• School: Family STEM Activity Night


    STEM Club team members getting ready to speak to family, friends, and school faculty.

    On Family STEM Activity Night all students and families were invited to participate in dinner, activities, and a STEM Club presentation.  Both of our girls spoke in front of all the school faculty, family, and friends that were at the event.  So proud of their courage and willingness to speak in front of so many people.  They did fantastic at the robotic competitions and speaking at the event.


     Karlie speaking.  Brina spoke too, but we didn’t get a clear picture of her.

    School - Family STEM Activity Night - P1400136c

    Our little super heroes!


    Karlie getting ready to test her balloon rocket.


    Mrs. Williams (Brina’s 4th grade homeroom teacher) helping Brina put her balloon on the string so she can race it.


    Mr. Moore (one of the STEM Club coaches) timing Brina’s balloon as it zips down the string to the target.


     Brina making her container for her egg drop.  You got 1 containers and could use 2 items.  She picked bubble wrap and yellow feathers!


    Karlie picked cotton balls and sponges for her egg drop container!


    There goes Karlie’s!


    Brina getting ready to watch her egg drop.  The girls were the first ones to not have their eggs break on the concrete (almost 40 people went in front of them)!


    Jake met us at the school.  He was great at building the tower out of spaghetti noodles and marshmallows.  They were given a specific amount of dry spaghetti noodles and marshmallows to see how high of tower they could build.  They had one of the highest towers when we left the room.


    Measuring the tower!  It was leaning a little, but could stand on it’s own without assistance!


     Our spaghetti noodle and marshmallow tower design!


     At the end of the night the school held a drawing for all the people that came.  We had the grand prize ticket – an Amazon Kindle!  The kindle has already been proven valuable on our last couple of road trips.  Instead of bringing extra books they can read a lot of books that we downloaded on the Kindle.  It’s been a nice item to have for the kids.  They are very lucky girls!

  • Family STEM Activity Night

    Family STEM Night

    Karlie watching the robotics demonstration right after giving her speech to the students, faculty, parents, and family members in attendance.  So proud of her!  She was the only 3rd grader to give a speech that night!

    The girls had a blast at their Family STEM Night!  Karlie gave a presentation to everyone in attendance about their STEM Club and robotics competition.  That night they had a lot of fun activities as well as informational meetings throughout the evening.  Brina and Karlie had a blast learning, soaking in all the great information, and participating in the various activities.  It was neat to see them work both independently and together to create some neat projects in the evening!


    Learning about the cool pieces and their purposes.  Karlie was thrilled to hold the one that had been up in space!


    Karlie testing her dragon racer.


    Brina testing her dragon racer.


    Putting together a soft bed for the raw egg.


    Almost done with wrapping our egg!


    Final wrapping to  their egg nicknamed “Pink Flemingo” for the egg drop competition.  I remember doing a similar activity in elementary school.  Super Fun!


    Under all those pink and orange feathers and bubble wrap is a raw egg – “Pink Flemingo”!


    A little concerned that the Pink Flemingo may have broken in the drop so they are hurrying to get back and unwrap her!


    Brina so proud of her Pink Flemingo egg drop activity and wrapping skills!  The Pink Flemingo did survive the egg drop!  Yay!  The girls loved this activity!


    Making their airplane gliders to fly and measure!

  • STEM Robotics Competition


    The “Crosswell Flares” logo and design the kids came up with for this year.

    The girls STEM Robotics Team – The Crosswell Flares – did a great job this weekend! It was their first year in the competition and a long day (left the house at 7 am and wasn’t back home until around 7 pm that night), but all their hard work paid off they got 2 Trophies!!! The girls had a blast, learned a lot, and met a lot of people from various schools in the area!


    The tagline they came up with was “Keep your flame in the game” which was on the back of their shirts along with the list of team members.

    STEM Robotics Competition - Crosswell Flames

    With so many people around the robot table during the competition this was the best picture we could get that day.  This is their robot going through the course.   They were able to accomplish all their missions that they had programmed and practiced.


