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Family STEM Activity Night

Family STEM Night

Karlie watching the robotics demonstration right after giving her speech to the students, faculty, parents, and family members in attendance.  So proud of her!  She was the only 3rd grader to give a speech that night!

The girls had a blast at their Family STEM Night!  Karlie gave a presentation to everyone in attendance about their STEM Club and robotics competition.  That night they had a lot of fun activities as well as informational meetings throughout the evening.  Brina and Karlie had a blast learning, soaking in all the great information, and participating in the various activities.  It was neat to see them work both independently and together to create some neat projects in the evening!


Learning about the cool pieces and their purposes.  Karlie was thrilled to hold the one that had been up in space!


Karlie testing her dragon racer.


Brina testing her dragon racer.


Putting together a soft bed for the raw egg.


Almost done with wrapping our egg!


Final wrapping to  their egg nicknamed “Pink Flemingo” for the egg drop competition.  I remember doing a similar activity in elementary school.  Super Fun!


Under all those pink and orange feathers and bubble wrap is a raw egg – “Pink Flemingo”!


A little concerned that the Pink Flemingo may have broken in the drop so they are hurrying to get back and unwrap her!


Brina so proud of her Pink Flemingo egg drop activity and wrapping skills!  The Pink Flemingo did survive the egg drop!  Yay!  The girls loved this activity!


Making their airplane gliders to fly and measure!