• Greenville: Journey to Bethlehem Event

    Journey to Bethlehem Event

    Roman Solider on the outside of the gate to Bethlehem

    We went to the Journey to Bethlehem Event with Jake’s cousins family a couple weeks ago.  It was a really neat event by the Greenville Nazarene church.  When you arrived you signed in and received a token to pay your taxes to the Roman soldiers once you arrived at the city of Bethlehem.  Before going into the city you watched a short video sharing the history behind the event and preparing you for what will happen once inside the city.  The event is free and well worth going through with your family.  They do it every year.

    They had about 12 booths that you could go to each one doing something different.  At each booth you got a treat (like bread that would be eaten during that time) or bead to put onto your necklace or you made something (like a toy from that era).  There were animals you could pet, hot chocolate, a manger scene, and so much more.  We have wanted to attend this event for the past few years, but always had a conflict on the weekend they did it.  Thanks Luke and Kristen for inviting us to come with you.  We had a great time and it was a wonderful learning experience for the kids too!  It was really nice to attend an event that reflected on the original meaning of Christmas.  This event had to take a lot of time and energy from many people to make happen.  Thank You!


    Eating a homemade cookie and listening to the lady tell a story!


    Making a toy out of wood and string – fascinating!


    As always the animals were a hit with the girls!

    Journey to Bethlehem Event

    Angels making the announcement to the shepherds.

    Journey to Bethlehem Event

    A live camel, the girls really wanted to go for a ride or at least pet it!

  • Greenville: Splashing Around at Otter Creek Waterpark


    Brina and Karlie going down the blue slide together on a double tube!

    Our end of Summer Break activity was going to the Otter Creek Waterpark!  None of us had ever been to this Greenville Waterpark so we decided it should be the one we try out to celebrate the end of summer.  It was actually one of the closer ones to us since we were coming from Easley.  The girls had a BLAST swimming around.  We arrived shortly after they opened and didn’t leave until late in the afternoon.  We splashed around in the water and went down the slides many times!   It was a lot of fun hanging out at the waterpark with the girls!

    Otter Creek Water Park Greenville SC

    Brina having a grand time at the waterpark!


    Hanging out with the girls at the Otter Creek Waterpark!  Great way to wrap up summer vacation!


    Brina doing flips under water!


    Going down the huge orange slide together.   They went down all the slides many times!


    Karlie’s coming!


    Carrying up the double tube.  It was quite the teamwork to get the big tube up the stairs without bumping into too many people!


    Splashing around!


    Brina all smiles!


    Karlie loving the water slides!


    Come on Mom, stand right over here……  Hmmm….this looks like a trick?!  BRINA!


    Yikes!  There’s something coming at me under the water!


    Brina enjoying our fun day at Otter Creek!


    Karlie doing flips under water!


    Brina arriving at the bottom of the green slide!


    Karlie at the top of the white slide!  She LOVED it!  I did all the slides many times, but the white slide once was enough for me.  WOW, it was so fast and my heart was in my throat as I flew down it.  Not to mention with that much speed once you hit the water you had received a nice swimsuit wedgy, ha!  Karlie on the other hand did the white slide many times!


    Karlie flying down the slide again!  It doesn’t look as steep in this picture, but trust me it was plenty steep!  I thought I was going to fly right off of it I was going so fast!  Fun times with the kids!

  • Travel & Vacation: Traveling to Kansas, Jesse James Bank Museum, and Milford Lake

    Travel to Kansas - Jesse James Bank, Lake Trip, Milford, Family

    On board and ready for take off!

    One of the reasons our family travels is because our extended family is so spread out.  This summer we headed out to Kansas to spend time with my family.  We got on the plane early Thursday morning in Greenville, SC and by mid-morning we were in Kansas City ready to go.


    We had a layover in Chicago!  The kids found it very entertaining to go on the walking sidewalks in the airport.  We didn’t get a chance to visit the actually city of Chicago, but it was good to get out and stretch our legs in the airport for a little bit between flights.  The advantage to the really early flights is the airport is not as crowded!


    Karlie found a great way to pass the time during our layover….reading!  She was so excited to found out that I had added a bunch of free kids books onto my Kindle!  She is frequently found around the house with her nose in a good book too so this did not come as a surprise.


    Brina found a good amazing animal website to check out too.


