Family,  Heart Reflections,  Intentional Living,  Kids,  Raising Multiples,  Teaching our Children

Heart Reflections: 30 Quick Tips on Being a Positive Parent

The other day I was filling out a card for a cousin who recently had a baby.  As I was writing the card I had a whirlwind of thoughts, advice, and things I wanted to share with this couple who just recently began this wonderful parenting journey.  This is part of what I shared with them which was also a great reminder to me and hopefully an encouragement to you if you’re a parent as well.   I have edited it to remove their specific names on the card.

Congratulations!  We are so happy for your sweet family!  Welcome to the crazy and fun parenting party!  Wishing all of you a lifetime packed full of laughter and wonderful memories.  Praying that parenting will be a great adventure for you.  We are thrilled for all of you and wish you the very best!  Many Blessings!

Parenting Tips We Want to Share  (I added a couple more to the list since writing the card):

    1. Laugh as often as possible (even at your own mistakes)
    2. Make a point to hug your child and tell her that you love her everyday
    3. Cherish the memories, they really do grow up way too fast
    4. Show grace and mercy often
    5. Never discipline when you’re angry
    6. Take lots of pictures, especially of your times together
    7. Seek God’s wisdom daily for your life, marriage, and parenting
    8. Be a positive and encouraging cheerleader for your kid
    9. Take time regularly to listen to your child
    10. Breathe deeply and count to 10 when your patience is being stretched thin
    11. You will feel more like a “SuperDad” and “SuperMom” after a full nights sleep
    12. Spend quality one-on-one time with your child
    13. Read to them, sing with them, and play with them
    14. Pray a lot – some days you’ll really need it
    15. Protect, guide, and nurture the best you can then trust that God will work in their hearts
    16. Words can be used to build up or tear down (make sure to chose them wisely)
    17. It’s the little things that make the biggest impact on our kids
    18. It doesn’t have to be flashy or expensive to be fun
    19. Be content with your life
    20. Give generously to others
    21. Find teachable moments each day  (kids love learning new stuff)
    22. Speak kindly to and about others (little eyes are watching what you do and hearing what you say)
    23. Stand up for what’s right (even when it’s hard)
    24. Allow your kids to make some mistakes on their own so they can learn
    25. Get creative and have fun together – life’s too short to be boring
    26. Smile, slow down a little, and enjoy this wonderful part of your life
    27. Make the “normal” everyday events exciting
    28. Go on adventures
    29. Do family devotions and pray together
    30. Explore and try new activities together

There are so many areas of our lives that are stretched when we are parents.   While being a parent is the most rewarding experience it is also one of the most challenging.  It feels like I am constantly making mistakes or doing/saying something that’s not edifying or encouraging to my kids.  Yes, they know very well how to “push my buttons,” but that doesn’t mean I have to over react either.   Thankful for my kids and the many lessons they teach me about parenting.