• Big Apples & Beautiful Plants

    The big apple and beautiful plant on my desk!

    These past couple of weeks I have been in a bit of a funk…. Some little unexpected things happened that I let pile up and bother me. Instead of letting these incidents roll off of me and turning my focus towards the many blessings in my life I let these little disappointments and inconveniences capitalize too much of my energy.

    All I have to do is look around me to how truly see blessed I am and yet at times I struggle with being content.  My negative attitude is not benefiting myself nor those who are in close proximity of me (family, friends, co-workers). In reality it is probably pretty toxic to myself and those who have to be in my presence.  While my life is not even close to being “perfect” mostly because I manage to mess it up more than I care to admit, it really isn’t bad by any means either. There are a lot of people that are going through far more challenging situations.

    As I was thinking about some of these recent events, situations and incidents that got me into this little funk I was reminded of big apples and beautiful plants.  I know it sounds random, but sometimes it’s silly little objects that help bring clarity and focus to my messes of life. Often times these objects remind me of the person who thoughtfully and gave or made them for me which in return makes me smile.

    My husband will randomly get me something that he knows I will enjoy.  An apple is a common fruit found in my work lunch, one day he surprised me with a very large apple as my work snack. It made me laugh because the apple was so big it barely fit in my lunch bag and ended up being part of my snack and lunch.   I love all kinds of plants and flowers, however, I have a black thumb which means it is a miracle if I keep a plant alive for a year or more (yes, I have managed to even kill a cactus….). One day he brought home an adorable potted plant for me.  I took it to work and had so many files on my desk that day that it ended up finding a home next to my monitor and in front of my main work space.  He is thoughtful and knows how to make me smile. The photo above is the day I had the big apple next to my beautiful plant. While these are just two visual examples of ways I am reminded of him and the many blessings in my life there are many more if I take a moment to look around me.

    Unfortunately, there are many days when I am busy with tasks that I overlook the big apples, beautiful plants, and the many other little reminders of the multitude of blessings in my life. Some days I get sucked into tackling a variety of “to do” items or choose to focus on disappointments which tend to weigh on me instead of working hard while appreciating the positive blessings all around me.   It’s time to break out of this funk and remember who really is in control of my life.  When left up to myself I get off track, my focus is not on what truly matters in life, and I am not the easiest person to hang around.  I am ready to get back on track, anybody else ready?

    A few ways to encourage us to turn our focus towards positive blessings:

    • Look – What do you see around you that makes you smile or brings are certain special person to mind?  You probably have more blessings than realize you once you take a few minutes to look around and think about it.
    • Relax – The to do list is always growing, don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself.  You can relax every once in awhile without being considered lazy, it’s actually healthy for us.
    • Breathe – Take a few deep breaths, it helps clear your minds and relaxes your body
    • Focus – Choose to focus on the good parts of your life.  The hard times and inconveniences will come, but they do not have to monopolize all your time and energy.
    • Time – Spend quality time with family, friends, and people you love. Life really is short, make a point to invest time in people.

    Here’s to a life full of many blessings!  May we always remember what’s truly important and if we forget hopefully we’ll get back on track quickly.

  • Relationships: Reflecting on Memories

    Sunflower / Yellow Flower

    • Across the fields the summer sun
    • Is shining, and the breeze
    • Flows gently through the trees
    • Like waves upon the summer seas.
    • The wild flowers all along the fence
    • Are dancing in the sun.
    • The bees are buzzing through the fields. . .
    • I’ll bet their work is fun.
    • Look, there’s a path upon the hill;
    • Please come and walk with m.
    • For overtop the hill and down,
    • A meadow we will see.
    • For in the meadow there’s a brook
    • That I once waded through,
    • And in the meadow there are flowers
    • Of every shade and hue.
    • Come walk, with me along that brook
    • And share this day with me.
    • As carefree children once again
    • We live in memory.

    – Bonnie Gaunt

    Our lives are sprinkled with a variety of  memories.  Some of those memories bring a smile to our face while others bring a tear of sadness to our eyes.  Memories can come rushing back when one or more of our senses are spiked such as a familiar place, smell, or sound.

    When we walk along a stream or visit a familiar area with a family member or friend we get a glance into the past.  It’s important to take the time to remember those good times.  Relax in a quiet walk with someone dear to us.  Taking the time to laugh at the good times and great memories we have shared over the years.  Life goes by quickly and no one is guaranteed another day, but we have today so let’s make the best of what we have with those we love.