    After landing in Kansas City and getting our rental car we were off to explore the area.  Our first stop was Wendy’s for an early lunch (we had been up since 4 am).  The second stop was the Jesse James Bank Museum in Liberty, Missouri.  Not far from the Kansas City MCI airport.


    Karlie was surprised at the weight of the bank bag!  Wow!


    Learning about the Jesse James bank robbery.  Banks are very different now!


    Walking around the historical district of downtown Liberty!


    Brina walking along the edge of the water fountain!

    Travel to Kansas, Lake Milford, Family

    Riding with their cousin Nicko on the tube!


    Their faces crack me up!


    Having a blast tubing on Lake Milford with family!


    So much fun!


    Go faster Grandpa!


    They even let me go on the tube with them!  Fun times with family in Kansas!

  • Local Activities: “Dine Out for Mom” Event on Thursday, October 25, 2012

    There is a special event going on tomorrow, Thursday, October 25, 2012 called Dine Out For Mom which is a part of the Let There Be Mom organization.  As a Mom with small children it is important for me to remember that life is precious, sweet, and short.  We never know what joys and trials life will bring our way.  You may know of a friend or family member that has gone through serious illness and given only a short amount of time to live.   This event is to remind us to celebrate life, create memories, cherish our family, and help others because our life here on earth is not forever.

    What is Let There Be Mom? It is an organization that provides help to Moms when they or their spouse is diagnosed with a serious illness.  How was it started?   “Let There Be Mom” comes along side the family going through this difficult time to preserve memories.  They do this through a variety of services tailored to meet the needs and wishes of the individual families. Some examples of ways you can get involvedphotography, scrapbooks,  journals, videos, meals, errands, special events, care packages, family cookbooks, and many more wonderful activities.  The Dine Out For Mom event tomorrow is designed to help raise funds for this great organization.   When you eat at one of the participating restaurants they will donate a portion of the proceeds to “Let There Be Mom” so they can continue to help families that are losing a loved one.

    Take some time out of your busy day to meet a friend for lunch or take the family out for dinner.  What a great way to spend time with those you love while helping a wonderful organization that is committed to preserving family memories.

    For more information about the “Let There Be Mom” organization, their services, and how to get involved please visit their website.

  • Family Outings: Ice Skating

    Karlie and Brina ice skating for the first time with Daddy!

    There is a local ice skating rink in our town that is open all year.  The first time the girls went ice skating was for a friends birthday party and they had a blast!  Even though ice skating traditionally is a “winter” sport it is a wonderful way to spend a couple hours cooling off during the heat of the summer too! If you look around you can often find tickets to your local ice skating rink as well. Who knows you may even run into a friend or two (we have) which makes it even more fun!

    Here are some pictures from another fun ice skating adventure!

    Brina skating backwards?!  No just turning around to look at Mommy

    Karlie getting around on her own….with a little help from the wall!

    Daddy pushing his girls around the ice skating rink

    Daddy and Brina skating

    Mommy pushing Karlie around the ice rink!

  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 9)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.   We are now getting close to the end of our fall harvest only one more week left.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We are thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 9 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 large bundle Swiss Chard
    • 1 large bundle Turnips and Greens
    • 3 Beets
    • 3 Brown Potatoes
    • 2 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1/2 Dozen Fresh Eggs (not pictured, already had those put away)
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Family Outings: Fall Festivals & Fun Activities

    A little behind in posting these pictures but I figure it’s better late than never, right!? Since a couple of our family members have requested these pictures here we go…..

    One happy and one scary pumpkin on the front porch

    In celebration of Fall Festivals, events, and activities we had the girls do a pumpkin this year.  Brina wanted a happy pumpkin and Karlie wanted a scary pumpkin.  They did the outlines for their pumpkins and Daddy cut out the pieces.  They were both quite pleased with their pumpkins.

    One Blue Crayon and One Violet Crayon

    The girls dressed up this year as crayons!  They were super excited to wear their crayon costumes that we picked up on clearance last year.

    Goody cups for the girls class at school.

    The girls helped pack the goody cups for their teacher and friends in their classroom!  Besides stickers, pencils, glow in the dark silly bands we included a toothbrush and toothpaste.

    Candy Corn Cupcakes for the girls class

    We made candy corn cupcakes for the girls class at school.  They were so excited to take them and share with their friends at lunch.

    Karlie and Brina carrying their goody basket into school

    They were thrilled to carry the goody basket into school.  Several other students stopped to express their delight in the cool basket on their way to class, I think that alone made the girls day!

