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Family Outings: Fall Festivals & Fun Activities

A little behind in posting these pictures but I figure it’s better late than never, right!? Since a couple of our family members have requested these pictures here we go…..

One happy and one scary pumpkin on the front porch

In celebration of Fall Festivals, events, and activities we had the girls do a pumpkin this year.  Brina wanted a happy pumpkin and Karlie wanted a scary pumpkin.  They did the outlines for their pumpkins and Daddy cut out the pieces.  They were both quite pleased with their pumpkins.

One Blue Crayon and One Violet Crayon

The girls dressed up this year as crayons!  They were super excited to wear their crayon costumes that we picked up on clearance last year.

Goody cups for the girls class at school.

The girls helped pack the goody cups for their teacher and friends in their classroom!  Besides stickers, pencils, glow in the dark silly bands we included a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Candy Corn Cupcakes for the girls class

We made candy corn cupcakes for the girls class at school.  They were so excited to take them and share with their friends at lunch.

Karlie and Brina carrying their goody basket into school

They were thrilled to carry the goody basket into school.  Several other students stopped to express their delight in the cool basket on their way to class, I think that alone made the girls day!

Two little crayons and Daddy getting into the teacup

This was the first ride the girls went on at the Fall Festival.  So thankful Jake was willing to ride with them, last year I went on it and almost threw up from the spinning!

Hold onto your hats little crayons!

It made me dizzy just watching them spinning in circles but they had a blast!

Fun fall festival rides

Our two crayons are in the blue one.  They loved this ride last year too.

Having fun

They loved looking out of their “cage” as they called it over the rest of the Fall Festival.  When they got off they told us everything that they saw on the ride and what activities they wanted to do.

Ready to fly on the bug

Two little crayons going for another spinning ride on the little bug, too cute!

Bug in flight

It was hard getting a picture when both of them were looking at me.  The bug got cut off on this one but at least both girls are looking my direction! 🙂

All buckled ready to swing and spin

Daddy was such a sport and went with the girls again on this spinning ride.  Everyone is all buckled in and ready to SWING!

There they are swinging

It looks pretty innocent doesn’t it but if your stomach does flip-flops while going in circles…..

Checking out all the equipment in the medical helicopter

They had a emergency helicopter there so you could show your kids.  Pretty neat seeing on the devices they put into it.

Two little crayons coming down the slide

They had a blast jumping on bouncy castles, racing through bounce house mazes, and zipping down the slides.

Two cute crayons next to a giant black cat

The cat was having problems staying up but I snapped a quick picture with them in front of it.  They thought it was so funny seeing a giant black cat.