• Relationships: Through the Eyes of Children

     Sunflower / Yellow Flower

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is joy in the simplest thing,

    From the green of a leaf on the earliest tree

    To the curve of a bird on the wing.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There are miracles filling each day,

    From the grass which mysteriously sways in the wind

    To the gold in the sun’s friendly ray.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is wonder beyond any measure,

    From the stars and the moon in the evening sky

    To the sparkle of a dewdrop treasure.

     – Maryjane Tonn

    I love how children take such joy and delight in the everyday things of life.  From a babies giggle to sprinkles on top of the ice cream cone to a handful of cheerful yellow dandelions picked to be displayed in glory on the counter.  The little moments of happiness and sheer gladness over the simple yet everyday tasks or items in life.  Learning how to use or do something for the first time brings a great happiness to a child.

    As an adult there is so much my children and other children can remind me.  There is so many blessings all around us.  Too often I take those good things that God gives me for granted.  I know I don’t take enough time to focus on the blessings and goodness that I see around me.

    Being around kids especially small ones for extended periods of time is exhausting yet rewarding.  Their energy and excitement is contagious.  I am thankful for my kids and the little ones that I have had the opportunity to spend time with because they remind me of the true treasures in life that I have been given.  Thank you little ones!

  • Travel & Vacation: Downtown Disney (Orlando, FL)


    Walt Disney World – Where Dreams Come True! We made it!

    Recently our family had the opportunity to go to Orlando, FL.  Jake had a work conference and the girls and I tagged along.  He spent the majority of the week working, but was able to join us at the end for some fun family time together.  We got up at 3 am on Monday morning and made the drive to Orlando.  The kids slept the first few hours and entertained themselves the remaining distance with books, games, a movie, and more.  Thankful for kids who travel well.  They love going on road trips.

    We made good time on our way down to Florida so we decided to stop for a little bit and stretch our legs at Downtown Disney.   We still had a some time before we could check into our hotel and Jake heading off to the conference.  It was a beautiful sunny day and Downtown Disney wasn’t too busy.   There was some construction going on at Downtown Disney and from what we hear it will soon no longer be called Downtown Disney, but rather Disney Springs.


    Mickey Mouse! Made out of greenery!


    The Lego store Downtown Disney had some amazing lego displays.  This dragon breathing fire on the knight was in front of their store.  It was massive!


    Jake and the girls standing next to another lego display!


    This dragon was actually partly in the water!  Very neat!


    Snow White and the 7 dwarfs working around the mine.


    Outside of the T-REX Restaurant


    Inside the T-Rex Restaurant and gift shop!


    This was a ride you could go on in Downtown Disney.  It looked like fun, but we were not there long enough to investigate it further.


    Hotel with a flower Mickey Mouse across the water from Downtown Disney.


    Look out for that alligator!  It actually comes out closer to you and opens it’s mouth much to the fascination of the kids.


    The girls always love the fish tanks inside the Rainforest Cafe.  They also have a neat gift shop just watch out for the python (I have learned to look out for this creature from a past encounter)!


    On the outside of the Rainforest Cafe is a volume.  The volcano erupted as we were walking by.  Very cool to watch.  The random explosions probably lasted about 5 minutes.  The kids loved it!


    Learning more about this pretty white bird.


    Frozen!  Thankfully, it was a warm sunny day for us!


    Karlie and Brina near the Disney Christmas shop!


    Having fun in Downtown Disney!


    Three shirts with familiar faces on them!


    Had to sit on the bench next to Pooh, Tigger, and Piglet!


    Once Upon A Toy was a neat shop.  The girls brought their spending money and looked around this store a couple times during the week we were there.  The Disney items are really neat, but for their budget were a little pricey.  They ended up coming home with most of their money because they wanted to shop around for better prices instead of spending it all in one place.  Glad to see them choosing to wait on some items.


    Walking through Downtown Disney with Daddy!

  • Finding a Warm Spot!

    Our little feather friend found a warm spot between our storm door and back door! She was surprised to see us heading out to play in the snow!

    Recently we had a good 6 plus inches of snow in South Carolina which is pretty rare.  The whole family was out for a little bits throughout the day.  Brina and I lasted the longest the first round of snow playing.  I ended up carrying her up the hill to the house after sledding.  We got inside had hot chocolate, read books, ate lunch, had Snow Ball Ice Cream, did some laundry and relaxed before heading back out.

    The next time when the girls were all bundled up ready to head outside Jake opened the back door to let them out and we were startled to find a “friend” that must have tried to follow Brina and I inside to find some warmth!  We weren’t too excited about having a small bird flying around our house so we sent the girls out the garage then Brina came around to the back of the house to free the bird who was caught between the storm door and the back door of our house.  I think the bird was happy to find such a warm spot until she encountered us.  I am sure she was very glad find another warm spot away from the house!  Even the birds are looking for warmth on the snowy days.  I am thankful for a warm home especially during these cold days.