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A Treat for My Errand Buddies

Karlie's QT Treat

I LOVED having my girls home for the Christmas Holiday.  My only complaint is the time went by way too fast.  We had several days when we had to run errands.  On our last day of appointments and errands we ended with a special treat from QT.  The girls each got to pick out what they wanted from QuikTrip.  Karlie picked out a peppermint donut.  Brina picked out a hot peppermint vanilla cupcake drink.  They were very pleased with their special treats.

It has been so much fun running my errands with the girls.  We had a blast giggling, exploring, playing, random silly games, and activities throughout our adventures.  It won’t be nearly as exciting running around without my little buddies!

Brina's QT Treat