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Greenville: Journey to Bethlehem Event

Journey to Bethlehem Event

Roman Solider on the outside of the gate to Bethlehem

We went to the Journey to Bethlehem Event with Jake’s cousins family a couple weeks ago.  It was a really neat event by the Greenville Nazarene church.  When you arrived you signed in and received a token to pay your taxes to the Roman soldiers once you arrived at the city of Bethlehem.  Before going into the city you watched a short video sharing the history behind the event and preparing you for what will happen once inside the city.  The event is free and well worth going through with your family.  They do it every year.

They had about 12 booths that you could go to each one doing something different.  At each booth you got a treat (like bread that would be eaten during that time) or bead to put onto your necklace or you made something (like a toy from that era).  There were animals you could pet, hot chocolate, a manger scene, and so much more.  We have wanted to attend this event for the past few years, but always had a conflict on the weekend they did it.  Thanks Luke and Kristen for inviting us to come with you.  We had a great time and it was a wonderful learning experience for the kids too!  It was really nice to attend an event that reflected on the original meaning of Christmas.  This event had to take a lot of time and energy from many people to make happen.  Thank You!


Eating a homemade cookie and listening to the lady tell a story!


Making a toy out of wood and string – fascinating!


As always the animals were a hit with the girls!

Journey to Bethlehem Event

Angels making the announcement to the shepherds.

Journey to Bethlehem Event

A live camel, the girls really wanted to go for a ride or at least pet it!