    The team getting ready to start the competition!

    STEM Competition Brina

    Brina very excited about her “swag bag”! As part of the competition each team made swag bags for their team members then they would have the opportunities to trade items with other teams. It stimulated a lot of interaction among the various teams. They were actually judged on this piece of the competition as well.

    STEM Competition - Karlie

    Karlie showing off her swag bag! Their team actually won a trophy for this part of the competition which included their sportsmanship and values.

    STEM Competition - Team Crosswell Flames

    They won 2 trophies! It was a long day and a lot of work, but they did fantastic! The kids were troopers! This was the teams first year competing against 17 teams (most of which have been competing for several years). Proud of all the kids and coaches for all the hard work. Good Job!!!

  • Great Work Girls!

    Great Work Girls!

    The girls completed their extra math work this week and earned pumpkins!  The pumpkins were on clearance for two dollars at Walmart so we figured it would be a fun activity to do together with the Halloween Holiday.  I don’t know which was more fun for them,  scooping the seeds out and dehydrating them so they could eat them or doing the jack-o-lanterns!

    Super excited that they continue to go the extra math with their math learning.  If you want to read more about why we are doing this activity you can see my post on Going the “Extra” Mile with Math It has been very beneficial for our family!

  • Going the “Extra” Mile with Math

    Way to Go GIRLS!

    Every week we give the girls 4 additional math worksheets to complete “on their own time”.  Each sheet for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division contain between 50 to 100 math problems (a total anywhere from 200 to 400 extra problems to compute).  We give them their math sheets in a folder on the weekend and they have until that Friday at 5:00 pm to have all their math sheets finished, checked, and corrected.  The worksheets are to be completed on their own time after homework, chores, and other family activities.

    If they get all their extra math worksheets done then they get a special message and a surprise!  We do not remind them of the worksheets or force them to do it.  Every week both girls have worked earnestly after homework or while riding in the car or during free time to complete the worksheets so they can get their special message and surprise.

    We have re-useable bags that we set up on the chalkboard with their treat in them.  Typically, the items will be ones we find on clearance that we know they’ll enjoy.  Over the last few weeks we’ve done anything from games, whistle candy, toys, bubbles, chalk, flashlight, crafts and more fun stuff.  On Fridays when they get home they immediately run upstairs to get their message and surprise.

    It has been interesting seeing how they have adjusted their activity patterns over the last few weeks.  At the beginning they would do one sheet at the beginning of the week and save the remaining three for Thursday night, which resulted in them hurrying to finish them before Friday.  They are figuring out the advantage of pacing themselves and getting some items accomplished earlier in the week so they are not rushed to get it done.  One time they didn’t get it done before Friday and were disappointed when they came home and no special message or surprise were waiting for them (guess they were really testing us to see if they really had to do the work) so they both sat done immediately and finished up their worksheets before the 5 pm Friday deadline.  They did it and got their reward!

    It is really neat seeing how much this activity has motivated them to do extra math exercises on their own time.   They are getting more efficient with their math facts too which will help them for the rest of their lives.  The results have been amazing for our kids.  It may take a little extra time for us to plan and execute, but if it is something that will encourage them to go the extra mile in learning it is worth it.

  • Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters

    This past year in school the girls started learning their Multiplication facts.  They actually had a good start with multiplication because they had been listening to the Multiplication CD by Twin Sisters for awhile now.  Karlie was actually given an award (and medal) this year for having the Highest Math Achievement in her class.

    While listening to a CD about Multiplication does not teach you everything you need to know it definitely can help give you a head start or help you pick up speed in a certain subject.  One of our girls learns very well through audio processing so any educational CD’s like this one from Twin Sisters is a big positive for her.  Both of our kids love listening to CD and audio books and this one is a bonus because they are learning something important too!

    You can get this CD online at Amazon or in several bookstores.  We actually found it for $2 at Garden Ridge in their CD clearance section.  It has definitely been with the couple dollars we invested in it!