• Relationships: Friends Like You

    • A friend is someone who listens without judging you right or wrong, good or bad, and gently helps you define your thoughts to regain perspective.
    • When you’re feeling bad about yourself, a friend is there to remind you of all those positive qualities you may have forgotten.
    • When you share with a friend, decision-making becomes easier and problems seem less critical.
    • A friend gives you the priceless gift of time; time to share, to try out new ideas and rethink old ones.  No matter how often you’re together, you discover dimensions of yourself through the bonds and the mirror of friendship.
    • A friend loves you for who you are, not what you do.  Feeling so accepted, you are able to set higher goals, try harder, and achieve more.
    • Through close friendship, you learn the fine art of giving.  You expand, become more selfless, feel more deeply, and help more effectively.  See the happiness you bring to another person gives you a greater sense of well-being and increases your capacity to love.
    • Wherever you go in life, whatever stage or place you reach, a friend who has entered your soul is always with you, gently guiding, faithfully following, and ever walking beside you.

    – Sandra Sturtz Hauss

    Developing the deeper friendships take time energy and commitment.  The first and ultimate relationship we should focus on is with our heavenly father followed by our relationship to our spouse and then trickles down to our kids, extended family members, friends, and others in our lives.

    Sometimes our friends are close enough to our hearts that they are like family.  We feel comfortable around them.  We share laughter as well as dig deeper into the fears and struggles of life.  They are the people you know pray and encourage you no matter what that day brings.  Make sure you are continuing to be the kind of friend who allows your friends to celebrate and grow!

  • Relationships: Through the Eyes of Children

     Sunflower / Yellow Flower

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is joy in the simplest thing,

    From the green of a leaf on the earliest tree

    To the curve of a bird on the wing.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There are miracles filling each day,

    From the grass which mysteriously sways in the wind

    To the gold in the sun’s friendly ray.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is wonder beyond any measure,

    From the stars and the moon in the evening sky

    To the sparkle of a dewdrop treasure.

     – Maryjane Tonn

    I love how children take such joy and delight in the everyday things of life.  From a babies giggle to sprinkles on top of the ice cream cone to a handful of cheerful yellow dandelions picked to be displayed in glory on the counter.  The little moments of happiness and sheer gladness over the simple yet everyday tasks or items in life.  Learning how to use or do something for the first time brings a great happiness to a child.

    As an adult there is so much my children and other children can remind me.  There is so many blessings all around us.  Too often I take those good things that God gives me for granted.  I know I don’t take enough time to focus on the blessings and goodness that I see around me.

    Being around kids especially small ones for extended periods of time is exhausting yet rewarding.  Their energy and excitement is contagious.  I am thankful for my kids and the little ones that I have had the opportunity to spend time with because they remind me of the true treasures in life that I have been given.  Thank you little ones!

  • Boy Oh Boy – NICU Time with Sweet Kaelan

    'Meeting sweet Little Pumpkin for the first time!  Brings back so many memories of NICU!'

    Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a week in Colorado with family. My cousin Renelle Broughton (who is like a sister to me) had her little one early and was spending a big part of each day in NICU. I was able to spend time with her, her husband Eric, and their new sweet little one Kaelan! It was a precious time for me.

    Words cannot express how honored and truly amazing it was me to spend time with this awesome Momma, caring Dad, and adorable little guy. Not to mention to have the chance to experience NICU from a totally different perspective from when the girls were in it over 10 years ago. Kaelan won my heart immediately and I am grateful for Renelle and Eric opening their home, sharing their precious boy with me, and everything during that crazy busy week.

    Thankful for a chance to spend some extra time with my Aunt, Uncle, cousins, my parents, and other extended family over the weekend as well! Wish I lived closer to see them and their little guy grow up. Love you guys! Lots of hugs, kisses, and prayers always from South Carolina! Thankful for an awesome husband Jake Hayes for taking good care of our two chickies while I was in Colorado that week!

    'The goodies we put together for Kaelan!'
    Goodies for Kaelan!
    'Momma waking him up for the next feeding!'
    Renelle is like a sister to me and it was wonderful spending the week with her.
    'The most adorable little feet!  He was not too happy with us doing the footprints, but we got it done!'
    He was not happy about getting his footprints done and into the baby book, but his tiny little toes looked so stinkin cute afterwards!
    'He was a trooper taking his bottles!'
    Precious time with Renelle and her sweet little bundle of joy.  I cannot tell you how amazing this week was for me to spend with her, Eric, and her adorable baby boy!
  • Heart Reflections: Oops I Did It Again!

    Is it just me or do you seem to repeat the same mistakes too?  Sometimes I feel like take two steps forward and one step back in the process (possibly at times is it more like 2 steps forward and 3 steps back)

    It is hard to be find joy and contentment in every moment of every day, especially when it seems like no matter what there’s always little ripples that happen throughout the days, weeks, months, and years.  How do we find joy in the moments when we want to just go back to bed or go somewhere quiet or escape the stress of life?

    • Find joy in the little things.  Everything may not be going well, but there is always something to be thankful for in your life.  It could be your health, family, friends, a job, home, food on the table, a vehicle to drive, sunshine, or a whole bunch of other things we tend to take for granted.  Taking a few moments to count your blessings can really change your outlook on life.  A thankful heart is a positive heart.
    • Point your focus upward. When we look to Christ for our guidance we tend to see a bigger picture and we realize that it really isn’t that bad after all.  Yes, we make choices that can make life easier or more challenging for us, but we can also put our lives into the hands of the one who created the universe and trust that He really knows what is the best for us.  Just knowing that He holds my life in his hand can take some of the pressure off my tendency to micro-manage all aspects of my life.
    • Spend time helping others. We are by nature selfish people. When we take a few moments to focus our energy on someone else it can also lift our spirit too.  Take time to do something nice for someone else today and don’t expect any reward (or favor returned).  Not only will you help another person in the process your heart isn’t stuck on yourself and your issues.

    If you find yourself repeating the same mistakes over and over again.  Ask God for help, he can help you overcome even the little things that pop up in your life.  Find people that you trust to be an accountability partners for you.  You want people in your life that are not afraid to confront you if they see something in your life that isn’t wholesome for you and your family.  Take time to pray and spend time with people who will encourage you to live a life that reflects goodness instead of  repeating the same mistakes.

    Look for the blessings in your life throughout each day.  Turn your focus upward and outward.  Every one of us has the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives around us.