• Relationships: Through the Eyes of Children

     Sunflower / Yellow Flower

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is joy in the simplest thing,

    From the green of a leaf on the earliest tree

    To the curve of a bird on the wing.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There are miracles filling each day,

    From the grass which mysteriously sways in the wind

    To the gold in the sun’s friendly ray.

    If you look at the world with the eyes of a child,

    There is wonder beyond any measure,

    From the stars and the moon in the evening sky

    To the sparkle of a dewdrop treasure.

     – Maryjane Tonn

    I love how children take such joy and delight in the everyday things of life.  From a babies giggle to sprinkles on top of the ice cream cone to a handful of cheerful yellow dandelions picked to be displayed in glory on the counter.  The little moments of happiness and sheer gladness over the simple yet everyday tasks or items in life.  Learning how to use or do something for the first time brings a great happiness to a child.

    As an adult there is so much my children and other children can remind me.  There is so many blessings all around us.  Too often I take those good things that God gives me for granted.  I know I don’t take enough time to focus on the blessings and goodness that I see around me.

    Being around kids especially small ones for extended periods of time is exhausting yet rewarding.  Their energy and excitement is contagious.  I am thankful for my kids and the little ones that I have had the opportunity to spend time with because they remind me of the true treasures in life that I have been given.  Thank you little ones!

  • Counting Days on the Advent Calendar

    Several years ago my sister-in-law sent us an Advent Calendar.  The girls enjoy getting out all the Christmas decorations and hanging up the calendar.  Our calendar has a small pocket that fits two small pieces of candy  perfectly.  Every day, starting on December 1st through December 24th, the girls get a piece of hard candy from the Advent Calendar.  I pick up the candy when it is on sale or purchase with CVS or Walgreen rewards.  They are excited because they get to eat a piece of candy and can easily count the days until Christmas.  In addition to the candy I have been known to add a verse to read for the day.  It is important that the kids know the true meaning of Christmas especially in a society with so many other influences.

    It is a busy time of year and spreading the excitement throughout the month is a lot of fun.  It is an easy way to track the days leading up to Christmas.  The calendar would be fairly simple to make for someone who is crafty and can use a sewing machine.  How do you spread the excitement of Christmas over the whole month for your family?

  • Creative Initiatives – ZoobaLoobaDoo

    Flying balloonsIt is our role as spouses, parents, friends, and business associates to stimulate the creative side of others.  In our home we enjoy coming up with new ways to solve a problem, complete a project, or just have fun.  ZoobaLoobaDoo is one of those creative family words we developed in our home to get the family excited about certain activities.

    What is ZoobaLoobaDoo?

    ZoobaLoobaDoo is a  fun and creative excursion with a purpose.

    When errands need to be done and kids are in tow we go on a ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure together which always includes something fun along with the tasks to be completed.  The fun activity could be as simple as getting an ice cream cone, playing a game, going to the library or another kid approved activity.  When they girls were first learning the word they would tell me to “say that crazy word Mom so we can go with you on your errands.”   Now when we tell our girls we are going on a ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure they get excited  because they know that a piece of the activity is just for them.   Having that element of surprise and creativeness makes it fun for everyone involved.  I have the joy of coming up with a fun activity while they are excited to participate and discover what the adventure will be that day.

    Stimulate creative conversation in the lives you touch.  Encourage your family, friends, and business acquaintances to use their imagination and you may be surprised at the outcome.  Creativity allows us to come up with better solutions to problems, helps us tackle projects and injects an element of excitement into our lives.

    Life is too short to be boring, bring out the fun and creativeness first in yourself so it can spread to those around you. How do you allow creativeness to shine through in the people in your life – your spouse, kids, friends, family, co-workers, clients….?    When you allow creativeness to shine through in your life what happens?  Share with us  your ZoobaLoobaDoo.  If you don’t have a ZoobaLoobaDoo to share, start the excitement this week and you will be amazed by the results.

  • Spread the Entrepreneurial Spirit

    team Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  Have you considered starting a business?  Do you own a small business?  I love spotting the entrepreneurial spirit in people.  They are excited about their business and their passion shines through in their lives.

    Growing up in a family business instilled the passion for entrepreneurship in me at an early age.  I felt compelled to start my first business in junior high school with my siblings doing custom hay and harvesting work for local farmers.  Again in college I started a residential cleaning company to help pay for college.  I am excited to have the opportunity to interact with some of the most amazing entrepreneurs through my current business InSource Executives and Enterprise Launch.  I want to encourage those who are entrepreneurs, small business owners, or new startups because you can accomplish anything you want.

    Signs you are a contagious entrepreneur:

    • Share your Excitement – as an entrepreneur you are passionate about the products and services you have to offer.  When someone sees your excitement they will want to know more.  Many entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do and it shows!
    • Help Others – when you have the opportunity to pitch in and help someone do it.  Whether it is in your personal or professional life you need to be a part of their journeys as well.  Be giving of your time and energy when you can.  Everyone needs to be treated with respect and we all have times when help from a friend is the perfect pick-me-up.  Bring a meal to a new Mom, help a friend move, spend time to help a client complete a project, babysit so your friends can have a night out, share contact information that will be beneficial to someone else, etc…
    • Spread the Positive – what comes around goes around.  I truly believe that sharing the positive will stimulate a positive chain of reactions.  Always remember to spread good cheer to those around you.  Life is full of hurdles so try to look at the bright side of every situation.  Positive attitudes are contagious and much more encouraging to be around.

    The entrepreneurs that I have the opportunity to meet are incredible!  Seeing their entrepreneurial spirit shine through is encouraging.  I am thrilled to be a part of the business community and look forward to meeting the more great people this week.  Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  What are ways you spread the entrepreneurial spirit?