• A Treat for My Errand Buddies

    Karlie's QT Treat

    I LOVED having my girls home for the Christmas Holiday.  My only complaint is the time went by way too fast.  We had several days when we had to run errands.  On our last day of appointments and errands we ended with a special treat from QT.  The girls each got to pick out what they wanted from QuikTrip.  Karlie picked out a peppermint donut.  Brina picked out a hot peppermint vanilla cupcake drink.  They were very pleased with their special treats.

    It has been so much fun running my errands with the girls.  We had a blast giggling, exploring, playing, random silly games, and activities throughout our adventures.  It won’t be nearly as exciting running around without my little buddies!

    Brina's QT Treat

  • Fire Ball Applesauce

    I made a change to my crockpot applesauce recipe, I added 12 fire ball candies instead of cinnamon with the apples and a touch of brown sugar in the crockpot.   The applesauce turned out delicious and a beautiful pink-red color!  It’s a super easy recipe!

    Fire Ball Crockpot Applesauce:

    • 10 to 12 Apples (I just filled the crockpot)
    • 1 tablespoon Brown Sugar
    • 12 Fire Balls

    1.  Wash the apples.   Core and cut your apples into slices.  You can also peel the apples if you want too.

    2.  Put the apples in the crockpot.  Sprinkle the brown sugar on top of the apples.  Place the 12 Fire balls on top.

    3.  Cover and cook on low for 3 to 6 hours.  Stir every hour or so until the apples are the consistency you want (we like ours a more chunky so it was a little over 3 hours in the crockpot).

    4.  Mash them with a potato masher, fork, or blender.

    4.  Cool and store in an airtight container or bag in the refrigerator or freeze to enjoy at a later date.

  • Cousins Night Out!

    We ended our fun adventures in town that evening with a special treat! Ice cream cones!!!! This is the only picture of the 5 of them, everyone was having so much fun playing I didn’t want to make them stop to pose for a picture! 🙂

    Paul and Mirm were able to get away one night to meet friends and spend some quiet time together so we kept the kids.  Since Jake was working when Paul & Mirm left I took the crew to Par Tee Time which has bounce houses, batting cages, and miniature golf for the kids.  After Par Tee Time we picked up some pizza, had a picnic in the park and played.  We ended our night out with the cousins at Bruster’s for ice cream cones than headed home to get everyone showered and ready for bed.

    Whose up for a game of miniature golf?

    Sweet girl having a blast on the bouncy castle!

    The three older chickies having a blast giggling and playing

    Come on NOAH!  We know you can dunk that ball!

    Even my sweet little niece joined the big kids in a game of miniature golf!

    Concentrating hard on getting the ball into the hole!

    Practicing his swing in the batting cage

    Next one up to bat

    Karlie taking a whack at it

    Got those frogs…..Brina having a blast playing with her little cousin!

    Getting some extra air on that jump!

    Look out here she comes!

    Snapped a quick picture of Brina as she zoomed to the bottom of the slide!

    Karlie Cool Cat having a blast

    Did you just see me dunk that ball!

    Goofy girl, she makes me laugh!

    Eating pizza at the park


    Playing at the park

    I had a blast with the kids.  They did really well bouncing around and playing together.  Thankful for some extra time with my nieces and nephew.  The girls always enjoy their time with their cousins. A lot of great memories of their time with us!

  • Baskin Robbins: $0.31 Scoop Night (Wednesday, 4/27)

    Baskin Robbins has their  $0.31 Scoop Night on Wednesday night, 4/27/11, from 5 PM to 10 PM.

    The 31 Cent scoop night is in honor America’s firefighters and you help by participating and/or donating during the event.

    Baskin-Robbins is donating $100,000 to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation™ (NFFF).

    Check you local store to make sure they are participating in the event.  In the past the stores are pretty full during this event so you may want to go early or make sure you go when you have enough time.  Also, to keep the line moving they typically take cash only during this special event.  Enjoy treating your family to a good treat while helping a great cause!

  • Baskin-Robbins Coupon: Buy 1 Cone, Get 1 Free


    Baskin-Robbins Coupon for Buy 1 Cone, Get 1 FREE Cone!


    • Go to Baskin-Robbins Facebook
    • Scroll to their wall post on April 17th
    • Click the Play Button to instantly win a B1G1F Coupon to print out!

    The coupon Expires on May 15, 2011!

  • Family Recipe: Nancy’s Banana Bread

    A friend recently gave us banana bread which the girls absolutely loved.  After finishing that loaf I dug out our family recipe to make another loaf.  Grandma Willa shared Nancy’s Banana Bread recipe with us many years ago.  This delicious banana bread is always a super special treat around our house.  It is a wonderful recipe to pull out for a breakfast treat when you have guests staying with you or your hosting a get together for a group of friends.  I love that it is easy to put together too.


    Nancy’s Banana Bread:

    • 2 cups Flour
    • 1 tablespoon Water
    • 1/2 cup shortening
    • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
    • 2 Eggs
    • 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
    • 1 cup Sugar
    • 1/4 cup Walnuts (optional)
    • 3 Bananas, mashed

    Mix all the ingredients together.  Place in greased and floured bread pan.  Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

  • Recipe: Peanut Butter and Candy Cane Cookie Cups

    These are super easy and add fun to the any meal or snack.  We made these during our Christmas Baking Day.  I remember first making these yummy treat when I was in high school.  It is one of the easy recipes that I continue doing because they are such a hit with family and friends. It is basically a sugar cookie dough baked in a mini muffin pan with a Peanut Butter Cup or Candy Cane Kiss added at the end once it has started to cool.

    Peanut Butter & Candy Cane Cookie Cups

    • 1 package (18 ounces) refrigerator Sugar Cookie Dough OR here is our recipe for Sugar Cookie Dough if you want to make it from scratch.
    • All Purpose Flour (optional)
    • 12 unwrapped Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
    • 12 unwrapped Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses

    1.  Preheat oven to 350° F.

    2.  Grease 24 (1 inch) mini muffin cups or you can put them directly into a greased mini muffin pan.

    3.  Make Sugar Cookie Dough according to directions or if you have purchased it from the store unwrap it.  Sprinkle the dough with a little flour to minimize sticking (if necessary).

    4.  Use a small cookie scoop or spoon to drop about 1 rounded tablespoon into each of the 24 mini muffin cups.

    5.  Bake at 350° F for 8 to 10 minutes.  Remove from oven. Let cool for about 5 minutes.  If you do not let it cool long enough the Peanut Butter Cups and Candy Cane Kisses will melt completely, you want them to remain recognizable. Press the 12 unwrapped Reese’s Peanut Cups and 12 unwrapped Hershey’s Candy Cane Kisses into the mini sugar cookies.  You should have half Peanut Butter and half Candy Cane.  Let cool for an additional 5 to 10 minutes then gently remove them from the pan and place on a decorative dish or wrap in a pretty bag to give to family and friends.