• Three Ways Your Family can Welcome in a New Year!

    With a new year comes a lot of excitement!  The feeling of a fresh start in many areas of our lives, planning for future events and adventures, new goals, and more!  Everyday is a blessing!  While we welcome in the New Year don’t forget to reflect on the many blessings that you have enjoyed over the past year(s).  I encourage you to initiate a conversation with your family (it can be during a family dinner, game night, or any good time when everyone is present).  During this family time focus on these three things as a family to start off your New Year right.  This time together will make a positive impact on the hearts and lives of each individual family member and is worth it:

    1. Reflect back the fun memories and blessings of 2016!  Often the hardest part with this stage is getting the ball rolling.  Before the family time create a list of several good family memories to get it started.  Mention one and let others input their memories tied into that event as well as start adding their own memories.  Give everyone a chance who wants to talk the opportunity.  If there is a pause bring up a different memory to keep them going.  Before long you’ll be laughing and the kids will be bringing up memories connected to the event or new ones that you forgot about.  This is a wonderful way to end a year and begin a new one.
    2. Take a moment to think about the tough times over the past year! While the harder times are not easy to deal with or will bring back sadness or emotions they still have an impact on our lives.  Sometimes during these times of discussion you realize that a family member is still struggling with something.  Whether it is grief over a lost pet or loved one, anger, frustration, or something else.  This is a good time to gauge how everyone is doing and give you an opportunity to encourage each other or help those family members heal.  The love and support you receive from those around you can make an incredible impact on your life as you continue to move forward.  Knowing you are not alone, you are loved, and you have a team of people who want to help you can help the family member heal more quickly.  (Do not use this time to point out problems with each other, but to talk about harder times and to encourage.  Some topics made need to be tabled for a later and more lengthy conversation)  It will give you a good insight into your children and some ideas of what to help encourage them with over the next few weeks as they continue to grow and heal.
    3. Look ahead! As one year wraps up and a new one begins it is a great time to set some goals both personally and as a family.  Use this time to set family goals together.  There may be some activities that the kids have been wanting to do, but you have been letting it slip not even realizing that it was very important to them.  The goals discussed during this family  time should be family related, although they most definitely have a personal impact on each family member.  Write these goals down and review them weekly or monthly or regularly throughout the year to remind the family members of what is important to the family as a whole.  This also provides a lead in for each of the members to think about their personal goals.  It allows a great opportunity to have a group of people focused on similar goals and encouraging each other along the way.  Some family goal ideas (eat healthier, regular family game night, monthly date night with spouse and each child, daily family devotions, learn a new skill together, plan a family vacation, weekly family night, quarterly family service project, etc…).  Make a point to write the ideas down and either make a decision that day or within a few days on the family goals.  Type up a list, print it or email it to each family member so that they can be reminded of the ways your family is working together to create stronger bonds, happy memories, and improving lives.

    Setting aside a time when everyone is together can be difficult, however it is important.  It can be during a family dinner, game night, or another time when the family is together.  Make sure it is a convenient time with as little distractions as possible.  A time when everyone is more relaxed (not hungry, ready for bed, or trying to multi-task while having this conversation).  The reflecting on memories helps create a happy bond, the tough times allow family members to see that they are not alone and have the support of people who love them, and looking ahead gives you the opportunity to improve and grow into a better individuals and family unit.  If you do write down the family goals please do your best to follow through as much as possible because these goals are important to the members.

    Life has a way of staying busy.  Taking the time to spending reflecting on good memories as a way has a way of bringing everyone together.  It may cause some laughter, tears, and healing.  It is good to be reminded of the many blessings in our life and to realize that we are journeying through this life together.   Yes, we make mistakes along the way, but we can can make the best of it and have a lot of fun too.  Many blessings to you and your family this 2017 New Year!!!

  • Relationships: Reflecting on Memories

    Sunflower / Yellow Flower

    • Across the fields the summer sun
    • Is shining, and the breeze
    • Flows gently through the trees
    • Like waves upon the summer seas.
    • The wild flowers all along the fence
    • Are dancing in the sun.
    • The bees are buzzing through the fields. . .
    • I’ll bet their work is fun.
    • Look, there’s a path upon the hill;
    • Please come and walk with m.
    • For overtop the hill and down,
    • A meadow we will see.
    • For in the meadow there’s a brook
    • That I once waded through,
    • And in the meadow there are flowers
    • Of every shade and hue.
    • Come walk, with me along that brook
    • And share this day with me.
    • As carefree children once again
    • We live in memory.

