Family,  Kids,  Twins

Planet & Star Gazing

Our Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its MoonOur Little Karlie Fox Checking Out Jupiter and its Moons

The best evening the entire Christmas break to look at the stars was when it was 20 degrees outside!  All of us went out on the back deck to check out the beautiful night lights in our big sky.  We were able to see Jupiter and its moons!  So BEAUTIFUL!!!  It’s amazing that you can use a telescope to see so very far away.

Karlie was so excited to see the moon, clusters of stars as well as Jupiter and its moons.  Brina looked for awhile but got chilly so went inside and wrapped in a blanket next to the fire.  Thankful for a chance to gaze at the stars with the family even if it was very chilly outside.

Star GazingPlanet & star gazing on the back porch