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Relationships: Reflecting on Memories

Sunflower / Yellow Flower

  • Across the fields the summer sun
  • Is shining, and the breeze
  • Flows gently through the trees
  • Like waves upon the summer seas.
  • The wild flowers all along the fence
  • Are dancing in the sun.
  • The bees are buzzing through the fields. . .
  • I’ll bet their work is fun.
  • Look, there’s a path upon the hill;
  • Please come and walk with m.
  • For overtop the hill and down,
  • A meadow we will see.
  • For in the meadow there’s a brook
  • That I once waded through,
  • And in the meadow there are flowers
  • Of every shade and hue.
  • Come walk, with me along that brook
  • And share this day with me.
  • As carefree children once again
  • We live in memory.

– Bonnie Gaunt

Our lives are sprinkled with a variety of  memories.  Some of those memories bring a smile to our face while others bring a tear of sadness to our eyes.  Memories can come rushing back when one or more of our senses are spiked such as a familiar place, smell, or sound.

When we walk along a stream or visit a familiar area with a family member or friend we get a glance into the past.  It’s important to take the time to remember those good times.  Relax in a quiet walk with someone dear to us.  Taking the time to laugh at the good times and great memories we have shared over the years.  Life goes by quickly and no one is guaranteed another day, but we have today so let’s make the best of what we have with those we love.