    – Bonnie Gaunt

    Our lives are sprinkled with a variety of  memories.  Some of those memories bring a smile to our face while others bring a tear of sadness to our eyes.  Memories can come rushing back when one or more of our senses are spiked such as a familiar place, smell, or sound.

    When we walk along a stream or visit a familiar area with a family member or friend we get a glance into the past.  It’s important to take the time to remember those good times.  Relax in a quiet walk with someone dear to us.  Taking the time to laugh at the good times and great memories we have shared over the years.  Life goes by quickly and no one is guaranteed another day, but we have today so let’s make the best of what we have with those we love.

  • Heart Reflections: It’s Not About Us

    As Moms, wives, and friends we get involved in so many activities.  It is easy for our lives and schedules to quickly fill up to the point of bursting.  When our lives, hearts, and schedules get packed full we don’t have the flexibility to spontaneously help and encourage others.

    A month ago I had the blessing of taking a quick road trip with friends.  It was encouraging to spend time with a friend, another Mom.  We have been richly blessed with amazing people in our lives.  Also, we have a lot to be grateful for yet we often get too busy and don’t take enough time to focus about what’s really important.  We forget that other Mom’s are going through many of the same struggles that we go through.  We are not alone.

    As Moms we want to allow our children the freedom to grow while at the same time protect them from danger and harm.  There are many mistakes we make as Moms which can often lead to the feeling of guilt. Even though we make many mistakes in our lives and as parents God is much bigger than us.  The focus really isn’t on or about us at all.  Not only that but we are not called to raise “perfect” kids, the goal is to raise godly kids with the help of our spouse, extended family, church leaders, friends, and most importantly Christ. No one is perfect and to expecting our children to be that way is setting everyone up for disappointment.

    • The first step is reflecting his love, grace and mercy through our lives in our words and actions starting first in our homes.  We will continue to make a mess of some situations, but He forgives and helps point us back to what really is important.  God has the power to work in our lives and family despite our failures.  He is not surprised by those bumps in the road nor do they slow Him down.  When we are relying on him for strength we will have more energy to focus on helping our children each step of the way.

    Having the opportunity to raise and watch my girls grow has been a truly amazing adventure.  As Moms we need to pray for our children, families and those our lives touch.  We don’t know the path before us so we need to trust in His faithfulness and promises for today. While I was on bedrest for weeks the phrase that I repeated continually was “Day by Day”.  Getting through the tasks and plans that are to be accomplish today, not tomorrow or yesterday, just today!

    • Therefore the second step is praying for our kids.  One of my prayers for our girls is that they will grow up to know Him and have a soft heart willing to soak in His teachings as well as  listen to His guidance.  I hope that my girls will be able to see past their Moms shortcomings and have a direct relationship with a heavenly Father who loves them even more than their Mom and Dad.  No person or family is perfect.  I am thankful for a husband who plays an active role in the lives of our children and for a God who loves, heals, and protects our family.  It’s okay to loosen my grip a little regarding my children because I know I can hand my concerns about my children and their lives over to Him knowing He has their best interest at heart.

    We often get wrap up in what we need to get done that we miss some of the beautiful moments we have with our children.  Our girls are growing up quickly and I have to constantly remind myself that it’s not about us.  Our calling is so much bigger and better than just our schedule and agenda.  We have to continually remind ourselves of what truly matters and to purposely take the extra few minutes each day this week to really spend quality time with our families.

    “Heart Reflections” is a series of thoughts and encouragement that come directly from my heart.  Life has a way of throwing us extra challenges and when our focus is pulled away from what is truly important we tend to feel the pressure of stress in our lives.  This series is created to remind us that we are part of something so much bigger than ourselves.  We don’t have to face the pressure of life on our own.  We can trust that our prayers are being heard.  He alone knows what’s best for us and gives us the appropriate strength to get through each day as it is set before us.

    Photo by Seattle Municipal Archives