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Relationships: Through the Eyes of Children

 Sunflower / Yellow Flower

If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

There is joy in the simplest thing,

From the green of a leaf on the earliest tree

To the curve of a bird on the wing.

If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

There are miracles filling each day,

From the grass which mysteriously sways in the wind

To the gold in the sun’s friendly ray.

If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

There is wonder beyond any measure,

From the stars and the moon in the evening sky

To the sparkle of a dewdrop treasure.

 – Maryjane Tonn

I love how children take such joy and delight in the everyday things of life.  From a babies giggle to sprinkles on top of the ice cream cone to a handful of cheerful yellow dandelions picked to be displayed in glory on the counter.  The little moments of happiness and sheer gladness over the simple yet everyday tasks or items in life.  Learning how to use or do something for the first time brings a great happiness to a child.

As an adult there is so much my children and other children can remind me.  There is so many blessings all around us.  Too often I take those good things that God gives me for granted.  I know I don’t take enough time to focus on the blessings and goodness that I see around me.

Being around kids especially small ones for extended periods of time is exhausting yet rewarding.  Their energy and excitement is contagious.  I am thankful for my kids and the little ones that I have had the opportunity to spend time with because they remind me of the true treasures in life that I have been given.  Thank you little ones!