day
    • March – Springing into Spring
    • April – Easter
    • May – Mother’s Day
    • June – Father’s Day
    • July – Independence Day
    • August – Back to School
    • September – First Day of Fall
    • October – Halloween
    • November – Thanksgiving
    • December – Christmas
    • Birthdays
    • Fresh Start
    • Weddings
    • Anniversaries
    • Special Trips
    • Vacations
    • And so much more!!!

    Create you book of highlights with the scrapbook material you have or do it online.  It will be a fun gift as you reflect back on the memories you made together!

    Photo by shimelle

  • Be My Valentine: Romantic Dinner for Two!

    You have the babysitter lined up for the kids now it is time to figure out what fun excursion to do with your spouse.  Going out to eat at a restaurant is a great option, however, going on Valentine’s Day can mean a lot of waiting in lines.  If you have your heart set on going to a restaurant go to a place where you can make a reservation in advanced or pick a different evening near Valentine’s Day.  As a side note, the point of Valentine’s Day is to spend time together and celebrate with your love ones.  If you do it a day earlier or later it can be an even more relaxing and romantic date to remember.  Since Valentine’s Day is on a Monday this year, try going on Friday or Saturday before Valentine’s Day.  Going near the Holiday but not on the Holiday allows you to get into the restaurant easier and dinner will be more relaxing with better service because you’re not rushed.  It will be less expensive for the babysitter that night since you don’t have to be out as long waiting for a table.

    My recommendation if you want to go out on Valentine’s Days (or any other Date Night) for less go on a picnic with your spouse.  Why is going a picnic a better option:

    • It’s Less Expensive – you can pick up food on sale at the grocery store and make it at home.
    • No Waiting in Line
    • Relaxing Meal Together
    • One-on-One Conversation without interruptions

    Since it is winter time you may ask, how do we do a picnic in the snow?  The last cold picnic we went on together Jake and I found a great spot to park.  We took all the seats out of the van except the front two then put a air mattress in the back part of the van.  We brought a picnic basket full of goodies and a movie.  We had a quiet relaxing meal together, talked, and enjoyed a movie.  It was a great evening full of fun and relaxation.

    “Be My Valentine” is a series of creative ways you can celebrate Valentine’s Day with those you love.  You can make it a special Holiday without spending a lot.  Spread a little extra cheer to those around you this Valentine’s Day!  Surprise your loved ones with a fun and thoughtful gift from the heart.  It is a great time to reflect on sweet memories as well as create new ones with whole family.  May this Valentine’s season be bursting with love for you!

  • T.G.I. Friday’s Coupon: $5 off $15 or More

    T.G.I. Friday’s Coupon – $5 off your Purchase of $15 or More

    Cannot be combined with other offers, discounts or specials, including 3 Course $12.99/$16.99 menu offer, $7.99/$8.99 Petite Sirloin or Half Rack Ribs offer and any other discounted or reduced price special in participating T.G.I. Friday’s.  For dine-in only.  Not valid with use of Promotional Gift Card.  See site for full details.  G

    Good through February 21, 2011!  You can take your spouse out to dinner for Valentine’s Day and save a little at the same time!!!

  • Take a Nap

    As a kid I resisted taking naps.  It was about the worst thing my parents could ask me to do.  I did everything I could think of to get out of napping or to convince my parents I had slept even though I hadn’t.  I am pretty sure they realized it but napping did not appeal to me at all!

    Now as an adult, when I cannot take naps on a regular basis, it sounds awesome!  Isn’t that ironic…. During the busy Holiday Season we get so worn out with the celebrations that people tend to get sick.  Now that the schedule is getting back to “normal” try resting a little more.   Take a cat nap when you can even if it is only once or twice a week.  If you still have kids at home that nap take advantage of that quiet time when they are resting.  A 20 minute power nap can give you the extra boost you need to get through the day.  On certain days when we know the family will be up late we try to have the girls rest for at least 30 minutes (like on Sundays and Wednesdays).

    I have a nap on my schedule in the near future.  Do you? You have my permission to take a nap today!