  • Relationships: Now & Forever

    Karlie - Red Rose Flower


    When I look in your eyes and see your bright smile and feel your comforting touch, when I hear all the love in those warm, caring words that encourage and cheer me so much.  There’s a feeling I have that “forever” is ours, that, no matter the season or weather,  Our hearts will be filled with the same kind of magic and love that first brought us together. – Emily Matthews

    A great reminder for those of us who are married.  Our spouses know us better than anyone else.  They know how to make us laugh and push our buttons.  There will be days when life is smooth and bright while other days may have a few storm clouds brewing in the distance.

    Take the time to talk with your spouse. Share your heart.  Spend time doing projects and fun activities together.  Go on a date.  Relax, snuggle, and share a hug.  It doesn’t matter if you have been married for a few days or many years investing in your partner is important.

  • Relationships: Granting Your Spouse Permission to Help YOU Heal

    Karlie - Red Rose FlowerRose picked by Jake from the Mother’s Day bush Karlie gave me last year! Beautiful!

    I am blessed to have a loving husband.  He takes great care of me and the girls, loves me despite my faults, pitches in around the house, always seeking ways to teach our girls, and intentionally invests regularly time and energy into our relationship and our family.

    Yet for some reason when I am tired, hurting, or discouraged he is the first person I tend to lash out at.  Is it because he is near?  Or is it that I trust he will continue loving me as he helps me get through the moments of hurt?  Is it that he is the first person who notices that I am struggling?  Is it because I allow “little stuff” to build up, get emotional, and blow the “little stuff” way out of proportion?  Or is it a complex multitude of feelings and connections of life that make me think it is acceptable to snap at someone truly trying to lovingly help me?

    Life is tough.  It would be a lie to say that I have not gone through a multitude of various emotions over the past few months.  My girls are growing up so quickly and my Momma’s heart is rejoicing yet broken over it at the same time.  I have not invested the time and energy into relationships that are important to me.  It has been a struggle to balance life, schedules, and times to the point that some days I feel like I am messing up everything or falling short. It feels like there are days when I am rushing through life and trying to just get what has to be accomplished done only to crash at night and re-start the process all over again the next day.

    How can I be an encouraging, positive, loving light, sharing God’s grace with those around me when I feel like the walls are falling in on me?  I have been praying specifically that God would break down the walls I have built up around my heart, revealed those areas I need to heal and repair, fill the holes that are plugged with the wrong motives, and work in my life, however, it is at times a very painful process.

    When an animal is hurting they tend to find a safe place and withdraw into themselves.  If you approach a hurt animal when they are in that safe place or feel like they are backed into a corner they have a tendency to snap at anyone reaching out to help them.  Their eyes are clouded with hurt or pain, their defenses are up, and they don’t know what to do so they react in anger at anyone trying to help because it is hard for them to distinguish between someone who is trying to hurt and a person who is trying to help.  I am sure vets or people who work with animals see this all the time.  The animal wants to be alone in their pain, lick their wounds, and retreat to safety even though it it not the best action if they truly want to heal.

    As humans we cannot and should not react the same way as an animal would.  We are built to value and crave relationships.  Some of our relationships may be healthy while others are pulling us down.  We cannot be everything to everybody, it’s impossible, yet we can make an impact on the lives we touch.  Starting with our relationship with Christ, spreading to our spouses, children, and reaching out to family, friends, co-workers, and others that we interact with in our lives.  It always works best when we are living our life looking for strength, encouragement, and wisdom from the top and allowing it to filter down through our lives to the people we have the privilege of loving and living life beside.

    Take time this week to spend time pray.  Investigate your heart, reflect on your relationships, and start the process of breaking down the barriers we have created to falsely shield us.  Those barriers are really just holding us back and blocking those who truly love and want to help us.  Allow your spouse and others to speak truth into your life.

  • Dirty Rocks + Rock Tumbler = Shiny Gems

    It’s amazing how having kids can open your eyes to so many things, including learning more about yourself, life, and God.  A couple years ago my cousin got the girls a rock tumbler.  They LOVE it and are always on the look out for neat rocks (yes, my girls love rocks).  On numerous trips, hikes, or walking through the yard they can be found collecting various rocks to run through the tumbler.  It is a great activity for kids and can be a neat teaching tool as well.

    The rock tumbling process goes something like this……

    • Find a variety of dirty average looking small rocks
    • Put them through the tumbler to remove all the grit and smooth out the rough edges
    • Polish them

    The whole process takes days and seems forever for the kids, but the end result is something beautiful and well worth the wait.

    Recently, I came across a bag of rocks while I was cleaning.  I had to smile knowing exactly why one of my ziploc bags had been used to stash a handful of ordinary, dull, and plain rocks.  The girls know that even though they look like any old dirty rock once they are tumbled and polished their true colors will shine beautifully.