    Two little crayons and Daddy getting into the teacup

    This was the first ride the girls went on at the Fall Festival.  So thankful Jake was willing to ride with them, last year I went on it and almost threw up from the spinning!

    Hold onto your hats little crayons!

    It made me dizzy just watching them spinning in circles but they had a blast!

    Fun fall festival rides

    Our two crayons are in the blue one.  They loved this ride last year too.

    Having fun

    They loved looking out of their “cage” as they called it over the rest of the Fall Festival.  When they got off they told us everything that they saw on the ride and what activities they wanted to do.

    Ready to fly on the bug

    Two little crayons going for another spinning ride on the little bug, too cute!

    Bug in flight

    It was hard getting a picture when both of them were looking at me.  The bug got cut off on this one but at least both girls are looking my direction! 🙂

    All buckled in...now ready to swing and spin

    Daddy was such a sport and went with the girls again on this spinning ride.  Everyone is all buckled in and ready to SWING!

    There they are swinging

    It looks pretty innocent doesn’t it but if your stomach does flip-flops while going in circles…..

    Checking out all the equipment in the medical helicopter

    They had a emergency helicopter there so you could show your kids.  Pretty neat seeing on the devices they put into it.

    Two little crayons coming down the slide

    They had a blast jumping on bouncy castles, racing through bounce house mazes, and zipping down the slides.

    Two cute crayons next to a giant black cat

    The cat was having problems staying up but I snapped a quick picture with them in front of it.  They thought it was so funny seeing a giant black cat.

  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 7 & 8)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program. With the Thanksgiving Holiday being on Thursday we decided it would be better not to have to juggle picking up produce in between all the family Holiday fun so we received a full share this week.    We are now getting close to the end of our fall harvest only two more weeks left.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We are thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 7 & 8 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 large Green Cabbage
    • 1 bag Snow Peas (LOVE them)
    • 5 Beets
    • 2 Brown Potatoes
    • 4 Sweet Potatoes
    • 2 Spaghetti Squash
    • 2 Yellow Onions
    • 2 Yellow Carrots
    • 1 Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Local Activities: “Dine Out for Mom” Event on Thursday, October 20th

    There is a special event going on tomorrow, Thursday, October 20, 2011 called “Dine Out For Mom” which is a part of the “Let There Be Mom” organization.  As a Mom with small children it is important for me to remember that life is precious, sweet, and short.  We never know what joys and trials life will bring our way.  You may know of a friend or family member that has gone through serious illness and given only a short amount of time to live.   This event is to remind us to celebrate life, create memories, cherish our family, and help others because our life here on earth is not forever.

    What is “Let There Be Mom”? It is an organization that provides help to Moms when they or their spouse is diagnosed with a serious illness.  How was it started?   “Let There Be Mom” comes along side the family going through this difficult time to preserve memories.  They do this through a variety of services tailored to meet the needs and wishes of the individual families. Some examples of ways you can get involved – photography, scrapbooks,  journals, videos, meals, errands, special events, care packages, family cookbooks, and many more wonderful activities.  The “Dine Out For Mom” event tomorrow is designed to help raise funds for this great organization.   When you eat at one of the participating restaurants they will donate a portion of the proceeds to “Let There Be Mom” so they can continue to help families that are losing a loved one.

    Take some time out of your busy day to meet a friend for lunch or take the family out for dinner.  What a great way to spend time with those you love while helping a wonderful organization that is committed to preserving family memories.

    For more information about the “Let There Be Mom” organization, their services, and how to get involved please visit their website.

  • Family Outings: Family of 4 “Playcation” Package – Greenville Drive, Children’s Museum, Camelot Cinemas, Hotdogs & Drinks ($40)

    The Greenville Drive is offering a “Playcation” Package this week on Tuesday, May 31, 2011.  The package is $40 for a Family of 4 which includes:

    • 4 Tickets to the Greenville Drive’s Game on May 31, 2011
    • 4 Hot Dogs
    • 4 Soft Drinks
    • 4 passes to the Children’s Museum of the Upstate
    • 4 passes to the Camelot Cinemas

    You can order you “Playcation” Package by going by the Fluor Field Box Office or calling them at 864-240-4528 (there is an additional $5 charge for ordering by phone).  For more information please go to the Greenville Drive website.