    As I was standing there looking at those old, dusty rocks it struck me that my heart is much like those sharp and dirty rocks.  There is a lot of junk that needs to be knocked off my heart and life before the beauty of God’s love can shine through.  Thankfully with His help and a tremendous amount of patience on His part He slowly and faithfully cleans the dirt away, smooths out the roughness, and round the sharp edges.  When His love, goodness, mercy, and kindness radiates from my brokenness it opens the doors for opportunities to make a positive eternal impact on the hearts and lives those around us.

    Elenco Rock TumblerAn example of a rock tumbler you can get from Amazon if you are looking for a fun activity to do with your kids!

  • Heart Reflections: A Moment of Silence


    Do we know what “silence” sounds like anymore?  Having complete silence may drive some people crazy while others are begging for just  few minutes every once in awhile.  Life gets busy as a Mom, Wife, Business Owner, or whatever title you carry.  Your husband needs you, the kids have homework, deadlines are approaching, papers are piling, the house needs clean, laundry done, and a stack of emails are waiting for your reply.

    Occasionally we need to take a Moment of Silence to get away from the demands of life. We all need down time to re-group and refresh.  I am thankful for a husband that recognizes that and encourages me to take time to myself or out with a group of girlfriends.  He encourages me have some time to re-group, rest, focus, pray, and relax.   I love my family much, but it is nice to have some time alone and with others.

    Sometimes it is during those quiet times that I can focus on what God is trying to teach me.  Usually there are items weighing on my heart and mind that I need to work through.  There are many times when I am driving I will turn off the radio and focus on some time of quiet.  Do you allow yourself some times of quiet?  Do you need it?  Go ahead turn off the radio, put down your phone, put away your computer, get alone for a few minutes, spend time focusing on the quiet, pray, and allow God to speak to you.  Hope you get a “moment of silence” soon!

  • Heart Reflections: The Farmer’s Weather


    I recently spent some time with my family out in Kansas.  The weather out there is much different from what we see here in South Carolina.  In the Midwest the past couple of years our family in Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado area have seen some pretty dry months and a variety of severe thunderstorms (including some hail).  Not only does this affect the crops, the pastures get dry, and the ponds dry up.

    Every time I spend time with our farming and ranching family members I am reminded about how much they have to trust God to provide for them.  No matter what they do they cannot control or manipulate the weather.  They have to trust that God will provide the moisture they need for the crops, pastures, and cattle. God can protect the crops, however, if a field gets hit with hail he is in control of that too.

    While God does provide the much needed rain for the crops there are times when they experience droughts, tornadoes, hail, strong winds, and a variety of other things that can happen on any given day.  Many times the hail can come and go in a matter of minutes, but the damage it does can be quite big for many farming families.

    Thinking about all this reminds of how good God is all the time.  It also reminds me of how little control I have over certain areas of my life.  Even though we cannot control everything that happens in our lives like sickness, weather, and more.  He can and he is ultimately in control.  And that is good!


  • Heart Reflections: First Fruits


    Our family has gone through a lot of hills and valleys over the past few years together.  Jake and I started out our marriage in debt from school bills.  It took the first few years of both of us working to pay off our school debts.  After paying off our school loans we began saving to start our own business.

    We started our own business and ran it for several years.  As life would have it we started dipping into that savings we had set aside and before long we realized that we had to make a decision whether or not to stay in business for ourselves or not.  We along with several friends and family fervently prayed for wisdom to make the right decision.

    Would the business turn around in a year or should we seek employment elsewhere?  After several months of praying and giving it over to God Jake was approached by a contact who wanted him to apply to a couple positions available in the area.  We prayed about it and decided to see what would happen since obviously we hadn’t spoken to this person in years and this may be God saying “trust me”.  Jake went in for 3 interviews that week by Monday the following week he had offers for all three positions.  One of the offers was in Greenville and the other 2 were in nearby cities.

    Before even accepting the position my husband came to me.  We had been praying for wisdom for so long and when God handpicked a position for him when we were not expecting it he felt like we should give the “first fruits” of this job to God.  He gave us this position and we want to honor Him for all he has done for us.  God had answered our prayers and we wanted to give back to him.

    Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.  – Proverbs 3:9-10

    Even when the budget was really tight especially during this time we always had enough to cover expenses.  After praying about it we decided that the first month’s pay check would be given to God.  From that time on any increases or bonuses Jake received from his work we have donated the first portion to God.  After receiving a bonus or increase we would set aside the money and pray about where God would want us to give the money.  After about a month we would talk again discuss what and who God laid on our hearts.  It is amazing to see how much clear God makes that decision.  Once the decision is made we give the money to the organization or people God had laid on our hearts as a check, cash, or if it is an organization where we can give it online we do it that way.

    I am thankful for my husband who seeks God’s wisdom, is thoughtful, and giving to others.  There are times when we could really use that extra money from a bonus or increase to pay for items our family needs (pay a medical bill, debt, or for something we need, etc…), however, we always make it a point to give the first fruits to others first.  Ultimately, it is God who gives us the money it is an honor to share what we have with others.

  • Heart Reflections: Raising My Girls

    My Girls - Brina and Karlie

    Sweet Brina Bee!

    I am so thankful for my girls!  They are growing up too quickly.  It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago when they were little ones crawling around the house.  God chose to bless us with these girls.  It has been a fun adventure raising twins!  Not everyday has been perfect, but we have so many reasons to be grateful for these two blessings.  They have made me grow more as a person.  They bring more love and laughter into my life than I ever realized was possible.


    My sweet Karlie Kool Kat is always game for a road trip!

    Both girls are very different, yet perfect and gifted in their own special ways.  I pray that God will give us as parents the wisdom to raise them into amazing young women.  I know I will make mistakes as their Mom along the way, but hopefully they will overlook those mistakes and  know that I love them despite those not-so-good-moments.   It is my prayer that they will seek God’s wisdom and direction in their lives.

    I want to go through life focusing more on the good memories and letting go of the little things that get my feathers ruffled.  Life is too short to not have fun, smile, and enjoy the blessings God gives us everyday.  For those of you who are new to my blog these two girls were the inspiration for my blog, Blessings Multiplied.  They continue to amaze me with their creativity, learning, talents, and their love for life!  I look forward to many more awesome memories with these two sweet girls and seeing how God uses them to make an impact in the lives around them.

  • Heart Reflections: 30 Quick Tips on Being a Positive Parent


    The other day I was filling out a card for a cousin who recently had a baby.  As I was writing the card I had a whirlwind of thoughts, advice, and things I wanted to share with this couple who just recently began this wonderful parenting journey.  This is part of what I shared with them which was also a great reminder to me and hopefully an encouragement to you if you’re a parent as well.   I have edited it to remove their specific names on the card.

    Congratulations!  We are so happy for your sweet family!  Welcome to the crazy and fun parenting party!  Wishing all of you a lifetime packed full of laughter and wonderful memories.  Praying that parenting will be a great adventure for you.  We are thrilled for all of you and wish you the very best!  Many Blessings!

    Parenting Tips We Want to Share  (I added a couple more to the list since writing the card):

      1. Laugh as often as possible (even at your own mistakes)
      2. Make a point to hug your child and tell her that you love her everyday
      3. Cherish the memories, they really do grow up way too fast
      4. Show grace and mercy often
      5. Never discipline when you’re angry
      6. Take lots of pictures, especially of your times together
      7. Seek God’s wisdom daily for your life, marriage, and parenting
      8. Be a positive and encouraging cheerleader for your kid
      9. Take time regularly to listen to your child
      10. Breathe deeply and count to 10 when your patience is being stretched thin
      11. You will feel more like a “SuperDad” and “SuperMom” after a full nights sleep
      12. Spend quality one-on-one time with your child
      13. Read to them, sing with them, and play with them
      14. Pray a lot – some days you’ll really need it
      15. Protect, guide, and nurture the best you can then trust that God will work in their hearts
      16. Words can be used to build up or tear down (make sure to chose them wisely)
      17. It’s the little things that make the biggest impact on our kids
      18. It doesn’t have to be flashy or expensive to be fun
      19. Be content with your life
      20. Give generously to others
      21. Find teachable moments each day  (kids love learning new stuff)
      22. Speak kindly to and about others (little eyes are watching what you do and hearing what you say)
      23. Stand up for what’s right (even when it’s hard)
      24. Allow your kids to make some mistakes on their own so they can learn
      25. Get creative and have fun together – life’s too short to be boring
      26. Smile, slow down a little, and enjoy this wonderful part of your life
      27. Make the “normal” everyday events exciting
      28. Go on adventures
      29. Do family devotions and pray together
      30. Explore and try new activities together

    There are so many areas of our lives that are stretched when we are parents.   While being a parent is the most rewarding experience it is also one of the most challenging.  It feels like I am constantly making mistakes or doing/saying something that’s not edifying or encouraging to my kids.  Yes, they know very well how to “push my buttons,” but that doesn’t mean I have to over react either.   Thankful for my kids and the many lessons they teach me about parenting.